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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. This is a week nomination at best and fucking ridiculous in reality. Considering the dough these cunts are on, to splash out 25 sheets at your local Tk Max is hardly a fortune. They do a few grand on a suitcases as it is. A better nom would have been ITV 4+1 it never shows fuck all, what's the point. So I have given up trying to watch the Sweeney when I get in!
  2. Major Cunt

    Wild Justice

    I would also like a bounty placed on Pikies too. I reckon a reward of 200 notes per scalp should suffice. Anyone who wished to partake would receive a pump action shotgun and 💯 rounds. However the shooting of any other feral vermin such as pigeons squirrels rats ect, must be undertaken by .22 air rifle under legislation the Major wishes to be put forward. There also includes a clause for those who have a touch of the tarbrush, yet are not UK citizens by birth. They can also be shot via air rifle!
  3. Major Cunt

    Wild Justice

    There should be a bounty placed on the vermin of gull's and grey squirrels. I remember when you could still see the indigenous red squirrel in parks. Also the laws regarding possession and ownership of firearms, is also ridiculous. It's done nothing to stop the Mandem, running around riddling each other and innocents with holes. .22 air rifles I believe are now also classed as firearms requiring registration. Just like each Israeli home is entitled to own an Uzi, over here it should be an air rifle. This would also include a quota of vermin to shoot per year to justify said ownership!
  4. Major Cunt

    Wild Justice

    Sounds like a jolly old jape that. Just keep what you and Bojo did at night to yourself. Though I believe there are certain websites, that endorse and reval in those shenanigans.
  5. I read this nom earlier and decided I wasn't going to weigh in on the topic. However adopting my usual attitude of letting the heart rule the head. Which has caused me no end of grief in the past, here it goes. The good Major hails from the area in question where this murder happened. And whatever anybody's view that's what it was in my book, a crime. However naming a fucking day after St Stephen and endless programs about this racist murder, does nobody any good. I moved out to the sticks a while ago to get away from the crime ridden streets of South East, but a lot of people don't have that option. Quite often people ask me where I'm from out of interest, and when I state where. Then people who have seen these documentaries or news items, give me a certain look. Or ask I heard there's a lot of racism round there isn't there? Which I reply, no more than anywhere else at a guess. His mother has milked this for all she can and even landed a peerage out of it. I don't remember any constant news items about Richards Everitt's murder or Enquiries into his death. I don't watch the BBC anymore coz I'm sick to the back teeth of there liberal bullshit. However there is obviously an interest from the fee payers for more on Stephen Lawrence. Fuck knows why? Let's move on
  6. Have no idea who this cunt is. However my spider sense tells me Punkers, will no doubt be a pallbearer.
  7. Copulating with Captain Birdseye is probably closer.
  8. I was actually gonna go down the lunching at Sainsbury's route, but you beat me to it Eavens. I reckon that butterfly pic is a standard Google image. Placed as cover for the real intent of that trip to the meadow(dogging spot). That being to receive a length the bigger the better, from a bloke in a dodgy Hawaiian shirt and shorts. That have been tailored, the fly being replaced with a velcro closure, am I close Guard?
  9. Hopefully she/he administers a strong sedative, followed by a pillow smothering your airway's. On second thought fuck the sedative.
  10. Haha brilliant I remember that shop. I purchased a pair of nunchucks from there many moon's ago. I still have family in the area but rarely go back, it's fucking abysmal round that manor now. Half of the African continent have decided to settle there! What happened to the nineties mate😁
  11. Eric I only know of the BM, I'm a little to young to be claiming membership. When I left school Alan Curbishley was still managing Charlton. This Eddie you speak of he's not Eddie Whicker is he 😁
  12. Touche Gyper's hopefully the Easter Bunny brings you a rampant rabbit!
  13. With regards to your Diane Abbott and David Lammy tag boxing match, against the Klitschko's it's a great idea. However when time travel is sorted, I suggest sending them back to Welling and Eltham circa 1997. Carrying advertising boards with anti white slogans, like that scene in Die Hard 3 in reverse. Having to get from one to the other!
  14. I hear you loud and clear on that Eric. Sadly times have changed however and it seems most blokes were not informed. A prime example happened today popped into the city centre with a mate. ( yes I do have some, and I'm not schizophrenic) Being the hottest day of the year we were enjoying the lord's handy work, in scantily clad woman. Observing the standard operating procedure of not making to obvious. In years gone by the worst you would have got in return was a disgruntled look. Now however in this day and age, those looks are akin to some form of visual hairy ape!
  15. Be careful what you wish for son. Or you might end up balls deep, in a cut and shut. Though I appreciate the sentiment!
  16. Gyper's maybe the Guard could lend you his copy of Alcoholics Anonymous by Bill W. Due to his cataracts he's now purchased the audiobook.
  17. Jaysus Christ Eric she has been a busy little Boer hasn't she. I had no idea she had steeped to such depths of cuntishness. On first reading this nom, I thought that's a quality bit of minge there I definitely would, what's all the fuss about. Apart from when she played Arleen Wuornos, even I'm not that depraved. Pandering to the LBGTAANK ect is all the rage at the moment it seems. I'm seriously concerned where it's all gonna end but generally yawn at it. However your point regarding cross dressing the kids is on the money. I often wonder what fucking planet these moron's live on. Along with how many years of therapy will these children need.
  18. Major Cunt

    BREXIT Part XI

    You have a valid point there!
  19. Major Cunt

    BREXIT Part XI

  20. Major Cunt

    BREXIT Part XI

    It was a typo for fucks sake in homage to the Jam, with "Down in the tube station at midnight". Not the typo I would like to add! You didn't teach English in the London area in the nineties did you? Its just that you remind me of a cunt that did.
  21. Major Cunt

    BREXIT Part XI

    I heard that judge smelt of pubs and to many UKIP meetings.
  22. Colt 45 fuck me that's a blast from the past Eric, it was still going strong in the early 90's though, as my underage drinking career started. Anybody who confesses to drinking it while driving though, may wish to obtain a copy of Alcoholics Anonymous by Bill W. I sincerely hope this was not during the school run (another imported load of yank bollocks, I suspect) Next thing you will be revealing that you crack open a warm special brew, with your evening meal.
  23. Australian lager is diabolical! they should stick to persecuting there indigenous folks and catching skin cancer. A cold Nelson Mandela always hits the spot at the risk of sounding like a cunt, but a Cobra is preferable.
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