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The Beast

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Posts posted by The Beast

  1. 37 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

    I’ve had two AZ, a Pfizer booster and a flu jab. I have no “buyers regret”. I put my trust in medical science, just like people who fly off to Benidorm or Majorca put their trust in thick, gullible sheep like me - the people who engineer the death trap flying machines. 

    This has nothing to do with aviation, leaving aside the increased numbers of deaths among pilots this year.

    Which medical science is this? The one where the trial data is corrupted? The same one where the papers are locked away for 75 years? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Threatening punters with the boot because they dare to criticise you really is very, very poor form. Your constant bickering with Billy is beyond tedious- you might have noticed nobody else joins in. Surely with your massive brain you’d have learnt by now the claims he makes are either straight off the David Icke website or simply false just to wind you up.

    Yes, like big hitters here I act a right cunt tell the mouth breathing flids to fuck right off, but my nomination output of late has been stellar.

    Proper has recently taken a well deserved kicking for spouting his wacky quacky theories that the covid vaccine is unsafe and killing healthy athletes by the trillion. Lets hope it’s your turn next for this pointless diatribe with KB, your general know it all snooty attitude and last word tyranny, you insufferable broomstick driving crone 


    You need to deal with the buyer's regret.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Ah, invoking the name of Gates in a tenuous guilt by association ploy. That'll whip up the Tin-foil brethren.

    In fact the Temerty fund donated the money to Toronto University, not McGill.

    All things considered I think you been selling a pup to the puntership with this Dutch fella

    You are right to correct me that the Temerty family gave their dough to Toronto university, but as you know a google search "Bill gates Mcgill University" makes it all clear.

    Of course Vanden Bossche could be wrong about many things, but on escape mutations evading vaccines he appears to be near the mark.

    We have kept discourse civil, avoiding profanities, but the anti vaxxer, tin foil jobbies and covid denier are not appropriate, as I am not in these categories, just as you are not sheep, cattle or vaccine shill. 

    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    It’s a strange world we’re living in when Robert Malone MD, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and pioneer of using RNA in therapeutic drugs has been warning of the catastrophic consequences coming due to the insane rush to vaccinate the entire population of the world. He has stated that herd immunity achieved by infection and recovery, aswell as a vaccination program for those most at risk, not young healthy adults and especially not children, who are at almost no risk of serious illness, is the key to building up natural immunity in the wider population. 
    Dr Malone, who any reasonable person might think should at least be listened to, considering his undeniable expertise in these matters, has however been dismissed, ridiculed, professionally destroyed and cast aside as a dangerous purveyor of misinformation by the clever people who’ve so far got just about everything as wrong as possible.

    In Dr Malones own words…..’This is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine has been blamed on the people who haven’t taken it’.

    He has received a good going over, as has Peter McCullough. They are always willing to have a public debate recorded on line or on the TV, but of course nobody will take them up on their offer. Open debate has certainly been "very rare". However, they seem to be making progress in some states in rolling back mandates through the courts.

    I just tortured my self and watched the 10 o' clock news on the BBC. Footage of people queuing up at the jabbing shops for up to 7 hours. What do these cunts think is going to happen if they don't get another shot? An edit of less than 30 seconds of a bemused South African doctor who looked completely as ease with the variant, was about as far as the balance went  I sincerely hope this is the peak of this utter madness.

    • Like 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I think we're just on different wavelengths... The closest I've ever gotten to a PHD in virology is the correct chemical/water mixture for "pink stuff" and "blue stuff" that I use to wipe surfaces. I can tell cunts where I clean time and again that pink stuff, chemicals, cloths and mops are only to be used in the toilets - and I fucking guarantee every day I come in some fucking tit has walked right into my cupboard and grabbed a pink cloth to do the dishes in the staff room.

    They simply can't comprehend that they're potentially cross contaminating their break time meals with fecal matter and toxic chemicals,  and they've been doing it for years. No cunt has died of dysentery yet, so they happily go about their business in the warehouse completely ignorant of the fact that they've literally had hot shit for breakfast.

