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Jake The Muss

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Everything posted by Jake The Muss

  1. Thought this would be a little bit too deep for a flidamite sapadomas like you, you soulless winging crack addict..
  2. I'm as deep as your throat..yeah, you're right, shallow..
  3. Any fucking stupid cunt headed mug that uses lol at the end of a sentence should be shot at point blank range with a jack hammer and have their brain danced on with a kango drill, then blow torched just to make sure..
  4. Deep space, deep ocean, deep throat and deep thoughts..the human race love things deep..why, because the race itself is full of deep shit and gets itself into deep shit all the fucking time, think about it, greed, lust, war and enslavement in one way or the other, so deep is a proper cuntbreeder..
  5. PunkBitch is the epitome of everything that is bad on all levels..a bit like the dwarf killing cuntbreed in don't look now..
  6. You fucking sap of crap...use your head man..
  7. Urine bolt is not a fucking cunt..you watered down prick..
  8. He couldn't manage a sandwich...the size of this cunts head...enough room for three brains in that skull..three brains that don't work...the fucking useless cuntbreed looks like the floating head from the film Zardoz..Zardoz the gun is good..now take it and blow your fucking brains out you cunt of a man..
  9. Deminge you really are of the most boring stock i have ever encountered...find a corner in a dark room and choke yourself...you will be doing the human race a massive favor...if you like..i can open up your tiny head with a blow from a claw hammer..you get peace..the world gets a break and i get pleasure...everyone is a fucking winner..
  10. Just for being a French big conk cuntbreed is good enough for me..
  11. Can't see a problem here..as you have flidamitus spasadomas..get to the fucking quacks man..you need serious help..
  12. Hey lip up fatty...looks like you can hold plenty of drink...
  13. Mancus..Punkbitch can't string a sentence together...you must really pay attention to these fine details..
  14. Well it depends on who we're dealing with..lets face some facts...the Israel situation is never going to improve the way things stand..so maybe a new start in that part of the world is in order...come to think of it..latin America should be on the table for some serious talks...those useless cuntbreeds have never got their act together..
  15. Holy fucking cuntbreeders..who have said something different..you're on the right track...keep this up and you just might be able to string a sentence together..
  16. Nothing some carpet bombing wouldn't sort out..maybe then the elite powers can have a raffle to see who gets the land..just an idea i'm tinkering with..
  17. I remember you Decminge...you was a useless pile of vomit then...well done..you haven't got any better...you're still a boring cuntbrain..
  18. Of course and ISIS is putting in a fantastic show for their race being the most cuntable..
  19. Bubba my little speck of nothing..i have thought about shutting up and fucking off but have decided to stay on here...granted the site has got more tolerant to special needs and because of this...there isn't the quality of cunters that used to be on here...there is less cutting edge humor and style has gone to bed...but you will be pleased that i aim to add some style and much education is needed..especially where you're concerned ..my little bedsit dweller..
  20. I will give it some thought..i'm a bit of a lone wolf with a very LOUD wolf whistle..but alas i'm not a racist because i believe everyone is a fucking cuntbreed..
  21. I will be and am an idiot...but a made in the UK idiot..PC brigade can suck on my japs eye..
  22. Are you Bub from the Zombie film Day of the dead...fuck me gently...it is you.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ioE4DZvAlM
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