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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The Germans haven’t shot him yet. Probably too busy upstairs.
  2. Just when it seemed nothing could get any worse, Frank’s back. Pint of bleach and a packet of mothballs please.
  3. You must have been the luckiest sprint owner in Britain then Spot. The head gasket issue was a design fault carried over into the V8 Stag engine which was basically two sprint blocks with the same inherent overheating issues. The problem with BL cars in the seventies was the designs had to go through committees of fucking idiots and then if approved be built by militant union controlled lazy bastards, who’d happily all strike if there was no bog roll after they’d spent three hours reading the Daily Mirror on the throne.
  4. Has Chairman Dan recovered from his mysterious fall down the stairs SC? If I was a cynical type I’d think maybe he wants to slip away out of the firing line while there’s still a bit of Covid 19 mist hanging around and let others take the shit when it bounces back off the fan. But cynicism isn’t my m.o.
  5. Harold is not a spastic and no one should knock him for at least having the ambition to one day become one, even if everyone else can see that he’s set the bar way too high.
  6. Increasingly common infra red image in the English Channel, always heading in the direction of Dover for some reason.
  7. Apart from the head gaskets blowing every other week and the rust starting to eat it the minute it left the BL factory.
  8. Front brake pads for a 52 reg Ford Mondeo.
  9. King Billy

    Keith lemon

    Irrelevant spastic
  10. I rated that as his best post ever, so yes I totally agree.
  11. Jack Straw is a complete cunt who failed the audition for a part in Schindler's List due to Spielbergs antisemitism apparently. His wife’s probably an even bigger bag of shit for marrying the oven ready cunt.
  12. King Billy

    Keith lemon

    The unfunny, hasbeen, onetrick pony cunt should be banished to TV wilderness for his grovelling, pathetic, spineless, self flagellation last year during the BLM pantpissing pandemic. I can’t imagine Bernard Manning boo hooing and taking the knee with Marcunt Rashford and Gary Linekunt down at the gay village to appease the 7 stone, skinny jeaned, soy boy, cockless, twitter mob who’d struggle to fight their way out of a recyclable paper bag of organic kale from Ocado. Cunt.
  13. One with a smaller trunk than you. LOL
  14. Dear Deirdre Yesterday I was watching my next door neighbours wife sunbathing naked in her garden from the attic window. After a while, as I was wiping my cock clean on the curtains I saw my wife standing in the doorway, shaking hear head. Do you think she could be a pervert?
  15. Good evening small beast.
  16. Reported for homophobia and mongoloid syndrome.
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