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Major Cunt

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Posts posted by Major Cunt

  1. On 23/09/2022 at 22:06, Frank said:

    Absolutely rubbish. Keep it to yourself, you fucking idiot. 

    Forget this shit, Franco. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the pound hitting an all time low against the dollar and Neil's sudden revelation that he's now joined the elite. One can only assume that either a palette of a tiles have knocked him off a scaffold or one of the local brasses have craftily swapped their Rohypnol chaser with him. Twenty fucking years ago you could hit the States and load up on a set of Ralph Lauren bath towels for fithty pence on the pound.

    Would you Adam and Eve it?

    • Like 1
  2. On 23/09/2022 at 20:36, Eric Cuntman said:

    Jewdy’s sulking. They should unrestrict him and let the miserable old bastard get on with it. 


    On 23/09/2022 at 21:09, Decimus said:

    I miss the old Jew. 

    He's comedy gold lads. You've gotta love his unique ability of opening up the scooters throttle and blundering into any conversation completely unarmed with the facts.  'Poolgate' being a prime example which will always raise a laugh with me. The man's like a moth to the flame where the Corners concerned and I'm predicting his return as the lido's close for the season. 

  3. If there is one thing that I admire about le frog's, and trust me there's only one, their ability to riot, and to riot almost indefinitely until a ransom of demands are met. You've also got to tip your flat cap @judgetwi * in their banning of the burkha, and also a propensity for shooting terrorists. However, they are still the natural enemy of any self respecting English. We've saved the cunt's twice in the last century and have received little appreciation from your average baguette fondling, kike nosed inhabitant.

    Judge, show yourself, you scooter owning, flat cap wearing, obese, alcoholic cunt! 

    • Like 2
  4. On 16/09/2022 at 21:22, Decimus said:

    Think how I feel. Overnight I've gone from being the leader of a clique that never existed to the position of Eric Cuntman's virtual Baldrick.

    Fuck you, Sway.

    No doubt a cunning plans afoot to put Carlos back in his box. The uncoordinated pincer movement always runs aground against a below ninety iq foe, but where there's a will there's a way.



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  5. On 12/08/2022 at 09:21, Parabolic Cunting said:

    Frank Mir was a cunt. Lost to Overeem, Nogeira, Barnett, Cormier. Was slapped giddy by Ian Freeman. Useless ape.

    He did hold the belt though, PC, no easy feat in any division of the UFC. Any cunt can beat any other cunt with the right game plan and skill set in that game.

  6. On 07/08/2022 at 00:19, Last Cunt Standing said:

    I would respectfully suggest you spend more time with your dog and less time trying to carve out a reputation as some sort of poundshop Frank Muir. 

    I was just in the process of awarding a like here thinking that you were referring to former UFC fighter Frank Mir at first (which would have been a clever dig given the Wolf's love of the sport, and the Frank in question having hung up the gloves). You'd be better off comparing him to Colby Covington though. A man with a unique ability to make himself look like a cunt with ease but also ticks all the right boxes in the talent department.

    @Wolfie, couldn't resist the above pun.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, King Billy said:

    No doubt Roops will ‘fact check’ 🤣 Prof Ennos and unearth some recently discovered (something always turns up when anyone dares to speak out on GB News or against the approved narrative) revelation that the Prof was in the Boy Scouts with David Icke or bought a car from Nigel Farage etc etc etc. That’s the MO now in 2022. If you ask awkward questions you will be mocked, scorned and removed from the conversation permanently. Disinformation innit, not safe, harmful….blah blah blah. Doesn’t matter, you’ll all be dead soon anyway.

    Abso-fuckin-loutly. Look at what happened to The Don. He called out the chinks for unleashing the Kung Flu upon the world and it cannot be argued that patient zero hailed from China. The participants of the forces games were the first international patients to be infected which funnily enough happened to be hosted in the communist state. He was then royally fucked over by the MSM and the septics ended up with Dementia Joe, a cunt that couldn't even make it up the stairs to Air Force One.

    We are now all suffering from the Ukrainian war through astronomical increases in everyday staples. A war which the NATO countries are paying through the fucking nose for. I've no doubt that The Don would have flown to Russia and made a deal with Vlad and the Ukrainians could have avoided the bloodshed.

    I reckon he's got a good chance of getting back into the White House.

  8. 23 hours ago, judgetwi said:

    Neither can I. Fait accompli

    You've been like a wheelchair bound Marshal Bernhard Montgomery on this thread, Jewdy. Rallying the troops in an offensive against the Desert Fox hunt sabitor at El-Alamein. 

    Hopefully she gets fucked off for breaking and bending her own rules at will.

  9. On 24/07/2022 at 23:54, Eric Cuntman said:

    I picked up 4.5oz of white widow from Harwich this morning. Have you ever tried it? I'm fucking mullered.

    I certainly have, Eric. It's an old school strand by today's standards, but also one that will guarantee you'll be reaching for the Jaffa Cakes. 

    I'm predicting an early night.

  10. On 25/07/2022 at 21:03, judgetwi said:

    Interesting. The problem is when you press the big red button you’ll never know if you made me cry because I won’t have the opportunity to tell you. That’s what’s called an “ethical dilemma.”

    You’re no “moderator” Mr Roops. You break your own rules, you apply them to people you don’t like and ignore them when they are broken by cunts who lick your arse. Very much like Boris now I come to think of it. You’re a punter (your word not mine) just like the rest of us. Whoever owns this site needs to fuck you off and get someone who can do the fucking job. 
    None of my business of course. Do what you have to do Mr Roops. You’re a fake and totally out of your depth.

