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Sex attacks in Europe

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

It has been reported that Swedish police "hushed up" a large number of sex attacks made by migrants to avoid reprisals. 

Cologne and other cities in Germany also have the same sort of problems. 

It seems women from the Middle East and Africa suffer this all the time, that explains why they feel they have to cover up. 

Filthy fucking cunts who can't respect what is being done for them by abusing our women.They should be fucking thrown back to the shithole they came from after a bit of "treatment" by the locals.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

It has been reported that Swedish police "hushed up" a large number of sex attacks made by migrants to avoid reprisals. 

Cologne and other cities in Germany also same sort of problems. 

It seems women from the Middle East and Africa suffer this all the time, that explains why they feel they have to cover up. 

Filthy fucking cunts who can't respect what is being done for them by abusing our women.They should be fucking throiwn back to the shithole they came from after a bit of "treatment" by the locals.

I see there was a record spike in sex attacks on New Years Eve, and I stayed in. 

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But according to the lefties and apologists it's a "cultural thing" and "only a minority".

Well the disgusting bastards can fuck off back to their own culture and be in the fucking majority.

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2 minutes ago, MikeD said:

But according to the lefties and apologists it's a "cultural thing" and "only a minority".

Well the disgusting bastards can fuck off back to their own culture and be in the fucking majority.

Don't worry ,once they get their German passports they can come on over here. 

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16 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I see there was a record spike in sex attacks on New Years Eve, and I stayed in. 

Stickers was out though, living it up like Pablo fucking Escobar, raving it up with half of Columbia up his snozz. It might explain his current absence, a spell in the slammer for various acts of coke fuelled flashing.

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The problem in Germany is that the Police and media have been told to cover alot of this up to stop any "racial backlash".

It's too late for that as the right wing marches are getting bigger. Not necessarily all attendees are Neo-Nazi's but alot of people who,not necessarily racist,are just pissed off/scared and want the situation sorted out now.

These immigrant cunts laugh at the European laws as they know they cannot be kicked out. According to The Human Rights Law,a country cannot send an immigrant back to a war zone. You can't send these cunts to another country either as they are not citizens of any other country.

So any country that takes them in are stuck with them.

The situation will get worse in Western Europe before it gets better.

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There'll be no backlash here when it starts happening.. As long as the zombies have the latest fucking phone or tablet and X-Factor's on telly we could be under Sharia fucking law and nobody will care.

We're lazy, complacent cunts. The politicians have got us sussed and that's why they continue to throw the fucking shit at us because they know we'll fucking take everything.

Mind you, if all the football was cancelled then there would be war in the fucking streets.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
41 minutes ago, Manky said:

I think you  will be safe.

Manky, cunt, it's a sad truth that the only sexual attack I am likely to encounter is a kick in the bollocks from Mrs C.

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Guest DingTheRioja
46 minutes ago, MikeD said:

But according to the lefties and apologists it's a "cultural thing" and "only a minority".

Well the disgusting bastards can fuck off back to their own culture and be in the fucking majority.

Yep.. I saw some stupid fucking bint on Ch4 news last night... missed half what she said but part of it was something like "the people and politicians need to go to where these people come from and understand the culture and background the immigrants come from"..


Come over here, wanting a handout (either legitimately or otherwise) and YOU learn OUR culture of NOT RAPING people... it's not fucking hard to comprehend now is it?

They are quite happy to sentence us foreigners to death for breaking their laws in their country.  I don't mind that either, if dumb fucks go to a dry country and brew up and sell illicit hooch then it is literally their own necks... don't fucking do it... or get it stretched...

41 minutes ago, Snatch said:

The problem in Germany is that the Police and media have been told to cover alot of this up to stop any "racial backlash".

It's too late for that as the right wing marches are getting bigger. Not necessarily all attendees are Neo-Nazi's but alot of people who,not necessarily racist,are just pissed off/scared and want the situation sorted out now.

These immigrant cunts laugh at the European laws as they know they cannot be kicked out. According to The Human Rights Law,a country cannot send an immigrant back to a war zone. You can't send these cunts to another country either as they are not citizens of any other country.

So any country that takes them in are stuck with them.

The situation will get worse in Western Europe before it gets better.

No, but legally you can send them directly back to the country they just travelled through to cross your borders... because technically that country is at fault... hence Merkel sending 200 a day bak to Austria...

...mind you.. we know what happened last time the Germans had a word with Austria...

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
45 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Stickers was out though, living it up like Pablo fucking Escobar, raving it up with half of Columbia up his snozz. It might explain his current absence, a spell in the slammer for various acts of coke fuelled flashing.

He's some cunt. I rather fancy he's gone feral, living in a lean-to in the woods, shooting frogs for vittles, dirty nose pressed wide eyed against the side windows of cavorting couples cars, hoping to find a dead 'un for a "keeper".

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1 minute ago, DingTheDoggie!! said:

Yep.. I saw some stupid fucking bint on Ch4 news last night... missed half what she said but part of it was something like "the people and politicians need to go to where these people come from and understand the culture and background the immigrants come from"..


