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A big thank you to all those who voted REMAIN

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3 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Why are you bothering with this line? Course it fucking matters, and has an effect. Pre planned this, scam that , Area 51 the other. Don't be a child. Big uncertainty causes big drop confidence. Affecting thousands of individual, unrelated decision makers and their decisions. Evidencing itself in market reaction. That's your big scam. You sound exactly like the  braying fuckwits up here at referendum time- no point speaking to those without a basic grasp. I hope I'm talking shit, but I think not. And I'm for the uk, so unfortunately you'll find many others here who voted better together  are going to resent having this imposed on them and will want to fuck off. Maybe Europe is fucked, but that process has to start with one country fucking off, and it's us-great. Hard times. Shame Cameron is such a colossal fuck wit prepared to roll the dice on this, for no great reason. What a fucking red faced guilty looking cunt. It's no use denying it- most young people in England didn't want it. Small minded little England cocksmokers like you, your immigration shit, you're why it's fucked.

Get on the ferry and go live with the uber corrupt Europeans then......go on fuck off.   

You would have been. Nazi sympathiser in the war.

one of those cunts who said, it's going to be ok because Mr Chamberlain has a piece of paper saying so from Hitler.

Greece and Europe are fucked.....we have just put you in the life boat, be grateful.

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4 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Why are you bothering with this line? Course it fucking matters, and has an effect. Pre planned this, scam that , Area 51 the other. Don't be a child. Big uncertainty causes big drop confidence. Affecting thousands of individual, unrelated decision makers and their decisions. Evidencing itself in market reaction. That's your big scam. You sound exactly like the  braying fuckwits up here at referendum time- no point speaking to those without a basic grasp. I hope I'm talking shit, but I think not. And I'm for the uk, so unfortunately you'll find many others here who voted better together  are going to resent having this imposed on them and will want to fuck off. Maybe Europe is fucked, but that process has to start with one country fucking off, and it's us-great. Hard times. Shame Cameron is such a colossal fuck wit prepared to roll the dice on this, for no great reason. What a fucking red faced guilty looking cunt. It's no use denying it- most young people in England didn't want it. Small minded little England cocksmokers like you, your immigration shit, you're why it's fucked.

Cunt....the pre planned reference is directed at the strategy they had in place for Friday morning.   They all had a what if it's vote OUT strategy you fucking cunt.   The banks all had a plan B and could see a profit making exercise, just like on Black Wednesday when some cunts made millions on trading against the pound.  It's not Area51 stuff it's business you fucking dick.   I suppose you need to ask mummy about 1992 and how the euro cunts tried to get us to join the ERM......best thing we ever did was to not join. That's fact not fiction.

let the adults run things boy.

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So now a petition with over 1m signatures asking/forcing another referendum, because the lazy cunts who could sign the petition online, were too fucking lazy/arrogant about staying in the EU, that they didn't get off their fat collective arse and go to a polling station a couple of miles from their front door. 


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4 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Why are you bothering with this line? Course it fucking matters, and has an effect. Pre planned this, scam that , Area 51 the other. Don't be a child. Big uncertainty causes big drop confidence. Affecting thousands of individual, unrelated decision makers and their decisions. Evidencing itself in market reaction. That's your big scam. You sound exactly like the  braying fuckwits up here at referendum time- no point speaking to those without a basic grasp. I hope I'm talking shit, but I think not. And I'm for the uk, so unfortunately you'll find many others here who voted better together  are going to resent having this imposed on them and will want to fuck off. Maybe Europe is fucked, but that process has to start with one country fucking off, and it's us-great. Hard times. Shame Cameron is such a colossal fuck wit prepared to roll the dice on this, for no great reason. What a fucking red faced guilty looking cunt. It's no use denying it- most young people in England didn't want it. Small minded little England cocksmokers like you, your immigration shit, you're why it's fucked.

I think your views have been fashioned by much of what you have been force fed the last 4 months. You assume all people who voted out are racist. Some were without doubt, brainwashed too. Those that wanted to stay in were not all young, gay, metropolitan living people. Everyone who was eligible to vote and exercised this right had their own reasons. Don't pigeon hole people on assumption that 17 million plus are all inward looking, selfish bigots. Far from it. If the EU was made up of Germany, Belgium, Holland and the Scandinavian countries only, I would have voted in. The club is too big, too indecisive and it's elite are more aloof than the politicians at our own museum in Westminster. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, The Beast said:

I think your views have been fashioned by much of what you have been force fed the last 4 months. You assume all people who voted out are racist. Some were without doubt, brainwashed too. Those that wanted to stay in were not all young, gay, metropolitan living people. Everyone who was eligible to vote and exercised this right had their own reasons. Don't pigeon hole people on assumption that 17 million plus are all inward looking, selfish bigots. Far from it. If the EU was made up of Germany, Belgium, Holland and the Scandinavian countries only, I would have voted in. The club is too big, too indecisive and it's elite are more aloof than the politicians at our own museum in Westminster. 

