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The learning disabled not being worth the minimum wage... According to the Government spokesman.


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I thought that was invented by ********** stealing hub caps from moving cars.

Business as usual, Rothers. The use of that word has not been permissible for some time.

It was not usable last time I was here, Spot. That didnt stop certain users having free reign with it though.  Business as usual with the lop sided moderation? 

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It was not usable last time I was here, Spot. That didnt stop certain users having free reign with it though.  Business as usual with the lop sided moderation?

Oh well, them's the breaks. I can only speak for myself. If it is put up when I am here and I get to see it then I will take it down. Them's the instructions.
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Not so bad for product placement though, how many daft cunts have bought a talking wheelchair thinking it'll make them clever enough to understand the universe and beyond. 

I hope that's a rhetorical question. I've got stuck after Stephen Hawking and Davros.

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At the risk of being a cunt (too late) why the fuck would you employ a spacker, when we have plenty of able bodied Spaniards turning up on our shores crying out for work. The disabled should be boiled down to fat and used as fuel. Innit?

Hey Spot..... ************ ok but ***********banned? fucking laughable, as is your Mcdonalds staff badge with the 2 pips on it. Staff usually get paid but it's you paying him. Kinda got that one the wrong way round didnt you. Delete me now Spot because I seriously doubt I can behave on here.
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Hey Spot..... ******** ok but ****** banned? fucking laughable, as is your Mcdonalds staff badge with the 2 pips on it. Staff usually get paid but it's you paying him. Kinda got that one the wrong way round didnt you. Delete me now Spot because I seriously doubt I can behave on here.

Rothers GTI. 0 to bordering on meltdown in 3 days. Could be a new speed record pal.
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Hey Spot..... ********** ok but ****** banned? fucking laughable, as is your Mcdonalds staff badge with the 2 pips on it. Staff usually get paid but it's you paying him. Kinda got that one the wrong way round didnt you. Delete me now Spot because I seriously doubt I can behave on here.

No, not at all. I can't be deleting all and sundry ...and talking to you as well, Rother's. But, of course, you are quite right, I am sure you will conduct yourself in your usual irreverent and boundary pushing style. Good for you! Nice to see you back. Now... If you will excuse me, I have a word to remove.
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Hey Spot..... ******** ok but ******* banned? fucking laughable, as is your Mcdonalds staff badge with the 2 pips on it. Staff usually get paid but it's you paying him. Kinda got that one the wrong way round didnt you. Delete me now Spot because I seriously doubt I can behave on here.

You won't thank me for this, but you sound exactly like Cat on this topic. (She got banned for it as I recall; maybe she's better at it than you? :D)
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No, not at all. I can't be deleting all and sundry ...and talking to you as well, Rother's. But, of course, you are quite right, I am sure you will conduct yourself in your usual irreverent and boundary pushing style. Good for you! Nice to see you back. Now... If you will excuse me, I have a word to remove.

Fuck a duck. I've had to sign back just to congratulate you on that. That was quite professional. Roops, are you watching? 


Just for the record..   I AM NOT A RACIST. (but I do reserve the right to use inflammatory language, even at the risk of getting deleted)

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Guest Gong Farmer

Called into McDonalds recently for a coffee as that's the only thing I will consume from there but my mate decided to have something to eat. As we sat down the token disabled employee came around who was a downs syndrome person. He was cleaning tables spinning a cloth over them but not actually touching the tables, then he stopped in the middle of the restaurant pulled a dirty great fucking bogey out of his nose and wiped it on his trousers. Suffice to say we left hastily.

That's fucking horrible. I wouldn't want some soiled nappy wearing ********  dribbling and belming all over my Big Tasty with bacon in Burger King either. Fucking filth.

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You won't thank me for this, but you sound exactly like Cat on this topic. (She got banned for it as I recall; maybe she's better at it than you? :D)

We were cast from the same mould (except mine was superior) so I fully understand why she pushed and then just kept right on pushing.  I love Cat! She makes me wet and I make her hard!    errrr........

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... 'Spackers' 'Mongo's' call them what 'YOU' will, most of them are more fucking decent than many of the cunts who receive a decent wage.

MOST are hard working, honest and trustworthy, which is more than can be said about the vast majority of the 'able-bodied fucking idiots' that we have to suffer and deal with on a day to day basis.

It is no secret that my own son has special needs, and will most probably never be employed, and yet 'HE' is more able to do certain tasks than many cunts who are paid, and do not deliver. Since aged five years, he has been word-perfect on a computer for example and his comprehension of Mathematics is exceptional... He can also paint & decorate far more competently than most cowboy-twats, and he just gets on with the job and does it... very well.

Is it folks such as him, who should be destined to become a fucking trolley pushing cunt in a supermarket car park for less than you or I would be willing to do such shit?

Pay the REAL fucking idiots, chavs, lazy-bone-idle cowboys a minimum wage (if anything at all) for THEIR poxy work and the half-bit service that they give us... Give THOSE twats the mundane tasks. Folks like my son, can put half of them to fucking shame.

There are more 'Spackers' and 'Mongo's' on this site alone (with the true attitudes that they obviously have) than many of the 'Proper People' that they slate. ZZZZZzzzzz

Jazz.............   you missed my point, you missed the main pint, you missed the subject point........  you missed em all, pal.  Have you been sniffing glue?

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I'd pay a decent chunk out of my wages to see Stephen Hawking getting off his fucking arse and earning his crust instead of all that "look at me, I'm broken" shite. Piss-taking bastard. I'd set the work-shy cunt on fire when his Duracells run out.

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Guest TheCatWoman

I think the general public have a perception of disabled people being Steven Hawking types.  Most disabled people nowadays are people that have been so fucked over by bad childhoods and parenting, drug and alcohol problems and a blatant disregard to ever contributing anything to society except a string of equally dysfunctional and 'entitled to' kids that will perpetuate the problem for fucking EVER!  I fucking despair...................

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I think the general public have a perception of disabled people being Steven Hawking types.  Most disabled people nowadays are people that have been so fucked over by bad childhoods and parenting, drug and alcohol problems and a blatant disregard to ever contributing anything to society except a string of equally dysfunctional and 'entitled to' kids that will perpetuate the problem for fucking EVER!  I fucking despair...................

I am slow to learn but I have learn't that someone from Rotherham do.sn't like you

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Guest JackoTC

Called into McDonalds recently for a coffee as that's the only thing I will consume from there but my mate decided to have something to eat. As we sat down the token disabled employee came around who was a downs syndrome person. He was cleaning tables spinning a cloth over them but not actually touching the tables, then he stopped in the middle of the restaurant pulled a dirty great fucking bogey out of his nose and wiped it on his trousers. Suffice to say we left hastily.

The exact same thing happened in our Macdonalds - only, it was the manager who did the same thing.

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