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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Did you inherit Extremecunt's photo album when Roops executed him?
  2. Reported. sexual harassment of a member of an ethnic minority.
  3. W.O.G; Acronym, standing for 'Worthy Oriental Gentleman' A term of respect, used in reference to indigenous Asian peoples. Fuck off.
  4. A kid I went to school with was touched by Father Christmas, in Woolworths!
  5. They were supposed to be doing a remake, and Stephen Fry was retouching the script to make it more PC, ffs. He wanted to change the dogs name to Digger. fat gay cunt.
  6. Au contraire. This one actually is one of those blokes with lumpy chests. She did post a photo, but you were too busy eating kebabs to see it before it was taken down.
  7. But what are the consequences of you being wrong, Blakey?
  8. Out of licks. Pantysniffer has been a bit quiet of late. I gather that one of his 'clients' must be gagging to be 'ploughed in the back doors' again, and he can't spare the time.
  9. Yes, absolutely. They have slyly and cunningly manoeuvred themselves into a position to completely fuck everyone over with no room for negotiation. We would have been better off leaving it to a troop of chimpanzees, locked in a room full of typewriters.
  10. Ha! Two premier league scalps in 48 hours. Be aware that when Punkape hears the instruction, 'relax', it usually means that there is a west African rentboy standing behind him, greased up and about to go elbow deep.
  11. Listen, cunt chops. If I want to rebuild the carburettor off my shit motorbike in her living room, then I fucking well will.
  12. It was offered to Les Gold, of American Jewellery and loan, a scummy pawn shop in Detroit. Run by greedy Jews, ripping off desperate crackhead noirs. The bloke wanted a hundred grand, Les offered 5 !
  13. You were doing really well as one of the lads. Don't start getting all cunty now.
  14. Anyway, that's all in the past. I trust that you kept quiet when the social workers asked about 'our special visits'.
  15. For fucks sake Ereptic. Although I think of you as the son I never had, if you continue with this Man-child bollocks, I will be forced to tazer you unconscious, put a tub of utterly butterly up your arse and leave you with Punkape for an hour.
  16. Of course. Any contributions gratefully received. 1 down, 3.9 million to go.
  17. Think yourself lucky you've landed a real man, who has a motorcycle and not a fucking barbie doll, a safe space and a trauma counsellor. Every cunt born after 1990 is a fucking chest waxing poof, and if you've found an exception, treasure him. We're a dying breed. 30 years from now, men will be extinct, replaced by Joey Essex type fairies with skinny jeans and plucked eyebrows, whining because Boots has run out of 'ankle hair remover'.
  18. Apparently, it can take years of fervent prayer to achieve the head lump/brain damage. I would like to offer an instant alternative. Any islamists who fancy a head injury, please contact me at, @Eric's solutions.co.uk. And I will be happy to meet you at a mutually convenient time and location, and bury a fucking felling axe in your skull.
  19. Is it Punkape on Ash Wednesday?
  20. Yes, I read the link the other day.. "mohammed is undergoing frontal lobe massage therapy to stop him from trying to bite his own buttocks"
  21. If you promise to take him to the vet for 'night-night' injections, of course you can have him. @scotty, sorry. I know you wanted to go Kevorkian on him.
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