It's not so much that it is racist or isn't , just that immigration was treated as if it was an absolutely massive problem and nearly the only problem, for many it was the main & only thing. Bit fuckin retarded 

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Guest Manky
11 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

It's not so much that it is racist or isn't , just that immigration was treated as if it was an absolutely massive problem and nearly the only problem, for many it was the main & only thing. Bit fuckin retarded 

Immigration is a fucking massive thing. Come and visit the dumping grounds, well away from our great leaders. To be opposed to immigration doesn't make you racist on its own. I have to practice all the other bits that do.

P.S. For me, the biggest issue is sovereignty and being ruled by an unelected foreign elite. Fuck 'em

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 minutes ago, Manky said:

Immigration is a fucking massive thing. Come and visit the dumping grounds, well away from our great leaders. To be opposed to immigration doesn't make you racist on its own. I have to practice all the other bits that do.

P.S. For me, the biggest issue is sovereignty and being ruled by an unelected foreign elite. Fuck 'em

I never said it didn't. It's big but so are dozens of other things , many of which weren't a problem on Thursday. Bollocks being ruled, yeah final courts of appeal and regulatory pish, but who gives a fuck about that , hardly being ruled 

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Guest Manky
5 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I never said it didn't. It's big but so are dozens of other things , many of which weren't a problem on Thursday. Bollocks being ruled, yeah final courts of appeal and regulatory pish, but who gives a fuck about that , hardly being ruled 

The ECHR has had a big effect on our controlling our borders and fucking off pond life. Anyway, fuck all that, I voted out in 1975 and felt I had to finish the job. If the Jocks want to split and stay in the EU, good luck to them. What could possibly go wrong?. Save me paying for their tuition fees and prescriptions.

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37 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

It's not so much that it is racist or isn't , just that immigration was treated as if it was an absolutely massive problem and nearly the only problem, for many it was the main & only thing. Bit fuckin retarded 

It is an issue in the respect of how many people can be accommodated and use the public services that the UK has. Our own leaders have no interest in expanding these services, so we have to make do with what we have. A slower increase of numbers of people using them is essential to provide a basic service for all. That may not happen by voting out, but staying in would only lead to a steeper curve on the graph, that is for sure.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, The Beast said:

It is an issue in the respect of how many people can be accommodated and use the public services that the UK has. Our own leaders have no interest in expanding these services, so we have to make do with what we have. A slower increase of numbers of people using them is essential to provide a basic service for all. That may not happen by voting out, but staying in would only lead to a steeper curve on the graph, that is for sure.

I'm not saying it isn't the case, only that there is a much bigger picture 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Manky said:

The ECHR has had a big effect on our controlling our borders and fucking off pond life. Anyway, fuck all that, I voted out in 1975 and felt I had to finish the job. If the Jocks want to split and stay in the EU, good luck to them. What could possibly go wrong?. Save me paying for their tuition fees and prescriptions.

You are remarkably blasé about all this. It was the same with the fervent Glasgow cunt section during the thing up here- they felt they had a shit lot and fuck all to lose.  

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Guest Manky
10 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

You are remarkably blasé about all this. It was the same with the fervent Glasgow cunt section during the thing up here- they felt they had a shit lot and fuck all to lose.  

I would rather we stayed together, but neither by force or bribery. If the Jocks want to go, let them. If they want to stay, let them. But only as equal partners. The same with N.I.

As for the Welsh.....

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

It's not so much that it is racist or isn't , just that immigration was treated as if it was an absolutely massive problem and nearly the only problem, for many it was the main & only thing. Bit fuckin retarded 

Misled by the media. 

That's you, not us.

It was the Remain brigade who made base immigration the be all and end all,  they made immigration about racism and little englanders.  Immigration is a much bigger fucking issue than that and your petty mindedness at losing against a democratic vote is half the fucking problem in this country.

Mass immigration affects the NHS, Social Security, Housing, Employment, Council Services, Education, National Security, Police, Customs, Tax, personal security, currency export plus more.... that pretty much is every aspect of your shitty little life except for the currency export since you haven't left your box in 25 fucking years.

