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Everything posted by Snowy

  1. Snowy

    Len Goodman

    Whats even more worrying is if your following us around hoping to be the wanking outside the car lonely bloke because he hadn't got a car or a mrs to go dogging, flattering as it may be.
  2. Snowy

    Len Goodman

    Have you thought about taking control of the controller of your telly , from past experiences of the wifes vice like grip a cigar cutter will work or fuck off to the pub while its on.
  3. I will take back that like eventually but have it for now yo muthafuckin' dog.
  4. Apologises for the late reply Decs, it's been a rather long morning at work trying to avoid my colleagues. Whilst I enjoyed your well thought out but rather long reply to call me a refuse worker, I believe wolfies shorter version of calling me a bin man was more to the point, though I do appreciate the constructive criticism. Now I must get back to work, these streets won't clean themselves. It's Lion-o by the way.
  5. So my work consists of dealing with other cunts who walk around either licking windows or once you get them to work stop being paid to talk absolute drivvel. Most of the time one of these dribbling cunts will walk up to me and start a conversation which i had not adhered to or wanted so its met with stunned silence and the next 5 minutes of awkward talk is me fantasizing about sticking there head in the nearest hydraulic press. If youve started the conversation you should continue it or fuck off and play with a chainsaw cunt.
  6. Id hope they wouldn't be that stupid to let a cunt such as me look after the coffin dodgers but I did used to be partner's with a carer who used to go on such events.
  7. Most Turkey and tinsel holidays are in the UK so the old dears dont have to be brought back via plane should their piss stained blue rinsed selves kick the bucket..... just saying.
  8. Snowy

    Bin Men

    More of a coffee man but thanks anyway.
  9. Snowy

    Bin Men

    http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/birmingham-bin-strike-ends-what-13486139 So as you know i come from the city with a speech impediment but as shit as it is these cunts have held the city to ransom. Im all for strikes when needed as after maggie smashed the unions this country has stuck its arse up in the air and said how deep sir and there's more chance of a riot in mothercare than a strike for the real workers. You don't help your cause when you leave already impoverished areas full of bins and last weeks wank rags. Grammar nazis work away.
  10. Snowy

    Fox Hunting

    Your right always assumed he was his son, still a massive bellend regardless.
  11. Snowy

    Fox Hunting

    Ranulph is tough as they come, such a shame his son is a massive bellend who refuses to except his name is Ralph and not the posh boy pronunciation he says.
  12. This overly sensitive society thats being created really boils my piss. Hundred years from now the human race will be extinct because the pansys will be to busy hiding in their safe spaces to procreate.
  13. Snowy

    Fox Hunting

    I never knew i was being graded for university level english or writing a jane austin novel. I best revist my younger days of A level english with full punctuation and grammer so I can tell people on the internet how I cummed in the shower.
  14. Snowy

    Fox Hunting

    irony isnt your best trait i see.
  15. look at your avatar take said advice.
  16. Both these gangs have been terrorizing Birmingham for years and the areas they come from are pretty much no go areas. About time something was done about these massive wankers.
  17. Snowy

    Fox Hunting

    I hate everyone if im being honest ratty foxes may be the first to go as i cant stand ginger cunts unless there funny like Frankie boyle even then he looks like a very angry ginger badger so fuck him.
  18. Snowy

    Fox Hunting

    Absolute cunts, they should be ripped apart by the very hounds they use to rip the little ginger apart. The yank cunts who go on hunts should also have their arsehole ripped open by an angry bear.
  19. A 24 hour society is a load of wank, jesus even i think the wife needs some time to herself between making bacon sarnies.
  20. Unfortunately i dont have a bedsit as the mini flakes wont fit in it but I understand the confusion as when you sit in your grimey flat, pot noodle cups and microwave boxes everywhere you invision everyone to be like you that one day it will.not be just you and the telly and the odd wank in the shower.
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