    Maybe, in this case, you're the cleaner - pointing out the obvious, but no cunt so far knows anyone personally who's died from a vaccine (apart from @King Billy's make-believe mate). The situation will have to get a lot worse before cunts will listen to you, but until then you're just spinning your wheels, so what's the point?

    I have seen the Covid deaths and vaccine deaths at the sweat shop. My own mother died at the beginning of the pandemic from pneumonia, likely to have been Covid. I have a family member that had pericarditis and a pericardial effusion post 2nd Pfizer. I have a keen interest. I also keep my eye on those seeking to implement the vaccine passport who are wishing to exploit the current situation. The way people behave is probably the most fascinating part of this. 

    People may not be keeling over on the spot after having these injections, but many people have been injured when they had no clinical need to take the thing.


  6. 13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I'm not sure if I want to go any further. It seems your entire profession revolves around a more evolved version of Corner clique tribal warfare. You mad cunts are the ones that we trust to treat our illnesses and you're a bunch of crazy, bickering fuckers.

    It makes a lot more sense that you created this website now anyway. I'm starting to think Covid started when some Chink virologist threw a vial of Alpha at his mate for calling him a nonce. Fucking hell.

    Yes, we are all cunts, but take a look at the public health policy in this country today. There appears to be mass panic with people clambering to get another dose of the same thing that has not reduced anything. Doing the same thing over and again expecting a different outcome. It’s a farce. 

    I have avoided taking these shots because there is not any benefit for me to do so. I get the fact we haven’t got time to dick about with personal tailored health care strategies and risk assessment, but would you seriously let any of these clueless charlatans in government decide what is best for your health? Fuck that.

  7. 54 minutes ago, Goober said:

    This is a wind up, surely? Please tell me you're not buying this steaming pile of manure? It's garbage and laughable. He doesn't even seem to understand the basis of selection which should be well with the grasp of any life sciences undergrad. 

    Either he's being deliberately misleading, he doesn't have the first fucking idea what he's talking about, or he's pushing some agenda that will ultimately line his own pockets. 

    The bloke should stick to neutering people's pets. Not sure I'd want him treating my animals though. 

    Jesus fucking wept. 

    To assert he doesn't understand the basis of selection is laughable. Having worked for GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation your claim is nonsense. 

    Stick to the family therapy doc.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Had a read. Short version, "I know stuff. But I'm not going to show you the data to back up my claims".

    Here's a rebuttal piece from McGill University 

    Particularily interesting was the chapter headed, "Pattern Recognition". I append a snippet below:-


    The author is a well known attack dog that goes after anyone who says anything in opposition to the current hapless strategy. He even tries to lecture the Peter McCullough on cardiology. His twitter feed is totally vile.

    As for University that issued this rebuttal, one of the biggest philanthropic donors are the Temerty fund, founders of Northland Power. One Bill gates has his fingers in this company. As usual, follow the trail and it comes back to this creature.

    "Like a soldier who only starts loading his weapon once he has arrived on the battlefield" | Voice for Science and Solidarity

  9. 56 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    @King Billyis sending proper a dossier on confirmed vaccine induced deaths and facts as we speak. Clear evidence includes; The COVID-19 vaccine makes you magnetic, The COVID-19 vaccines are causing COVID-19 variants, The COVID-19 vaccine makes you infertile, The government put a microchip in COVID-19 vaccines to track you, The J&J vaccine was created from foetal tissue, the COVID-19 vaccines rewrite your DNA.

    Also, all the people who died in the UK last week had had the Covid jab- including those run over by a bus, hung themselves, had been bummed by punkape 12 months previously and were 103 years old.  

    Going viral in the online anti-vaccine wars | Wellcome Collection

    6180d0742de00f1d9cd1f0a6_who-open-letter.pdf (webflow.com)

  10. 1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Similarly, I am not going to be dragged into your game of requiring a time-consuming, detailed, gigabyte sized rebuttal to a data and link-free dossier of spurious (I never said 'moronic') assertions.

    At least put some effort into the anti vaxxer and covid denier bit, or you remain scraping at the bottom of the factchecked, MSM turgid barrel of unmitigated bilge.

