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Everything posted by Snowy

  1. If it's a hotpoint cunt should be tried for being a chavvy oik to (punkape sic)
  2. Luckily for Mrs Snowy I make sure I have a good scrub of the ball,s gooch and arse crack wouldn't want her to be distracted, anything else can be cottoned off as normal brummie smells. Soda streams? have you been beamed to us from the 90s ? Would you like me to send you back in my time machine with my Chesney Hawke cds?
  3. But instead of drinking a coke he gets covered in shit and puts his shirt back on?
  4. I'm afraid when it comes to estate agent movies I'm not up to speed with the subject matter but I will research this and get back to you, have you seen men at work?
  5. Would you like me to pass on your details should the budding property tycoon wish to venture outside of Birmingham?
  6. So im loading the lorry up with bins and fuck me is it a graft after all our strikes, so I say to the lads lets take a breather before Mrs snowy gets the news her beloved has had a heart attack. So let them all have a fag break and we get talking, turns out young Gareth has a degree in photography,always knew he was a bit of a stalker. Then its Abduls turn to tell us his life. Fuck me if he didnt own every business in Birmingham while having every property known to man that he rents out on the cheap whilst working for Birmingham city council putting peoples rubbish in a compacter. While I admire his enthusiasm I may need to gut the cunt in the morning.
  7. Its like pier whites but with more speech impediments
  8. Hes in for a treat if he reads the rest of my drivel, maybe it might send him into a catatonic state and you can escape the ward, or just shit on his face up to you.
  9. Talks like a quarr acts like a quarr obviously a quarr... erm on topic like this
  10. Put a dog biscuit between your cheeks , works for me.
  11. I can confirm that I was cleaning bins outside the molineux and I fabricated the rest, always looking in to the student dorms next to it while I looked at Asda down the road to hope they may take me on as a bean stacker....
  12. I can confirm that Bilston, Dudley and Walsall are full of fat chavs but I can also confirm that wolves is full of these fat chavvy cunts to through my non fabricated pre binmen days at Wolverhampton university.
  13. Snowy

    Ryan Gosling

    Thats the one and how i felt about the wankers acting.
  14. Snowy

    Ryan Gosling

    only like my kidneys with pies or spots ratty
  15. Snowy

    Ryan Gosling

    His best performance was in driver where he said fuck all, like some spectrum gangster other than that cunt can jump into my compacter when im on my rounds.
  16. After my malaria/shits ive had to deal with these dragons for past few days once you finally do get through,you our then told we have no appointments left maybe you should try coming down in the morning and waiting from eight o'clock in the most condescending way, Im at work you stupid cunt didn't go down to well.
  17. Can't you reconsider Im sure there's a carpark there we can use ,bill style(sic).
  18. The Belfry is one of Englands finest golf courses and one of Birminghams finest achievements, housing many ryder cup matches...but not that I'd know because im not gay.
  19. Snowy

    Ian Pringle QC

    lost me at currently, have a brummie fuck you and be on your day.
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