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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Have you meet Panzer yet? I think we may have inadvertently stumbled across the aforementioned alter boy. All that buggering behind the pulpit and in the confession box has left him broken. The poor cunt can barely string a coherent sentence together, and is stuck in a loop surrounding Brexit bringing the UK to it's knees, but not like how he was in front of Father O'Feelemup...
  2. Cheers, Cocky. That explains why it was missing from the curriculum, but given the assorted toffee jousters, rug munchers, and transvestites that hold senior positions in today's education sector, I'm sure it will be required study...
  3. Being a bit younger than most of the Corners stalwarts I decided to delve into what sparked the beginnings of the IRA's mainland bombing campaign of the 70's and 80's. I certainly don't recall it being covered in GCSE history, and as I think about it the entire conflict was never even broached upon. Anyway, to my shock I discovered that the army was originally sent over there to protect the Catholics, and were initially greeted warmly. Through either ignorance, or being born a generation later, I presumed we originally went over as an occupying force. I'm sure @King Billy knows the specifics, but it seems that Adams, McGuiness and Co have deliberately glossed over this chapter.
  4. Stubbs, the kids of today don't know that their fucking will born. Having to pop down to Woolworths or John Menzies of a Saturday to purchase a new game was a fucking lottery. I remember playing 'Golden Axe' for weeks to finally make it to the last level only to find out that the cassette wouldn't load it. Could you imagine the look of disbelief upon telling your son we had to wait ten minutes for the next level to load, and had to wait a good 25 fucking minutes for the thing to load in the first place. The only bonus was that a spare TDK90 and a twin tape deck made piracy a breeze...
  5. What's going on here, Stubbs. Are you stuck in your cellar playing 'Jet Set Willy' on a Spectrum 128k, or has the lockdown finally broken you mentally, and you've built yourself an IPad out of an A4 notepad? You can tell your, Uncle Major, I won't judge...
  6. Probably some lentil based shite, Withers. I'm sure their served the finest French cuisine at Sangette such as coq au vin. Rumour has it Frank ditched his chinos and loafers for a ten year old Adidas tracksuit upon hearing there was a chance of some cock in a van on the continent. Let's hope the swarthy Syrian looking cunt looses his passport in the process, and is found face down on a beach in Margate.
  7. You've just taken the air out of my post, Gyps, or in this case the grenade...
  8. Where's Micky Stone when you need him, Bill? Armed to the teeth with a few British acquired grenades would have pissed on their bonfire.
  9. @Weary&Disgusted here you go mate.
  10. I'll have a look on YouTube and post it, Weary. I'm sure the plod who made the arrest has seriously fucked up his future promotion chances, and obviously didn't bank on the video going viral...
  11. Personally, I'm in favour of resurrecting the Knights Templer, what with it being the Easter. Allegedly, they were the equivalent of today's SAS, and were documented slaughtering forces that were far superior in numbers. Unfortunately they became far too powerful for the European monarchies who saw them as a threat, and most were rounded up and executed. However, a large contingent managed to reach Scotland where they were afforded protection.
  12. They're just the enforcement arm of the powers that be as you've mentioned. No doubt some of them are enjoying their newly prescribed extra powers, and I watched a video of a charity worker being arrested for feeding the homeless from a mobile soup kitchen due to it being classed as a gathering, or similar bollocks. Obviously discretion plays a big part in deciding who to put in the back of a meat wagon, but we've feral fucking animals knifing each other, and the innocent on a daily basis and there more concerned with enforcing the fucking covid laws. Don't worry about the pensioners who are too scared to walk to the local shop, or are being frog-marched to the Natwest to pay 20 grand for a broken roof tile.
  13. I'd wager heavily that you'll receive not even a hint of denial from Joker, regarding your original question. And I don't usually gamble...
  14. I saw that on the news, Bill, and was absolutely outraged that in a Christian country you can now be fined 200 notes for practicing your religion. I bet their not raiding fucking mosques on a Friday in the same area. George Orwell predicted most of what's going on at the moment in '1984'. Apparently, though being born into the ruling class but never fully embracing it gave him a true insiders perspective. Let's see how much of our freedoms they give us back once the lockdown ends...
  15. We all know you've got serious issues with your eyesight, Pen. I've a feeling that German Shepherd was actually Joker, and just couldn't contain himself upon spotting a freshly laid canine log. I'm also questioning the second half of the story as there's absolutely no way Joker lives as part of a family unit. If you told me an elderly spinster spent the night cleaning up after her middle aged son who came home covered in dog-shit, I'd be more inclined to believe you...
  16. Fucking hell, Spotto. Have we reached the point where we're no longer allowed to call a spacker a spacker? Harrold is posting reams of meandering and nonsensical shite on just about any thread going. Is Proper aware that you're allowing his site to be used as some sort of schizophrenics support group? Limit the amount the cunt can post per day as he's one of the reasons for the ongoing exodus. You know it makes sense...
  17. The Dolomite Sprint was a classic British motor. My old man had one and used to thoroughly enjoy showing me and my brother how he could chuck it round corners, or going peddle to the metal over a hump back bridge. Good times, Aitch...
  18. The way things are going I wouldn't be suprised if the next incarnation of a fiver is bright pink and features Peter Tatchell, or Dale Winton. I can actually picture Punkers arriving at the club house dressed in a pink Pringle jumper with matching trousers. Mincing his way down the green with his Angolan caddy/rent-boy. He's been suspiciously quite since the Barrymore pool suspect was nicked. Obviously he's unable to put up the required sureties, or is just enjoying the talent at his local nick.
  19. In Drew's defence, Dec's, it's 10pm. I'm amazed that he can even see his phone considering he's probably consumed about 30 units of alcohol today. I've also noticed that he seems to start posting at 8 in the morning. Either Norfolk has incredibly relaxed laws surrounding the sale of cider before 7, or he keeps a bottle of meths for the morning to ward of the delirium tremors...
  20. A post that induces a fucking laugh would be a good start, Spotto. Horses for courses I guess...
  21. I like the cut of your jib, Cocky. You're exactly the kind of talent that we'd include in our starting eleven. Unfortunately, you've joined us at a time where our most toxic and amusing punters have fucked off. Personally, I put it down to Roops' Stalin level censorship including the deletion of completely innocuous posts. @The Beast when are you gonna see sense and give Mary Whitehouse her P45?
  22. This is Prof B we're talking about here, Dec's. The man has an avatar of a sheep pulling a 'Saturday Night Fever' pose for fucks sake. I was going through some old threads from 2015 and he was getting absolutely slaughtered by Jazz, Frank, Bronny Keef, and quite a few,others. It's been six years and I see little improvement.
  23. I'll answer your last question first. I don't know Reg personally but he definitely has a keen intresting in taking it up the arse. Which leads me onto your second question. Schofield's also a toffee jouster despite being married with children, and like Elton is also worth a few quid. What's your thought process here, Aitch? Did you think that taking the odd length or ten thousand was a guaranteed route to fame and fortune? I get the distinct impression that your a very bitter turd burglar...
  24. Just PM Joker, Pen. He'll be round in a flash, and will probably also flash you with the aid of his trusty mac. He'll take measurements, stool colour, and probably name the breed before slipping it in a Tupperware container. It's all part of the service...
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