  11. 7 hours ago, White Cunt said:

    What’s the situation in your hospital like?

    Long wait for emergency admission. Ambulances always queuing. 1 Covid ward, 24 beds. The HDU is converted an ITU to take Covid patients that need critical care, so the main ITU can stay green. The issue since mid spring has been volume of people attending and the increased number of older people requiring admission for chronic disease issues. I think the reason why Alexander Johnson shit the bed yesterday evening is because there isn't any slack in the system whatsoever, there isn't much usually in the run up to Christmas.

    I guess another lockdown is imminent so people can die at home out of the gaze of the public, rather than in a crowded hospital.

    • Like 1
  12. 13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Yes, "fact checking" does seem to be inconvenient for some...

    The barrack room lawyer analogy has been used by me only when rebutting punters' points of order on the way the site is administrated and moderated. Out of 5.5k posts and starting October 2015 I have used the term four times so I am not too clear where you get off by saying its "one of [my] known and over used fall back positions".

    I also note that you are quibbling about not breaking down a comprehensive list of assertions comprising of short sentence bullet points. It appears you expect detailed rebuttals to be supported by data and/or links that was incumbent on you to back up with in the first place. If you want to party, then lay out the tables and put up the glitter balls.

    I am not getting dragged into the way you want to play the game. If any of my points were moronic you would have seized upon them gleefully.

     I do take exception to being called a covid denier and anti vaxxer. Completely baseless and unsubstantiated. 

  13. 8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    Thoughts on the front page BBC News article claiming boosters give 75% immunity, but double jabs are fucked?

    Seems a bit pushy considering they've already made it clear the vaccines are going to need to be updated to be effective against Omicron, yet one jab, six months later, of an obsolete vaccine still works?


    All seems a bit rushed... again.

    There are some concerns about something called high zone tolerance. More of the same may not always be better. Who knows? My advice remains the same..... if you are fit and well under 60 years of age, steer well clear of these injections.

    • Like 2
  14. 8 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

    As likely as not is that it is just pure good luck that your immune system has proven to be effective against this virus and perhaps you have also passed this immunity on to your children. It might well be a case of everyone is right and everyone is wrong about this virus.

    Could be luck, could be a genetic component. Could be dead next week.

  15. 2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    This spurious list is rather like an American DA frontloading the charge sheet with multiple indictments to instil the jury with unconscious bias against the alleged perp.

    Just to give one example where you used an inexactitude - "will prevent transmission. False". That all depends what level of prevention the manufacturer advertised. In fact a recent article from Imperial College London confirms the level and extent of prevention.

    As with all the anti-vaxers' and Covid deniers' "science" based opinions, you never comment if nothing happens. You ignore past events where regions and countries do not codify social distancing measures or implement comprehensive vaccination programmes. We have seen those areas where Covid 19 ran rampant, to give an example, the health infrastructures were so overwhelmed that the system broke down to the point of riots occurring with desperate relatives sourcing price-gouged oxygen bottles. Even the UK's NHS nearly closed down, cancelling scores of much needed operations causing untold misery to patients and their relatives.


    Such a spurious list that you can’t break it down as false. The pseudo barrack room lawyer analogy, one of your known and over used fall back positions doesn’t cut the mustard. 

    Other than a small study on household transmission which only indicates a very marginal decrease in transmission, usually up to 12 weeks post 2 vaccination, doesn’t address the biggest area of transmission, nosocomial infections, where many of the cases will have at least a moderate illness, hence why they are hospitalised. If the vaccine prevented transmission in any meaningful way we would not have 50,000 cases per day in an adult population that is over 80 % vaccinated.

    As for anti vaccination, I am certainly not. I have received every other vaccine offered to me as have my 5 children. So lazy nomenclature on your part again. 

    Covid denier, well as you can see through my previous comments, I have stated how awful this disease is in the inflammatory stage countless times. My intention is to avoid this disease. As far as I am aware, despite coming into contact with symptomatic patients most days for the last 21 months, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, I have remained symptom free. 

    On the plus side, you haven’t used a “fact checker”.

