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Guest nobgobbler
6 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Her corruption is really rather insignificant in comparison.  Those magnificent yanks, they elevate the worst people to the highest corridors of power.  The rest of us get our rings opened wide with them.   

I wouldn't expect anything else wiz from a bunch of cheerleading yankee doodle dandies who think mickey mouse and bambi are real.

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Guest DingTheRioja
7 hours ago, Eddie said:

Don't worry, Miley Cyrus has tweeted a tearful video of herself accepting Donald Trump as president. Its the news America have been waiting for, people can now move on.

Did she get her kebab out?

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8 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

After Brexit and the American election, I would have thought that the lesson for politicians is to actually listen to the voters and not lobbyists funded by vested interests when formulating policy and legislation. Clinton realised this but it was too little and too late.

It is all part of my master plan to destroy the political class, the liberal elite, the EU and Rochdale FC Supporters Club.

For the last 50 odd years, people have studiously ignored me. Look where it has got them.

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He's been cunted off for being racist,putting women down,being a thick cunt,homophobic and that's just by some people on Cunts Corner. Of course,that sort of stuff never happens on here.


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Guest Bill Stickers
4 minutes ago, Snatch said:

He's been cunted off for being racist,putting women down,being a thick cunt,homophobic and that's just by some people on Cunts Corner. Of course,that sort of stuff never happens on here.


If we can't cunt people for being sexist, racist pieces of shit on here, what can we cunt people for?

Because other people are sexist racist idiots it's ok for him to be one?

Whats your fucking point snatch? Have you even got one? Or do you just fantasise about the Donald rutting against you too much to hear a bad word said? 

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1 minute ago, Bill Stickers said:

If we can't cunt people for being sexist, racist pieces of shit on here, what can we cunt people for?

Because other people are sexist racist idiots it's ok for him to be one?

Whats your fucking point snatch? Have you even got one? Or do you just fantasise about the Donald rutting against you too much to hear a bad word said? 

No I just find it odd that people cunt him off for doing exactly what they do themselves. I know it's hard to work out for yourself but you'll get there one day you utter thick cunt.

As for Trump getting voted,so fucking what. I don't care. I just hope the protesters get some police brutality thrown their way. They fucking deserve it.

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Just now, Snatch said:

No I just find it odd that people cunt him off for doing exactly what they do themselves. I know it's hard to work out for yourself but you'll get there one day you utter thick cunt.

As for Trump getting voted,so fucking what. I don't care. I just hope the protesters get some police brutality thrown their way. They fucking deserve it.

Idiots who protest democracy just because their side lost need a good smack across the frontal lobe.

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Just now, Roadkill said:

Idiots who protest democracy just because their side lost need a good smack across the frontal lobe.

Indeed,same as those who went out and protested against the Brexit result.

If the media don't give them any coverage on the TV,paper's or internet,the stupid cunts will soon fuck off home.

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Guest Gong Farmer

Fucking liberal lefty anti democracy cunts accusing Trump supporters of being sexist racists homophobes despite the FACT that millions of minorities, women and poofs voted for him. Their own internalized sexism, racism and homophobia tells us that they consider all of the above to be stupid cunts that can't think for themselves, How racists, sexist and patronizing is that? How fucking vile could you possibly be than that? They are the xenophobic racists, sexists and homophobes, and not who they claim to be. 


I fucking despise cultural Maxism and the dangerously hypocritical liberal elites. There days are numbered. HAIL THE DONALD!!

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Just now, Gong Farmer said:

Fucking liberal lefty anti democracy cunts accusing Trump supporters of being sexist racists homophobes despite the FACT that millions of minorities, women and poofs voted for him. Their own internalized sexism, racism and homophobia tells us that they consider all of the above to be stupid cunts that can't think for themselves, How racists, sexist and patronizing is that? How fucking vile could you possibly be than that? They are the xenophobic racists, sexists and homophobes, and not who they claim to be. 


I fucking despise cultural Maxism and the dangerously hypocritical liberal elites. There days are numbered. HAIL THE DONALD!!

