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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. This was taken at last week's Scottish tournament!
  2. Great improvisation Bill, that made me laugh!
  3. Hopefully the servant was gentle when master was suffering with haemorrhoids, something I'm sure you're familiar with Punkers.
  4. Smoking the old black Mambas are a daily ritual for you though MC, just not the herbal variety!
  5. Major Cunt

    Meghan markle

    Its a scale between Lionel Richie to Idi Amin.
  6. Major Cunt

    Meghan markle

    Who gives a fuck, I for one certainly don't. Some D list septic celebrity has married into the lizard people and now the ginger bullet Dodger has knocked her up. Its not gonna affect me or most others one iota, my only real interest is how much of the tar brush, will the sprog be shaded with.
  7. Punkers I don't mean to split hair's here, however if pretty sure Dachau was purely a concentration camp, not an extermination camp like Auschwitz/Treblinka ect.
  8. What we're you thinking get lippy with me, when I had a loaded shotgun pointed at ya. If you remember Neville I had it pointed out your head, I reconsider and shot you in the leg.
  9. Decs I'm gonna jump straight to the conclusion, that you threw a few pills down your Gregory peck this morning, left over from the revelry of the night before, maybe some powder I've done it myself. Your gonna feel like shit tomorrow morning, my remedy perfected over many years is benzodiazapines, valium temazepam ect with a lot of lucozade and squash, a fry up to if you can manage it. However I'm gonna agree with you it's a case of giving them the best chance, however there still gonna be traumatized. Being raised by a couple if poofters is cool these days apparently in certain circles. However going to a local secondary school with every cunt knowing it, probably isn't.
  10. Just googled it sadly it wasn't fully cleansed. Long-standing gay pub with party atmosphere, packed with shot-downing regulars. Still going.
  11. Don't be coy Eric it doesn't suit you. 😁
  12. I'm torn between him being an agraphobic who indulges heavily on the white lightning, based on your information. Or judging by his late night posts knocking back a few to many lager tops in the Admiral Duncan. Then feeling dejected by his lack of admirers and full of self loathing, taking to the corner in anger!
  13. Poignant, I'm dazzled by your superior wit and insight, truly baffled by your command of the English language I'm humbled. Fuck off!
  14. Major Cunt


    Well a change is as good as a rest I hear. Fuck off!
  15. Stop shouting you silly cunt, your gonna spill Super T over your new slippers, plus probably wake your old dear up, the walls are thin in those council bedsit's, know what I mean.
  16. Nobody asked for your CV mate. You left out disabled fat cunt though😁
  17. I Jew you would bite eventually! See what I did there Rinder you cunt!
  18. Fucking Hell Jewdy how long did it take you to come up with that witty retort? Though no doubt old enough to draw a pension plus dealing with your many ailments, sadly doesn't make you an expert. We're talking about illegal gear mate, not the stool softeners you hoard by the 1000.
  19. Besides a black farmer has only emaciated disease ridden goats and generally looks malnourished.
  20. Delivered with both confidence and authority, guilty as charged!
  21. The Guard must be on some serious palative care medication, i.e diamorphine/nitrazepam/barbiturates, it would explain the utter shite it churns out. Hopefully he/she decides to either share these goodies with the corner becoming more lucid or dies, I'm open to both suggestions.
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