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Prints Harry

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Status Updates posted by Prints Harry

  1. Sorry I was not tearing inot you more into an issue. I think I am done on this forum.. Decs mentioned my sister's name on the leaderboard thread. Her name was Frances, she died in 2016 from panncreatic cancer.

    1. Decimus


      That's the problem with lies, Pen, you've got to have a good memory to be able to keep track of them. "Fran", if she ever existed, died in 2014 the first time you made the story up. 

      You are well and truly finished here, you sick, lying cunt.


  2. Where is Rick_B?

    1. ProfB


      Where is Spotty? Mrs Roots is quiet?

  3. That creature is the laft background .. is it a dog having a crap or is it a kiwi?

    1. Ape™️


      It’s a dog having a crap. I though Espacktile 404 would like it.

  4. At the moment I am writing a letter to @Decimus's boss to tem him that Dec's is after his job and is using underhand methods on the corner to try to get people to drop him in the shit.

  5. Come back Frank we need you!!

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