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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Return of the Jazz. Return of the Jazz. Return of the Jazz, you know that he's a spaz.
  2. What do you expect? You're a nasty, twisted, vile little poof. Of course you'll be regularly banned. If I had my way, you'd be banned from using oxygen.
  3. Indeed, but don't forget you're also a fucking lunatic.
  4. I'm a great fan of his range of "Pukka" pies. They're top drawer cuisine. Anyway, while you're here, fuck off. lol.
  5. This nom should have simply been entitled "Jamie Oliver Existing".
  6. Ape™️


    You've missed the cunning, real purpose of the nom though Wiz - it was to make me behave like my usual, cuntish self. And it worked.
  7. Ape™️


    Yes, the nom was cunningly crafted to lure me out and make me behave like my usual cuntish self. Very well done, you mindless cretin.
  8. Ape™️


    What a spectacularly fucking shite nom. Fuck off.
  9. Where is that opinionated little cunt Punkape when there's a decent debate going on? Probably getting his fudge well packed I expect, the nasty little poof. lol. Lol.
  10. I'd like to knock the back out of Jessie. James I'd murder.
  11. Yes, but it's hardly a big deal. Well, to me it isn't.
  12. Calm yourself Alfie, it's not real.
  13. Are we talking sterling or Clubcard vouchers again?
  14. Fuck me Eddie, I never knew you were capable of such huge amounts of common sense!
  15. Why would people want to boycott a site that they choose to visit of their own free will? As you say, the telling thing is that people keep coming back. Perhaps the reason is, despite the odd stack up, that it's just good fun and a release from the everyday shite of life?
  16. Snatch, we have no jurisdiction over who the mods are on here. We aren't shareholders or partners, so as I see it we have to either accept who the owner of the site wishes to appoint to moderate, or move on. I'm not having a go at you, just saying as I see it.
  17. Yeah, shut up Ding, you tedious fucking twat.
  18. Yes, yes, yes, that's all very well. But what should about all the poofs with AIDS?
  19. Surely he must have been a poof with AIDS too?
  20. Have you partaken in any alcoholic beverages too?
  21. Ape™️


    Isn't it just? Splendid, really splendid.
  22. They are generally shopping for other people. Probably being good neighbours to an elderly person, but this doesn't make them any less of a cunt.
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