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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. No mention on here or the BBC about yesterdays incident on a Ryanair flight from Liverpool to Alicante. Full of football fans , pissed up , and surprise , surprise a punch up started. The flight had to be diverted to my local airport Limoges , where the gendarmes were waiting and arrests made , hopefully plus a good battening. ' You'll never walk alone ' . If there were justice the gendarmes would make sure this low life shit masquerading as humans couldn't walk , end of. Some respect being shown for the 96 wasn't there. Cunts
  2. My brother lives in Scotland by choice. Mind you he is a complete cunt.
  3. I am half interested in the points you have raised.
  4. There you go then Dung , you haven't nommed it though have you , you've posted it here. Safer that way I suppose , it would have been shit , if your past noms are anything to go by. I am very happy thank you , just strolling down to my local for aperos and le dejeuner .
  5. Fuck off and nom something you lazy Welsh cunt.
  6. What the fuck is going on . Only one nom since 7.00 am on Tuesday posted by Bibbly and that was shit . Mono Mental has done his very best with an essay on Venetian turds . The rest of you lazy useless cunts have nommed fuck all. Up your game you spasticated cumstains
  7. You left out sad between bald and old you soppy cunt.
  8. Quite right Bawsey , just try and imagine what the outcome would be if Peabrain's seed fell onto fertile soil. Knuckle dragging , double nomming cunts everywhere within 2 generations.
  9. Well done Swarmers for reading Peabrain's essay to the end. I dozed off after the start of line 3 when he said bollocks. I just agreed and went for a shit. Lot easier.
  10. Yes , what a fucking shambles. I was at the dentist today and he showed me the paper.Typical French response , he stood there , drill in hand ,shrugged his shoulder and said ' Thats what you get when you allow a Dutch man to practice in France . Holland is only good at growing tulips !'. Fucking disgraceful.
  11. Can I buy them from you , have they got a picture of her minge on them ?. We are organising a fete in my village and French kids will 'snap them up ' they will think its a picture of a squashed frog.
  12. I am never at my best first thing in the morning , often making stupid little mistakes. For example , at breakfast this morning I meant to say to the wife 'pass me the marmalade dearest' , but apparently what I actually said was ' you have ruined my life you miserable old crone'
  13. Guillotine , too good for the cunts. They should all be put in one room with lots of rope and cutthroat razors , then make them listen to a Roops 2 hour lecture. The interbred fuckers would be topping themselves faster than she could talk.
  14. Our doctors and other hospital staff never go on strike here. Patient welfare comes first. That said , every other cunt is always on strike , the exception being my local bar/café . I am just off for a stroll down there now , read the papers , an apero or two , sitting outside in the shade. Vivre
  15. You stupid , heartless Welsh cunt. As her manager I would have asked her into my office , poured her a coffee and given her support and comfort . Then I would have offered her Kleenex tissues to dry her eyes , or mop up the jizz around her backer box , which ever came first after I had bashed in her back doors.
  16. You work ? . how tiresome for you. I am just going to stroll to my local café/bar for a late croissant, coffee and maybe an apero or two
  17. I suggest you are the tosser as you did not pick up Peabrain's spelling error. Practacally , where was he educated , Nigeria ?
  18. A leper was told that he would have to breakfast alone after he repeatedly kept dipping his buttered soldiers into his best friends head.
  19. Its short for ' Cheshire homosexualist '
  20. I don't know about you voting for out . It would be a good start if you 'came out' , you mincing Waitrose shopping golf playing faggotty cunt. Further , your saying 'fall apart' prompts me to enquire about the state of your arsehole.
  21. True my missus , every time I alter the clocks. I am sure its a woman thing. Stupid bints.
  22. I'd like to give you some chemical assistance. A sulphuric acid enema springs to mind
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