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Everything posted by cuntspotter

  1. cuntspotter


    When I were a lad, a clegg was what we called a yellow headed pustule.If I were Nick, I'd just have to change my fucking name!
  2. Careful, now, remember what the parole board said.
  3. Excellent use of final qualifier there, Scotty.
  4. It's a bit of a cunt and certainly not as good as it used to be. Increase of roughly 10% over last 35 years. Viva anti depressants, new recreational drug of choice.
  5. Have a couple of Rum babas before hitting the town. Just down from the Havana Libre hotel , towards the beach, is the club la zorra. It's got Jazz 7 nights a week. I've played there.
  6. These stores have to do business. They will soon be a bit more cautious about who they employ. that would be interesting.
  7. Mr Desmond runs the wet fish stall in Pontypool Market.
  8. Stubby, you daft cunt. Stubby, you're a daft cunt.
  9. Ok, punters. This site is about cunting the cunts of the world. No nominating each other. No bickering , baiting , trolling or flaming. Can we please ease off the shit flinging, this is becoming tedious.
  10. I seem to recall he had been cycling and was dozing in the sun........ Some park in sarf lahndan
  11. We've got a veritable gang show of squillionnaires loafing around on the corner, scoffing at the peasantry, correcting Grammar and mocking our lack of refinement . It's what the toff about town and shire does these days. Good manners are so last year.
  12. So, Stoke hasn't even got that? Bummer!
  13. Are they the same as left hookers?
  14. Is't Burton's bitter from up there?
  15. Interestingly, I'm shitting in my pants now...... Nothing to do with awe though.
  16. That has never really bothered the sons of David , has it? The changes necessary will likely occur from within the Israeli population itself and continued diplomacy. The surrounding 120,000,0000 Arabs muted sabre rattling is just whistling in the dark.
  17. No matter how much I see people here complaining about supermarket staff, and I have joined in with it in the past, I cannot help compare them with Mrs Beavis and Mrs Murray, two stalwarts from "Home and Colonial" round my way in the sixties. These two disgusting old Gorgons were the rudest , most high handed , snooty fuckers you have ever seen. They were more than shop assistants, they were the keepers of the magic box. At least the couple delivering to you showed some fledgeling amiability, you can work with and develop that.
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