1 million Polish, nevermind however many millions of others are already here, we cannot afford to subsidise millions more.... and that is not even mentioning the question of how much fucking money we fucking waste sending it the fucking EU, or the ECHR, or the other bureaucratic shit they impose on us.

2 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I never said it didn't. It's big but so are dozens of other things , many of which weren't a problem on Thursday. Bollocks being ruled, yeah final courts of appeal and regulatory pish, but who gives a fuck about that , hardly being ruled 

See above, the Remain campaign made immigration a racist word. You're tarred with the same brush, now get the fucking feathers out!

2 hours ago, The Beast said:

It is an issue in the respect of how many people can be accommodated and use the public services that the UK has. Our own leaders have no interest in expanding these services, so we have to make do with what we have. A slower increase of numbers of people using them is essential to provide a basic service for all. That may not happen by voting out, but staying in would only lead to a steeper curve on the graph, that is for sure.

Yup.  All these cuts and we're supposed to accommodate more?  Fuck 'em... we're off!

16 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I'm not saying it isn't the case, only that there is a much bigger picture 

Which you know fuckall about by the looks of it. 


The EU has been failing for years, we're the lucky ones to fuck off first before it takes us all down the plug hole... think Greece, but Europe-wide, who's going to bail us out?

No-one, the Germans wouldn't and they are the only ones who could even possibly afford to.  If they had let Cameron win concessions at the re-negotiations this would not have happened, they called our bluff, gave us nothing and told us to fuck off.

Well, they can fuck off now.

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Guest CaptainCuntoff

@Monumental cunt I do believe we a Nation can move onwards and upwards from this EU spunk-filled-snickers-wrapper of a mess , but it will be with hard work and I don't think that's a problem , BUT I wonder how many and who will decide it is a problem and leave ? I glad we are out personally 

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Guest Manky
17 minutes ago, CaptainCuntoff said:

@Monumental cunt I do believe we a Nation can move onwards and upwards from this EU spunk-filled-snickers-wrapper of a mess , but it will be with hard work and I don't think that's a problem , BUT I wonder how many and who will decide it is a problem and leave ? I glad we are out personally 

CaptainCotdeath. I agree with some of your sentiments. It will be interesting to see who stays and who runs. Work will make us free, we must hail the golden dawn and god is with us.

If that doesn't wind some of the cunts up, I'm fucked.

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Guest Bill Stickers
6 hours ago, Manky said:

Immigration is a fucking massive thing. Come and visit the dumping grounds, well away from our great leaders. To be opposed to immigration doesn't make you racist on its own. I have to practice all the other bits that do.

P.S. For me, the biggest issue is sovereignty and being ruled by an unelected foreign elite. Fuck 'em

Immigration is a massive thing... As the whitest, least ethnically diverse places all vote out. 

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Guest Manky
11 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Immigration is a massive thing... As the whitest, least ethnically diverse places all vote out. 

Part of the failed policy of multiculturism leading to ghettoisation. Parts of the north ate reminiscent of Belfast of the '70s Or South Africa in the 80's. Never the twain etc.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
18 minutes ago, Manky said:

Part of the failed policy of multiculturism leading to ghettoisation. Parts of the north ate reminiscent of Belfast of the '70s Or South Africa in the 80's. Never the twain etc.

I don't give a shit about your shanty shit hole. Here, I live in a proper European city. About 1/3 of folk in work or whatever are euros.  Mostly spics, frogs, krauts, wops, greasers and polecats. It's all cool. There is no immigration "problem" here remotely. Zero. Now they all have a load of hassle.  Fuck knows who is going to fill the tourism / leisure roles, fuck sakes you go around hotels , highlands islands fucking 99% young Euro workers who are fucking glad of it. Our young pricks don't want a bar of it. Fucking little shit head Cunts need their shit beat in.

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Guest Manky
10 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I don't give a shit about your shanty shit hole. Here, I live in a proper European city. About 1/3 of folk in work or whatever are euros.  Mostly spics, frogs, krauts, wops, greasers and polecats. It's all cool. There is no immigration "problem" here remotely. Zero. Now they all have a load of hassle.  Fuck knows who is going to fill the tourism / leisure roles, fuck sakes you go around hotels , highlands islands fucking 99% young Euro workers who are fucking glad of it. Our young pricks don't want a bar of it. Fucking little shit head Cunts need their shit beat in.