    • Like 1
  16. 17 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Here we go Dr quacky and his wacky theories 

    The Covid vaccines were not developed too quickly and won’t cause perfectly healthy people to flid out and drop dead, and they certainly won’t be a time bomb for a few years with all the sheep who’ve had it getting ill and crocking it. There is a wealth of proven scientific even evidence out there saying it’s safe, whereas your anecdotal horse shit of associated problems with this killer jab have zero data to back them up. Number never lie “Doc”(?)

    Lots of very clever people have worked their tits off to get this done, saving countless 1000s and 1000s in the process. Clearly you’re not one of them.

    Buyer's regret getting bad?

    How many more lies are you going to swallow?

    Where do you think this ends? 3 more shots for the Omicron and then?

    Read the yellow card reporting system, or the USA VAERS data system.

    Thrombotic thrombocytopaenia.... missed. Numerous dead and injured. Not very rare or rare.

    Endothelial wall damage..... missed. Numerous dead and injured.

    Toxicology studies in pregnancy...... Zero. 

    Study in children, less than 4000. Underpowered, will not pick up a 1 in 10,000 event.

    Fully tested, you say?

    44,000 cunts in main Pfizer trials. More dead in control arm than placebo. Evidence of criminality reported in trials in various sites, reported in the BMJ, not in comics like the Express or Mail.

    Manufacturers so sure of their product, they will not sell to any country without liability shield.

    Manufactures claims when product first administered. 

    Will prevent transmission. False

    Will prevent infection. False. Breakthrough cases were a "rare" event circa February 2021. 

    Will prevent disease. False

    Will prevent severe disease. Only in some.

    Product efficacy starts to wane after 4 months, not mentioned at outset, probably because the full and safe testing didn't identify this.

    Latest UKHSA Vaccine surveillance report indicates you are more likely to acquire Covid-19 if vaccinated in all age cohorts above 18 to 69 years.

    Zero data you say? 

    COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 49 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

    Read the article below by a vaccinologist and vaccine developer, formerly worked for GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates. foundation. He predicted correctly back in May there would be a an escape variant hybrid that becomes dominant, exactly what the Omicron is and will be. And if you think the Omicron is the end of this shit show, I think you will be disappointed.

    Will mass vaccination against Omicron give the final blow? | Voice for Science and Solidarity



  17. 8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    The fact that Johnson refused to rule it out tonight when asked directly, is my point. ‘There may be a need in the coming months for a public discussion  about mandatory vaccinations’ couldn’t be any clearer indication that it’s a done deal. Could it? After all,  these lying traitorous cunts have ruled out further lockdowns, vaccine passports, injecting kids with the experimental poison and lots more. Only to then do exactly what they’ve said they wouldn’t.

    I honestly don’t understand why you fucking sheep have bought into the stupid idea that you’re ever getting back the freedoms you used to enjoy, and your total submission to the tyranny of the last 20 months which you can’t seem to get enough of.


    I am not sure how far they will threaten people, but I don't think they will have the bollocks to make injections mandatory. Too many people are aware they are being slow cooked.

    There will be no end point to this pandemic whilst these arseholes fuck with mother nature to the extent they are doing. The vaccines are not going to lead us out of this. 

    • Like 1
  18. 17 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    How’s the pond water today Dr Mallard? I’m off to watch @Ape™️s lecture on the mass genocide of the human race by the evil lizards and their human stooges. @King Billyis bringing the beers and I’ve got a fucking massive stash of rohypnol 

    Where have I mentioned lizard people or mass genocide?

    I just point out anyone who is fit and well under the age of 60 who takes these injections is a stupid cunt, as per you.

    I think these poisons must be getting to your tiny cognitive function. 

  19. 1 minute ago, Decimus said:

    Out of interest, are there current UK covid fatality statistics since this started for 35 and under, or if they don't do that, 40 and under? I'm sure I could find them if I wanted to, but you probably are better able as you've had a close interest in the whole debacle. 


    I am on the mobile at the moment, Google “vaccine surveillance report 48” . You will see the per 100,000 incidence of case, hospitalisation and death. 

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