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The average American

Guest Bill Stickers

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3 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

I'm sorry Britain but this wailing and gnashing of teeth about Trump has got to be nipped in the bud. Cretin? Definitely. Posturing Alpha-male whose 'joke' has got out of hand? Probably. Bumper sticker, unenforceable (non) policies for a divided nation? You betcha!

He is though America's President and America is our biggest ally.

Millions of American's voted for him, and just as with Brexiteers, they are not all, thick, xenophobic rednecks. The Americans I know are (street) smart, hard working, and like the rest of us, want the best for their families. They had a pretty invidious choice and they went the way they did.

It's called Democracy and there's not a damn thing any of us on this side of the pond can do about what America decides. Arguably this is a huge opportunity to forge close (trade) links with a government better disposed to a post-Brexit UK than the previous one. Get busy working with what 'is' not with what 'should be'.

....and anyone who treats a politician - Trump, Corbyn, Farage, Putin - like their favourite rock star needs their head examining. They're all lying power-junkies, who need watching like a hawk and their wings clipping at every opportunity by a well-informed, bullshit-free public.

Us, in other words.

Fucking hell....... good fucking post.... have you been drying out or something?

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Guest Lady Penelope
15 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

Fucking hell....... good fucking post.... have you been drying out or something?

Hillary is now hiding out in the Syrian embassy

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48 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Being a lying sack of shit is just an intrinsic part of any political campaign. I think any wanker with an IQ above idiocy would have disregarded the propaganda from both sides and made their own judgement how to vote.

How do you know they didn't? Maybe Donald is the best man for the job. Maybe all the Trump votes were carefully considered and all the Clinton votes were anti USA, wetbacks, faggots and pinko protest votes. (A bit like Labour in the UK)  You never know.

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Guest Lady Penelope
5 minutes ago, Manky said:

How do you know they didn't? Maybe Donald is the best man for the job. Maybe all the Trump votes were carefully considered and all the Clinton votes were anti USA, wetbacks, faggots and pinko protest votes. (A bit like Labour in the UK)  You never know.

Harsh but true :o

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Guest Lady Penelope
24 minutes ago, Extremecunt said:

It looks like they bussed in Hillary's  white supporter's from their local mong school's. Fucking daydreaming cunts.

I have a much longer memory than many of you here. My memory of the US political scene goes back to the early 60s and a certain Democrat Senator by the name of George Wallace from Alabama. The timate bigot and racist. Then as it had always been the democrats controlled the south and segregation was legeslated in. blacks and white were not allowed to mix, indeed most blacks were prevented from voting. Ten years later and the democratic south seemed to be lefty liberal but in truth all that had happened was that many of the black were voting but the white supemacist culture was there under the surface. TBH not a lot different than the average labour voter of the 60s in the uk, Alf Garnett was meant to mock them but they took Alf to their hearts as the cheeky chap who could say what they could no longer say. TBH little had changed in the grass roots labour party 30 years later.

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35 minutes ago, Manky said:

How do you know they didn't? Maybe Donald is the best man for the job. Maybe all the Trump votes were carefully considered and all the Clinton votes were anti USA, wetbacks, faggots and pinko protest votes. (A bit like Labour in the UK)  You never know.

I was referring to the brexit vote campaign and the 350 mil on the bus. On your point, it doesn't matter what he wants to do on the International front, the machine decides that, not the so called commander in chief.

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Guest Lady Penelope
11 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I was referring to the brexit vote campaign and the 350 mil on the bus. On your point, it doesn't matter what he wants to do on the International front, the machine decides that, not the so called commander in chief.

I doubt whether that mention of £350 million on the bus had any effect, most people simply saw it as an empty promise.The remainers used a fear campaign and bullying tactics and mocked the leavers rather than trying un a positive campaign. The truth is that without the fear abd bullying actics the leave vote would have been much higher as the remain campaign simplyknew that there was little positive that they could say in favour of us remaining in the eu and that anything they did say would quickly unravel.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 minute ago, Lady Penelope said:

I doubt whether that mention of £350 million on the bus had any effect, most peole simply aw it as an empty promise.The remainers used a far campaign and bullying tactics and mcked the leavers rather than trying un a positive campaign. The truth is that without the fear abd bullying actics the leave vote would have been much higher as the remain campaign simplyknew that there was little positive that they could say in favour of us remaining in the eu and that anything they did say would quickly unravel.