I don't think you can refer to Manchester in the negative terms you began your rant with. It is a City with much tourism based on Music, Football and its Industrial Heritage. Employment is out performing much of the rest of the country. There is pondlife here. I don't like them myself. The surrounding towns are battered with gimmegrants. Whichever way you want it, we see it around here.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
10 minutes ago, Manky said:

I don't think you can refer to Manchester in the negative terms you began your rant with. It is a City with much tourism based on Music, Football and its Industrial Heritage. Employment is out performing much of the rest of the country. There is pondlife here. I don't like them myself. The surrounding towns are battered with gimmegrants. Whichever way you want it, we see it around here.

I know you do see it. We do not see it, not a hint. The pricks should have politely curtailed influx years ago to avoid cunts getting all shirty about it. So now Cunts like you have made a decision for all that cunts like us have no say in at all, over something that affects you but not us. This, this is fucking bullshit. You sir are a fuck stick, but I don't mind conversing with you, unlike that utter idiot MC.

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Guest Manky
6 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I know you do see it. We do not see it, not a hint. The pricks should have politely curtailed influx years ago to avoid cunts getting all shirty about it. So now Cunts like you have made a decision for all that cunts like us have no say in at all, over something that affects you but not us. This, this is fucking bullshit. You sir are a fuck stick, but I don't mind conversing with you, unlike that utter idiot MC.

I made that decision. Along with 51.9% of the votes cast. That is a clear majority. 1 vote is enough in a vote like this. Are we going to have moaning and crying for years to come. We are not at war with Europe. It is just that we don't want to play their silly games any more.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
5 minutes ago, Manky said:

I made that decision. Along with 51.9% of the votes cast. That is a clear majority. 1 vote is enough in a vote like this. Are we going to have moaning and crying for years to come. We are not at war with Europe. It is just that we don't want to play their silly games any more.

Like I says, we are not aware of any games or any other Euro effects , other than a healthy amount of tidy polish tarts swanning around town with their great arses wobbling about- not a problem. That's great that England can apply a 50.1% vote in their favour to their ends. Shit for us that we can't apply our opinion on the same footing. If nobody here voted, or, if every soul voted remain , it would have equally made no difference. That is the distinction that is going to fuck things up.

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2 hours ago, Manky said:

Part of the failed policy of multiculturism leading to ghettoisation. Parts of the north ate reminiscent of Belfast of the '70s Or South Africa in the 80's. Never the twain etc.

Yes there are problems and there's no point in denying it, but I don't think multiculturalism has been a failure as such. In any case we have to make it work, turning the clock back 50+ years isn't an option.

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16 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

Yes there are problems and there's no point in denying it, but I don't think multiculturalism has been a failure as such. In any case we have to make it work, turning the clock back 50+ years isn't an option.

Multiculturalism does not work when it is forced upon people. Australia, and in particular Melbourne has one of the most ethnically diverse populations and most of them have assimilated to a large degree, but we have problems with disenfranchised African youths that form gangs and go around jacking cars and beating shit out of white people seemingly just for fun. Our lefty state gov says we need to offer these cunts a home as they are war torn, just like the flood of pricks you have over there. Enough is enough, and I am not surprised you voted out with this as one of the factors. GB is not a big place.

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Guest Sancho Cuntza
2 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I don't give a shit about your shanty shit hole. Here, I live in a proper European city. About 1/3 of folk in work or whatever are euros.  Mostly spics, frogs, krauts, wops, greasers and polecats. It's all cool. There is no immigration "problem" here remotely. Zero. Now they all have a load of hassle.  Fuck knows who is going to fill the tourism / leisure roles, fuck sakes you go around hotels , highlands islands fucking 99% young Euro workers who are fucking glad of it. Our young pricks don't want a bar of it. Fucking little shit head Cunts need their shit beat in.

I'm probably going to get castigated for this, but fuck it.

I'm a proponent of open borders and I genuinely think that the immigration that this country has experienced has been a plus to our society.

The leave voters would have you believe that the millions of migrants who have entered this country are all feckless, work shy free loaders who have absolutely nothing to contribute. The fact is, E.U. or no E.U., mass immigration has been allowed on the basis that they provide a cheap labour force, and also one that contributes a large amount of tax to the British exchequer. The average little Englander might moan that they put a strain on public services, but they are still too bigoted to blame the British politicians who do not invest the extra tax revenue on providing more hospitals and schools. Migrants, as at any point in history, are the easiest scapegoats for the uninformed uneducated classes. The money is there, but OUR government, not the E.U., channel it elsewhere.

If you are naive and stupid enough to blame immigration on the E.U. and think that anything will change, then may I point you to the mass commonwealth migration of the 50's and 60's. Its been happening for years and won't stop now, because despite the narrow minded racism of the majority of this country, immigration is a positive aspect of modern society and will continue for years to come.

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