Hopefully the political ramifications of this year can slow the worlds slow but steady fall into becoming a politically correct affirmative action ridden shit hole. If not I think all of the white straight males are well and truly fucked.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 hour ago, Snatch said:

No I just find it odd that people cunt him off for doing exactly what they do themselves. I know it's hard to work out for yourself but you'll get there one day you utter thick cunt.

As for Trump getting voted,so fucking what. I don't care. I just hope the protesters get some police brutality thrown their way. They fucking deserve it.

Snatchers, are you rich and famous enough to walk up to any fit bird and grab her by the minge, because "when you're famous you can do anything you want, they'll let you."  We may brag about such actions here, but it's highly doubtful anybody would do such a thing outside of these esteemed pages, without getting fusking arrested, and receiving some of that much deserved police brutality to which you refer.  

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35 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Hopefully the political ramifications of this year can slow the worlds slow but steady fall into becoming a politically correct affirmative action ridden shit hole. If not I think all of the white straight males are well and truly fucked.

Evil will flourish when good men do nothing. Political Correctness will flourish if real men do nothing. The population can sleep soundly in their beds knowing bad cunts will say bad things on their behalf.  I like to paraphrase things in case you hadn't noticed.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
58 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

Fucking liberal lefty anti democracy cunts accusing Trump supporters of being sexist racists homophobes despite the FACT that millions of minorities, women and poofs voted for him. Their own internalized sexism, racism and homophobia tells us that they consider all of the above to be stupid cunts that can't think for themselves, How racists, sexist and patronizing is that? How fucking vile could you possibly be than that? They are the xenophobic racists, sexists and homophobes, and not who they claim to be. 


I fucking despise cultural Maxism and the dangerously hypocritical liberal elites. There days are numbered. HAIL THE DONALD!!

According to today's "news," the white women who voted for him did so out of a protest vote that Hillary got the nomination over their guy Bernie Sanders.  The accusations and rather strong evidence of election fraud against her, stole the nom from Mr. Sanders, so they voted for Trump.  Had the Clinton campaign held on to the "grab them by the pussy" and tax evasion and pending noncing trial until a few days prior to the election, it might have swept her in whilst the storm raged on in the media.  When Glenn Beck goes public stating Obama made him a better man and endorsed Clinton, that should have sealed Trump's fate.  Republicans in their congress voting for Clinton should have told people something.  The magnificence of yank thickness apparently knows no bounds.  

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3 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Snatchers, are you rich and famous enough to walk up to any fit bird and grab her by the minge, because "when you're famous you can do anything you want, they'll let you."  We may brag about such actions here, but it's highly doubtful anybody would do such a thing outside of these esteemed pages, without getting fusking arrested, and receiving some of that much deserved police brutality to which you refer.  

I'll try again. Some people on here come out with racist remarks ,take the piss out of women,homophobia etc,then go on to slag off some cunt because he comes out with exactly the same thing. That's what I'm saying.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
Just now, Snatch said:

I'll try again. Some people on here come out with racist remarks ,take the piss out of women,homophobia etc,then go on to slag off some cunt because he comes out with exactly the same thing. That's what I'm saying.

I did understand you, Snatch old bean.  I was merely trying to point out a distinct difference between taking the piss out of women, and sexually assaulting them serially.  The man is an outed predator, now.  That far exceeds simple piss taking.  Next month, he is due in court for a case involving the sexual assault of a 13 year old girl.  He currently has more than 11 credible complaints of sexual assault against him from when he owned those god awful beauty pageants, some contestants as young as 15, nude in the dressing room, being subjected to his deviant desires.  Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc...yes that is common fodder here.  But the difference between taking the piss out of women and predating them as a serial molester are vast.  

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1 minute ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I did understand you, Snatch old bean.  I was merely trying to point out a distinct difference between taking the piss out of women, and sexually assaulting them serially.  The man is an outed predator, now.  That far exceeds simple piss taking.  Next month, he is due in court for a case involving the sexual assault of a 13 year old girl.  He currently has more than 11 credible complaints of sexual assault against him from when he owned those god awful beauty pageants, some contestants as young as 15, nude in the dressing room, being subjected to his deviant desires.  Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc...yes that is common fodder here.  But the difference between taking the piss out of women and predating them as a serial molester are vast.  

