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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. that's some serious mud slinging you're doing there Deco. It's like saying he's a Rover 75 owner.
  2. ratcum

    Simon Brown

    If I see I huge steaming pile of shit, that's 1 SPG (Sir Philip Green). An comprehensibly vile cunt of a person is a Thatcher. The USA is a gigathatcher
  3. You're a real headfuck Tatty. Imagine the above delivered at the Eisteddfod in a psalmic style chant. You'd probably get onto Frank's next album; "Slow Train Coming Fat Cunt Dying"
  4. In the late 70s my sister was obsessed with male tennis stars until Hank Pfister
  5. I don't know if anyone else has the following experience when it come to this cunt Vine? When he grins I hear voices saying " STAB THE SMIRKING FUCK". Sometimes they're in Latin.
  6. Your mate should also be killed for his musteline peccadlloes
  7. best joke of the fringe just got twatted. Good one Mankly
  8. I almost choked on my soup when I read this Deco. You cunt
  9. Rudolf Hoess offered this as mitigation in his trial. He didn't get off.
  10. The way I see it Scotto, it's better to streak than to be a streak
  11. With Frank nearly dead, I suppose we should check out these twats. I don't want him coming back like some Jacob Marley character
  12. Jazz and the equally unstable Rothers, with his hilarious public meltdowns. Was it him or Jewdy who thought I was having leaflets delivered to his house? Paranoid cunts.
  13. Just hurry it along will you?
  14. nobbly, you are truly fuckin dreadful. Please gas yourself immediately
  15. this is fuckin terrible gobbly
  16. It's not so much different from the dogging and under the arches stuff you already do CB. Don't be hard on yourself bud.
  17. When I did this it was called streaking
  18. ratcum

    Ahmed Farah

    Sir Philip Green's a moslem? Fuck!
  19. ratcum

    Ahmed Farah

    I didn't know this Bawsly. The Biafran chicken seducer can fuck off now.
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