    You make several valid points in the above post that I'm in full agreement with. Obviously, this is going to land me in hot water with The Führer, but we're pals and that still means something to me, Jewdy. If you can't back a mate up in this fucked up world of tranny's, faggot's, and LGBT cunt's then we're truly approaching the end of day's.

    However, your disabled Clint Eastwood act is wearing incredibly fucking thin, so either go out in a blazing scooter over Tower Bridge or button it. Sadly Roops isn't going anywhere soon. We're stuck with her pedantic Google facts and inability to admit a mistake. 

    You're flogging a dead 🏇 here.


  11. 20 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Surely you’ve enjoyed the Boy’s Own antics of late, Judith? The fighter pilot, the infantryman. Like a young Ariel Sharon, no? Surely these images get you stiffer than a Shatila refugee. 

    I'd wager heavily that Golda Meir was busy hunting The Red Prince when he last managed to attain anything resembling an erection.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Understandably I won't be taking advice from a cerebrally-challenged person crippled by having no more than two brain cells, one containing an instruction to move a brush upwards, the other downwards.

    No lateral movement then? A prognosis that will soon make him a fully patched member of Jewdy's 'Hells Disabled Angeles'. It's a good job that he lives in South London as all members have to live within a fully charged scooter ride from the Clubhouse.

  13. 11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

    Would that be a Fucking Arse coaching course Marjorie?

    I think you are already over qualified mate.

    No, Jewboy. The Bible promotes heterosexuality despite a decree encouraging/forcing the clergy to ignore scripture and conduct marriage ceremonies between battymen...

    Did you ever attend any of Barrymore's pool parties? I could picture you rolling up like a disabled Liberace and being greeted with the obligatory alright.

    Good times, eh.


  14. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Tony B was one of my favourite characters. Paulie Gaultieri was top of the list. Tony Sirico was the genuine article. 

    He certainly was. Tony Sirico was an associate to one of the five New York families before a prison sentence. It's hard to pick a favourite for me, but If forced to make a choice then I'd have to choose Ralph due to his ongoing beef with Paulie. He was one funny cunt! 

    • Like 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Christopher Moltisanti. Nose King. 

    "If beaks could kill" Tony Blundetto.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, judgetwi said:

    Just adjusting to the cultural and intellectual milieu and participating in the appropriate parlance Marje………you bignosed skidmark cripple.

    It's a bit stagnant at the moment, Jewdy. Any chance of you nominating Bill 'The Cocaine Cowboy' Clinton and his well documented trips on Epstein's Lolita Express. The man's a complete and utter cunt, well deserving of a nom.

    You Arab loving, patron of the Pink Oboe!

  17. 10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

    Or you could just stick your tongue up Skippy’s bum. I’ve noticed you’re good at that sort of thing Marje. 

    A bit like you knocking back anything that's on offer at Mr Malik's offie then, Judas. Along with your unhealthy interest in anything as bent as Graham Norton, binoculars, tantrums, and mobility scooter prices.

    I've also noticed that you've done a complete 180 on Israel and have started calling other punters Jews.

    The Corners Jeremy Clarkson. Known for talking a lot of bollocks and acting like a complete bellend!


  18. On 24/06/2022 at 22:21, judgetwi said:

    the delectable and box ticking Alex Scott

    I'd certainly tick Alex Scott's box with a money shot. I have a healthy interest in women's football now that it's no longer dominated by lezzers. You should check out some of the talent of the Nordic national sides.

    I'm tempted to take an FA coaching course...

  19. On 16/07/2022 at 15:23, Last Cunt Standing said:

    It would be remiss of me not to enquire how you’re all planning to keep cool and hydrated in the coming days of warm weather. I’ll be keeping a close eye on the news for any Keith Moon style incidents involving an out of control mobility scooter and the shallow end of the Golders Green lido. 

    When’s the hose pipe ban timetabled for? 

    I've already topped up the tan over the weekend, Doc, and am always careful in any weather over 25° after an off the chart exposure to UV rays whilst holidaying abroad once.

    I'd imagine our Jewish judicial member will be ditching the hasidic garb for his Rab C Nesbit wife-beater vest, and may even store the Special Brew in a cool-box. Dehydration is definitely going to be an issue for him and his piles won't thank him.

    If his antics at the lido make the Jewish Chronicle then I'll report back.

  20. On 11/07/2022 at 21:37, Frank said:

    There's nothing on my head. It's my silver/grey chest and pubic hair. I've had to tidy myself up, CB.. it's such an awful mess down there. I've got all this fucking matted hair and bits of shit around my bumhole, and my wurlies are longer than my dick. 

    The carefully cultivated character of the GQ reading fashionista has been completely shattered by the above post. I'd wager heavily that the magazine features numerous adverts for body hair trimmers (we all know that you're follicley challenged on the bonce due to being either stupid or brave enough to put your face on camera) and no doubt features various articles on the prevention of razor cuts on the bollocks.

    Move with the fucking times and shave it down to a grade one. The Dutch skirt will appreciate it and so will your micro cock!

    I'm also not entirely convinced that it's turd encrusted around your arsehole.

  21. 10 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Is it true tho roops baby...has the money been withdrawn because of bad faith big dag and his limited and specific law breaking antics.


    I was reading about the Irish boom of the early 2000's the other day, Panz. Apparently, if you purchased any Microsoft software during that time the translations of the manuel's were probably performed in the emerald isle. I thought about your grasp of English and decided it had to be bullshits. Are these behemoth company's actually paying any tax to the state?

    I'm gonna ask Gerry Hutch next time i see him.

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