In my original post about this I never mentioned sexually assaulting women. That's something that I find not very funny and doesn't need to be joked about.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
Just now, Snatch said:

In my original post about this I never mentioned sexually assaulting women. That's something that I find not very funny and doesn't need to be joked about.

It's not funny.  I'm not joking about it.  But he did indeed make light of it in his past and future intentions.  The specimen known as Trump, is utter slime, mate.  Best place him in a large, transparent canister of formaldehyde, to be dissected and ridiculed for by future generations.  

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Guest Gong Farmer
44 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Hopefully the political ramifications of this year can slow the worlds slow but steady fall into becoming a politically correct affirmative action ridden shit hole. If not I think all of the white straight males are well and truly fucked.

I think that most people are fucked off with being told that they are something or other via the thought controlling PC doctrine of the left, It's got to the point now that even conservatives have to ask the draconian neo-Maxist 'liberal' left what they can say and even think. Most people are traditional;y liberal which means that they have always been prepared to tolarate and accept other peoples views, opinions and choices. That' ethos is no longer good enough for the staunch left, for them now having  a traditional liberal and conservative stance means that you are by default wrong about everything and harbour deep and profound prejudices. It's all going tits up for them now, they're losing with common sense now being reinstated at long last. 

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2 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

It's not funny.  I'm not joking about it.  But he did indeed make light of it in his past and future intentions.  The specimen known as Trump, is utter slime, mate.  Best place him in a large, transparent canister of formaldehyde, to be dissected and ridiculed for by future generations.  

He's been democratically elected by the population of America so we might as well get used to it. It was either him or Clinton.

It's like trying to decide who to babysit your child. Kate or Gerry McCann.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
10 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

I think that most people are fucked off with being told that they are something or other via the thought controlling PC doctrine of the left, It's got to the point now that even conservatives have to ask the draconian neo-Maxist 'liberal' left what they can say and even think. Most people are traditional;y liberal which means that they have always been prepared to tolarate and accept other peoples views, opinions and choices. That' ethos is no longer good enough for the staunch left, for them now having  a traditional liberal and conservative stance means that you are by default wrong about everything and harbour deep and profound prejudices. It's all going tits up for them now, they're losing with common sense now being reinstated at long last. 

Some polls taken show that 55% of the yank righties live in fear of the left, and 49% live in the same fear of the right.  They claim the other sides policies aren't just bad but downright dangerous, and that no compromise can be made, for selling out the people and disenfranchising them from the system even further.  

They're going to self destruct.  We'll follow them down that happy path, because what happens there, happens here.  Only a matter of time.  Right, off to find a female urologist for a proper fingering!!  

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Guest Gong Farmer
13 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

According to today's "news," the white women who voted for him did so out of a protest vote that Hillary got the nomination over their guy Bernie Sanders.  The accusations and rather strong evidence of election fraud against her, stole the nom from Mr. Sanders, so they voted for Trump.  Had the Clinton campaign held on to the "grab them by the pussy" and tax evasion and pending noncing trial until a few days prior to the election, it might have swept her in whilst the storm raged on in the media.  When Glenn Beck goes public stating Obama made him a better man and endorsed Clinton, that should have sealed Trump's fate.  Republicans in their congress voting for Clinton should have told people something.  The magnificence of yank thickness apparently knows no bounds.  

The way Sanders was stitch up by his own party speaks volumes about the corruption running through US politics, It's an interesting thing that most of the people that voted for Obama didn't vote for Clinton most of which were minorities and women, so to say that Trump voters are intrinsically racist and sexist is just wrong. I think that many people saw through the media bias bullshit seeing for what it was and just refused to be manipulated. Saying that, If Sanders hadn't been stitched up the DNC in favour of Killary I think he would probably have won the election despite offering up nothing other than the same old same old.

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