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punishing brats

Guest luke swarm

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I went to an all boys Grammar School  1968-1973. I got the worst  O level results in living memory. Out of 28 in the class, 26 joined the forces or emergency services and were all admonished for letting the school down. My headmaster said I would never amount to anything but I can make a cunt of myself on the piss and he is dead. Ha ha. Cunt

Edited by Manky
lack of education showing through
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I have no brats. I fucking hate kids. As long as the punishment is proportionate to the crime, OK Murder an OAP. No pocket money, grounded for a week and a slap. Piss Manky off, death by firing squad, boiled alive in a vat of H2SO4 at 120 degrees C or exile to Norfolk to be bummed for eternity by your family. Horrible little cunts.

jaffa ?

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Don't bother correcting this confused cretin, Scotty. The boy is so stupendously fucking dim, he struggles to avoid bumping into walls... let alone grasping basic English grammar. 

Like dipstick Ding, he truly is shot to pieces.. alot.


unlike you, who just goes full on into the walls because the three brain cells you have can't bring you to a full stop before you hit. 

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unlike you, who just goes full on into the walls because the three brain cells you have can't bring you to a full stop before you hit. 

Frank is the gift that just keeps on giving.

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I used to work at an incinerator at  hospital. I was told that the human body, even a child, takes a temperature of 1800 degrees C to fully combust. We were thus restricted to arms, legs and small bits like foreskins and earlobes. Bit boring really.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Don't bother correcting this confused cretin, Scotty. The boy is so stupendously fucking dim, he struggles to avoid bumping into walls... let alone grasping basic English grammar. 

Like dipstick Ding, he truly is shot to pieces.. alot.


basic English... want to go back and try basic English yourself, since anything you spout seems to be utter drivel.. definately not up to your usual piss-ant standards, and that's saying something...

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