Come over here, wanting a handout (either legitimately or otherwise) and YOU learn OUR culture of NOT RAPING people... it's not fucking hard to comprehend now is it?

They are quite happy to sentence us foreigners to death for breaking their laws in their country.  I don't mind that either, if dumb fucks go to a dry country and brew up and sell illicit hooch then it is literally their own necks... don't fucking do it... or get it stretched...

No, but legally you can send them directly back to the country they just travelled through to cross your borders... because technically that country is at fault... hence Merkel sending 200 a day bak to Austria...

...mind you.. we know what happened last time the Germans had a word with Austria...

I've been in Austria on holiday, beautiful place. Glad I went a few years ago as it'll be pretty much fucked now.

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4 minutes ago, DingTheDoggie!! said:

Yep.. I saw some stupid fucking bint on Ch4 news last night... missed half what she said but part of it was something like "the people and politicians need to go to where these people come from and understand the culture and background the immigrants come from"..


Come over here, wanting a handout (either legitimately or otherwise) and YOU learn OUR culture of NOT RAPING people... it's not fucking hard to comprehend now is it?

They are quite happy to sentence us foreigners to death for breaking their laws in their country.  I don't mind that either, if dumb fucks go to a dry country and brew up and sell illicit hooch then it is literally their own necks... don't fucking do it... or get it stretched...

No, but legally you can send them directly back to the country they just travelled through to cross your borders... because technically that country is at fault... hence Merkel sending 200 a day bak to Austria...

...mind you.. we know what happened last time the Germans had a word with Austria...

Not a truer word said Dingers. Some Australian Prime Minister once said,"Your free to come to our Country and your also free to Leave".

Some left wing politician on Germany has said that the racism is coming out in the government when they said the attackers New Years Eve On Cologne were of Syrian origin.

How can that be racist when all they did was quote FACTS. Is this stupid bint Judge's sister?

Fact is not racist and these left wing cunts are dangerous as they do not want to face the truth. I wonder what her response would be were she to be turned over or sexually assaulted by one these immigrants.

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Guest DingTheRioja
10 minutes ago, MikeD said:

I've been in Austria on holiday, beautiful place. Glad I went a few years ago as it'll be pretty much fucked now.

Me too.. went through the place on a Grand Tour at the end of the 80s... still fucking pissed off I didn't get to Berlin before the wall dropped... would have loved to see before and after...

...and yes... I know the mullets would still be the same...

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Not a truer word said Dingers. Some Australian Prime Minister once said,"Your free to come to our Country and your also free to Leave".

Some left wing politician on Germany has said that the racism is coming out in the government when they said the attackers New Years Eve On Cologne were of Syrian origin.

How can that be racist when all they did was quote FACTS. Is this stupid bint Judge's sister?

Fact is not racist and these left wing cunts are dangerous as they do not want to face the truth. I wonder what her response would be were she to be turned over or sexually assaulted by one these immigrants.

"ooo it's not his fault.. it's the way he was brought up... and by the way.. I needed that damn good seeing to..."


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People with conflicting views forced together will ultimately end in conflict. If they need to be taught it's wrong to touch women without consent as reported in the media then they have no place in a civilised country, Merkel will go down in history as a traitor to the German people, and the springboard to the rise of the far right. Cunt.

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Cover up their crimes, love them and accept them. Because guess what? You have no fucking option, they're coming to live near you and there's absolutely fuck-all you can do about it.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Multi culturalism has consistently proved to be an unattainable dream. It will never work until all sides accept that the law must be made for and followed by all, regardless of what your fictional book of ancient hallucinations and mental ill health ramblings about sky fairies tells you.

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3 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Multi culturalism has consistently proved to be an unattainable dream. It will never work until all sides accept that the law must be made for and followed by all, regardless of what your fictional book of ancient hallucinations and mental ill health ramblings about sky fairies tells you.

More of a nightmare if you ask me, unfortunately the left will never accept the major drawbacks of this forced experiment , and you are a racist moron if you don't agree with the principles. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
22 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

Well that's the way we French are , get used to it.

I did like the way the French banned the hajib or whatever the Darth Vader letterbox one is called... "our women are too beautiful to hide"... any muslim bloke who objects is basically calling his wife a munter who needs to be hidden from view....


If they want to behave like third or even "fourth" world caveman cunts, then they can fucking stay in their tribal warfare wartorn dusty shithole...


As I said earlier, if I brewed hooch out there I would expect to get hung if caught... so what.. my fault for fucking around with their rules...

....but I can have my Riggwelter and Glenfiddich chasers over here every day if I want... cunts...


Mind you.. I'd like to see the cunts try and cop a feel of Mrs D.... she'd snap their hands of and shove it so far up their arse they'd puke from tickling their tonsils... after dealing with their nutsack... we have two ball-peen hammers in this house.. His 'n' Hers... as a fair and sexually equal household should have...

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