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EU demands another £5.4 billion

Guest MikeD

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Cheeky cunts want more money from the UK. Don't worry though, Dynamic Dave will be on telly soon with another stage-managed effort to look tough and say he won't pay when in reality he'll already have singed the fucking cheque. Spineless bastard.

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This is what happens when your Prime Minister lies about the state of the economy. They've caught the bastard out. If we say we are doing this well, then we can afford to divvy up more for the EU... that's the way it works... that's what the naive bastards signed us up for. We all knew it was a duff idea, now our lot look incompetent whatever they do. They have fucking well hung themselves.

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Guest cuntcrapper

Good news for the Tory/Labour/Green/Liberal lying turdbags on polling day in Kent? Its as if Brussels want us gone, because the synchronisation with British voting days is spot on, long may it continue Huzzah and down with all Belgians etc...

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A week in politics is a long time and all that old bollocks, so yes things may change. The difficulty is who is going to give Joe Cunt an in/out question on a referendum? Not any of the three main parties. Supposing Farage wins enough seats to be part of a coalition government next May, do you really think he will be able to implement his number 1 policy? Not a chance. This EU question has been rumbling on for years. The UK has too much invested in this project. This has been decided a long time ago. The only thing that will alter the status quo would be an improbable UKIP majority next May. Not on the cards as I see it. A week in politics being a long time is your only hope.

The way I see it PK, is that if the Tories do get back in, (which unless labour somehow conjure up an alternative to milibean seems very likely,) UKIP are probably the most likely coalition partners. Farage will never play ball without a referendum cast in granite.

That said, a straightforward in-out vote is never going to produce anything but "in", mainly because of the fear factor. If there was a real choice offered, such as different areas we can already opt out of or a change in legislation over ever joining the eurozone without it taking at least 5 years to get it through, it could happen, or at least be helpful to the anti-eu contingent.
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Guest nobgobbler

This is what happens when your Prime Minister lies about the state of the economy. They've caught the bastard out. If we say we are doing this well, then we can afford to divvy up more for the EU... that's the way it works... that's what the naive bastards signed us up for. We all knew it was a duff idea, now our lot look incompetent whatever they do. They have fucking well hung themselves.

My sentiments exactly.
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