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Rolling out the red carpet to any cunt

Guest MikeD

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Apparently the figures released show there have been many immigrants with 'questionable histories' allowed into the UK.

Well fuck me, never saw that one coming. And you can bet that whatever the figures show it's a lot fucking worse than that, that's just what they'll risk telling us.

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Guest cuntcrapper

For some reason 'Neville' Cameron, Sillyband, and of course that cunt duffer Clogg, all seem to want to make it easy for every macduff, Romanian, Balkanian, Polish fuck-board to come and slurp off us. I'd ban all immigration forthwith together with 'Foreign Aid' whatever the fuck that means. Imagine we give all this scum visas and then never check if they leave, bit like getting no change when you buy something, fucking, moden little maggots! We all know Nev will ensure we stay in the EU, come hell or high water - I just don't get the fuck WHY!

Edited by Mrs Roops
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Guest KuntaCunty

Immigrant cunts!  They run, in a most cowardly manner, to our borders rather than make their own country livable.  Instead of having a few absolute war and poverty ridden shit holes, they have to spread the fucking disease.  Close the borders, round up the sponging cunts, and drop them in the middle of the fucking Atlantic. 

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Guest ducunti

What they risk if they tell us the truth is a load of Ford Focus. Vauxhall Insignia and a veritable array of other modestly priced vehicles, showing up at Westminster and dragging these lying thieving, grovelling useless bags of shite over Westminster Bridge by a rope tied to the towing hook.

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Guest ducunti

Dont forget the stupid cunts thay drive around in clapped out escorts, novas and fiesta xr2i's i fucking hate those cunts that think its retro to drive those fucking wank heaps. They were shit then and there shit now. Most of the cunts that drive them now only do so for nostalgia reasons as they were most likely concieved in the back of one. Chav fucking cunts


They won't have XR2i's anymore as it's regarded as a newer classic now and therefore a little beyond a shoplifting budget.

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Guest ducunti

Fuck me a newer classic. What next sierra cosworths becoming "classic". Fuck me go to a car show and see all those beautiful cars from the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's. Now imagine in 10 fucking years youl probably see a fucking mondeo.


Its in the eye of the beholder, I would go for a MK1 escort Mexico or 1600 BDA any day, but these days its just a 45 year old Yamaha motorcycle in my garage.  Buy now and buy wisely for the future.

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