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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Fucking hell!,never mind all that bollocks about pubs going out of business,it seems like things certainly 'aint what they used to be'.No coincidence,more pooftahs less wanking Just realised...hope they dont mean kebabs!,thought that garlic sauce tasted funny
  2. Neil

    Lord Montagu

    I did hear that he liked to keep his big end well lubricated and liked it up the ol' exhaust
  3. Neil

    Kanye West

    This says all you need to know about this cuntard! Try not to laugh too loud.
  4. Neil

    Wank Holidays

    You know,like when the weather outside is just that and when the only thing to do is just that.
  5. Neil


    I believe....I often wake up covered in ectoplasm having been visited by some female spectre of the night
  6. You've never watched a bluey?,You've never been on the internet and watched porn?.If the answer to these 2 questions is no then I can only conclude you are a fucking hermit,virgin,monk living in solitude with a cooker,a bog and a broadband connection solely used for Cunts Corner!
  7. Neil

    BBC at it again.

    I'm glad I don't frequent these fucking places,who wants to be in the way when one if these cunts wants to clean his pipes out!
  8. you know it ,wanking is nature's cannabis,I've never seen a bloke not lay back with a fucking huge grin on his chops after emptying his sack.This would solve all the world's conflicts,if only they'd drop their guns and grab their todgers the world would be a better (although stickier)place.Why use an AK 47 when you can use a single barrel pump action yoghurt rifle?
  9. Someone needs to get his rocks off
  10. Is that you Jazz?,how's the spac?
  11. Seriously?,this cunt sits there with his mouth looking like its been stiched up to resemble a cats arsehole and tries to be funny with repartee akin to the fucking chuckle brothers.I actually despise the cunt so much I find myself tuning in before I go to work just so I can cunt him off and put myself in the right frame of mind to face the days tedious arseholes I have to deal with,
  12. Anyone who rides home from work deserves to get wet,why dont you buy a car you tight cunt and help bring about the end of the world sooner so we can all be put out of our fucking misery,selfish bastard!
  13. no,silly bollocks,but the formula for your good self is 1AM=S1lLy CllNT+W@n £€R
  14. fucking good job I spent 10 days living 'La dolce vita' cos I must have fucking blinked and missed our cunt! Roll on july
  15. Isn't a mincing chef really a butcher?
  16. Cant work out where 'cunt' is best used here,the BBC for wasting valuable airtime,staff,cameras etc in presenting a 5 minute class on how its done or the cunt of an engineer for wasting precious time and money in such a way instead of engineering a jet that doesn't fucking crash!.I've just invented a formula that dissolves cunts who can only be describes as oxygen theives,Bill Turnbull,youre first up you cunt
  17. Neil

    Jamie Oliver

    I see this cunt is all over the internet having lost 2 stone,did someone cut his tongue off?
  18. have you any idea how fucking difficult it is to walk fast with webbed feet?
  19. Neil

    Garrulous Gym Goers

    "Thank crunchie its thursday"? I don't fucking think so,you're a day early you soppy cunt
  20. Neil

    Garrulous Gym Goers

    Gyms are full of cunts,fat cunts,fit cunts,posey cunts,I only went once cos my mate said they had got a new machine in,fucking great it was,full of crisps,twix's,coke,crunchies etc
  21. Fucking hell Bill,even I know its only fair to buy some ol slapper a Big Mac and a Tizer if you wannna splooge all over her chops.They've all shown some sort of appreciation until I've kicked 'em out the van on some dark country lane leaving them screaming & effing & blinding,like I said,I'm not an arsehole.
  22. Sorry Snatch I forgot to add that i'd give her a bunch of daffs and a toblerone for her efforts,I'm not a complete cunt
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