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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Fascinating. Do tell us more about your business.
  2. As should the fact that you're a fucking idiot, although it's unlikely to come as a great surprise to anyone.
  3. And not, by any stretch of the imagination, someone who's been here before.
  4. A predictable and boring reply from a complete cretin.
  5. What a dreadful looking piece of utter fucking shit. More like a two wheeled car than a motorcycle. Only a complete spacker would buy one.
  6. It's comments like this that make you top dog around here. I was particularly amused to see that the oily heap of shit had slithered out to give you a like.
  7. Ape™️

    Muslim Poofs

    You must be good at it then.
  8. Ape™️

    Muslim Poofs

    Have you ever been caught bumming?
  9. Ape™️

    Muslim Poofs

    Fuck off you poof. lol.
  10. Ape™️


    You're a fucking disgrace.
  11. Ape™️


    Try and be a little more entertaining in your replies Punky - you're coming across like a spacker.
  12. Ape™️


    Show yourself some respect, you unruly urchin.
  13. Yes, I've heard that being overly perceptive can lead to AIDS. Who'd have thought it? I bet Freddie Mercury would have been less perceptive if he could have his time again. Fucking idiot.
  14. I fucking knew it. Serves you right, you thick, alcoholic wanker. Lol.
  15. I assume, from your aggressive posting style tonight, that you've played golf like a spastic this weekend?
  16. Ape™️


    Fair enough. You sound like a real barrel of laughs.
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