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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Someone bring me a fucking bucket.
  2. Oh, you're going to be a really barrel of laughs aren't you?! I'll be sure to only use my very nicest language in your presence.
  3. Yes, it just wouldn't be cricket if one were to be rude to someone on Cunts Corner.
  4. Ape™️


    Yeah, and to the fucking glue factories too. Fucking cunts.
  5. Ah I see....you're substituting micra with micro. That's really very funny and also extremely clever. Wanker.
  6. So, by this reasoning your avatar is a true life representation of you? A ginger bearded shit stabbing wanker?
  7. Indeed - if you are comfortable being perceived as a fucking stupid fucking cunt.
  8. Ape™️


    What a terrible mistake to have made. I noticed it about ten seconds after posting and corrected it, which proves you're just sitting there reading everything I post like some kind of disgusting French stalker. You're a fucking freak.
  9. Ape™️


    Sorry about that. I'll spend some time studying some @Witheredscrote posts - perhaps I'll pick up some pointers on how to be completely unfunny.
  10. Ape™️


    Better to have once been funny, than never.
  11. Ape™️


    Since you lack the skill, intelligence and dexterity to fly even a helium party balloon, then regardless of payload, this won't be happening.
  12. Ape™️


    And skillsets are something that @Punkape and @Witheredscrote completely lack, unless you count being repetitive, being thick and being a fucking stupid fucking cunt as skills. Lol.
  13. Ape™️


    You have no idea what you're talking about - as per usual. Tiresome, repetitive, stupid faux French wanker.
  14. Thus confirming the observations I've made on the type of cunts that drive these things.
  15. Ape™️


    Kindly explain how flying model aircraft (an activity that you would fail miserably at, due to your inherent stupidity) can be classed as attention seeking? It's a very rewarding hobby, and far safer than poking your cock through glory holes at the local pitch and putt. Fuck off.
  16. Ape™️


    Are you craving attention? You seem to be constantly churning out the same shit lines, despite you being the only one who finds them even remotely amusing.
  17. Well that certainly put us all in our place. Now, what was @Roadkill saying earlier? Something about long-winded replies I think. Yes, that was it - long winded replies in which you attempt to appear "good".
  18. And also factually correct - you've made yourself look a complete prick.
  19. Ape™️


    Or more specifically, horses on modern roads. Whilst driving today, I had to swerve to avoid what I believed to be an animal in the road. However, as I got very close it became apparent in was a huge, steaming pile of fucking horse shit. A little further down the road there was a rolling queue of about a dozen cars, and at the front, two pony-and-trap type things causing long delays since there was no passing space. I'm not against horses, but I am against them being out on public roads, causing traffic chaos, shitting all over the place, with their riders expecting to be treated courteously by frustrated, road tax paying motorists. The era of horses on the roads died long ago, but due to ridiculous legacy laws, they are still permitted to trott along down busy highways, often at utterly fucking selfish and inconsiderate times of day.
  20. Hahahahahahaha! Fucking brilliant!
  21. Never has anyone had a more appropriate user name than him.
  22. Why do you seem to believe that people would seek your respect? Deluded wanker - nobody gives a fuck.
  23. Nothing schoolyard about it - just stating the facts.
  24. Fuck off you thick, tedious and colossally stupid wanker.
  25. These fucking cars are almost exclusively driven by dawdling old cunts with the reactions of a slug that's had a heavy dose of Mogadon. I can clearly imagine Pen in one. Fuck off.
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