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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Frank's content is fucking shite about 85% of the time according to a recent Corner poll. If I was forced at gunpoint to give him a compliment though I'd call him a capricious character, certainly not a mercurial one. Every now and again he pulls something out the man-bag that makes me chuckle. I'm still awaiting his rendition of 'Shalamar's' 'There It Is' featuring an Afghan taxi driver who's possibly his old man... Definitely still a cunt, but every pantomine needs an effeminate villain.
  2. I'll take your word for it, Jewdith. I'd imagine you have regular contact with a psychiatrist and are far more acquainted than me with mental disorders. It's certainly satisfying to see I'm not getting to you? If I didn't know better I'd predict another infamous meltdown in the offing? You wanna get that chip on your shoulder looked at mate.
  3. Well it's certainly not "moody agraphobiac piss-artist of the year". You're a fucking shoo in for that title.
  4. You're not very good at this are you son? Don't worry about it we've all gotta start somewhere. Personally, I prefer to hunt the Corners big game, but sadly for you I'm not talking obese virgin gamers.
  5. Now you're talking, Bawsey, lol. I must admit I was pulling your kilt a little, and a worthy retort indeed. The possibilities are astounding. You technocratic old jock.
  6. I wouldn't go that far, but do pay attention to the Judges dialogue.
  7. Surely there are only 2 types of people in the world who understand binary, Baws, as we're speaking of base 2 here? Those who do, and those who don't, ergo true or false. I'm not being pedantic, as I'd certainly imagine your knowledge of machine level language is beyond mine. I have the impression you're of the old school assembly language era.
  8. Major Cunt


    Next time I'm passing through Harrow I'll let you know. I'm talking of the Hill here Frank, nothing less. Eric's in a self imposed exile in deepest darkest Essex these days. He's under the impression you need a visa to travel any further west than Woodford. On the other hand though, don't underestimate him.
  9. Major Cunt


    No can do Frankie, I'm nowhere near the west end today. Besides, do you really expect me to fool for that routine? I'm not Judge. Work on some new material, then get back to me. You Tommy Cooper-esque cunt.
  10. Major Cunt


    Hilarious. Fortunately the closest I ever get to rentboys and arseholes is our virtual duels. Though how you finance the latest installments of 'Call Of Duty' is none of my concern. The mind boggles, Keith Vaz Indeed.
  11. Major Cunt


    Nothing wrong with indulging in a little extra curricular bugle every now and again, Decs. Personally I'd rather the cunt sniffs a little powder as opposed to the rent boys arseholes his learned colleagues prefer. A cunt of galactic proportions, nonetheless.
  12. Epic cunting Doc, 9 out of 10 for improvisation. It's been emotional, adiós.
  13. Not really, Jewdy. I was planning on blowing your favourite boozer to fucking pieces in the 90's, preferably while you were inside sipping a Pina Colada. Unfortunately, some neo nazi cunt beat me to it, Herr Oberst maybe? Not a lot of people know that.
  14. You're as predictable as a fucking lunar cycle Jewdy, and are on somewhat of a cycle yourself. You come on here giving it the big un to all and sundry, waxing lyrical whilst dishing out insults with your tried and extremely testing poor man's Richard Littlejohn act. Incredulity then proceeds a meltdown when the insults start heading your way, whilst you desperately thumb your fat fucking digits through the rule book, and insist Roops dishes out porridge for any perceived infraction... You're a fucking hypocrite, and a cunt, obviously.
  15. Fortunately we can't see him piss himself from his favourite armchair, but I get your drift, nonetheless.
  16. Things haven't gone too well for Eddie on the daily commute since loosing his license then? I take it the planned move into the Israeli car parts business is on hold for now.
  17. Listen up you two bob fucking spastic. When it comes to "parroting" you're in a league of your fucking own. Time and time again you've stolen mine and others material. I don't need to be Siegmund fucking Freud to pickup on the underlying jealousy in your post. I've been a member for 9 months at most and have clearly eclipsed you. I'm obviously none to popular with the axis of idiocy, of which you're a founder member. Only due to whenever you far end of the spectrum wankers try to mix it, you end up coming unstuck. You also befriended a fucking nonce, have no Idea how the world works, and threatened a class action lawsuit, and more... You're universally despised on here. When you finally make the Evening Standard, we'll be proved right. Suspect little cunt.
  18. Fuck off, Drew. This threads bad enough without your contributions. Spastic wanker.
  19. You're up early this morning, Jewdy? Just finished a late night shift at the Admiral Duncan, or still buzzing off your tits from poppers and ecstasy? Keep your giant Jewish conk out of this. Cunt.
  20. You contribute the grand total of fuck all to this site, Septic. Every single poor jibe contains a reference to either glory holes or bum banditry. I'll take it that you're a Bible bashing repressed faggot who spends a lot of time in public toilets? It's also called a typo cunty. Some of us have a lot more to fit into our daily lives than charging reinforced mobility scooters and watching Jerry Springer, while stuffing our fat fucking faces with barbecue ribs and claiming disability benefits. I'd wager a kings fucking ransom that my above post has really struck a nerve with you, due to the relevance to your own tenure... Non entertaining, non entity fat cunt.
  21. That Dale Winton-esque long streak of piss has had more household items up his arse than Wilkinsons stock... Supermarket sweeping faggot.
  22. I'll believe it when the dense cunt makes it to New Year's Day without name dropping me once for attention, Decs. I honestly can't believe how spectacularly thick it truly is. I know British Rail's aptitude test ain't Mensa, but come on, surely.
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