The majority of Remainers who I know did actually believe, to a certain extent anyway, that any vote to leave was inherently racist.  They kept this belief even though their own family and friends were voting out, ones that they knew were not racist in anyway shape or form, and they kept it on the grounds of the press and PR bollocks, they had no real answer to stay except that it might be dark outside..

Needless to say, a couple of them are no longer on my christmas card list.  That'll teach the cunts!

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Guest Lady Penelope
4 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

The majority of Remainers who I know did actually believe, to a certain extent anyway, that any vote to leave was inherently racist.  They kept this belief even though their own family and friends were voting out, ones that they knew were not racist in anyway shape or form, and they kept it on the grounds of the press and PR bollocks, they had no real answer to stay except that it might be dark outside..

Needless to say, a couple of them are no longer on my christmas card list.  That'll teach the cunts!

I noticed this in several of the remains I knew, the odd thing was is that deep down they were racist and the way they would express it was through anti semitism (and by that I don't mean Israel bashing) I mean old fashioned undiluted anti semitism.


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Guest DingTheRioja
2 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

I noticed this in several of the remains I knew, the odd thing was is that deep down they were racist and the way they would express it was through anti semitism (and by that I don't mean Israel bashing) I mean old fashioned undiluted anti semitism.


The ones I know go on holiday to India, Vietnam, Thailand etc.... and when they come back all you hear is stories akin the glory days of the British Empire such as they're ever so grateful when you tip them whats only about a pound!

Yes, because that is a day or twos fucking wages out there and will feed his family for a week or pay the rent on his mud shack for the month... lording it over the poor bastards like some fucking yuppie cunts from the 80s


And they stick firmly to the All You Can Eat Tourist Fucking Resorts...

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34 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I was referring to the brexit vote campaign and the 350 mil on the bus. On your point, it doesn't matter what he wants to do on the International front, the machine decides that, not the so called commander in chief.

It is only £350,000,000. That CAN be found out of the sub's we paid to be in the club. Far better to save, not cut, the money from the somewhat bloated NHS. Wait until after I've had my cock reduction surgery though. Its hard work carrying this ficking monster around..

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50 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

I have a much longer memory than many of you here. My memory of the US political scene goes back to the early 60s and a certain Democrat Senator by the name of George Wallace from Alabama. The timate bigot and racist. Then as it had always been the democrats controlled the south and segregation was legeslated in. blacks and white were not allowed to mix, indeed most blacks were prevented from voting. Ten years later and the democratic south seemed to be lefty liberal but in truth all that had happened was that many of the black were voting but the white supemacist culture was there under the surface. TBH not a lot different than the average labour voter of the 60s in the uk, Alf Garnett was meant to mock them but they took Alf to their hearts as the cheeky chap who could say what they could no longer say. TBH little had changed in the grass roots labour party 30 years later.

Yeah - they shot him.

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42 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

The majority of Remainers who I know did actually believe, to a certain extent anyway, that any vote to leave was inherently racist.  They kept this belief even though their own family and friends were voting out, ones that they knew were not racist in anyway shape or form, and they kept it on the grounds of the press and PR bollocks, they had no real answer to stay except that it might be dark outside..

Needless to say, a couple of them are no longer on my christmas card list.  That'll teach the cunts!

Yeah, well if Monika and Jerzy are deported under Farage's Reich, who'll do the skivvying and build their loft extension for less than the minimum wage then?

....and don't talk to me about Piers and Jocasta's gap year Interailing round Europe being totally ruined now!

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Guest Extremecunt

If rascism is to blame for brexit and trump the mainstream media played a major part in this. The western world has been transformed into a disgusting cesspit of foreign invaders especially Islamic filth in the past 20-30 years. The liberal media is guilty and responsible for creating a rascist mindset in european, american people. With all the  propoganda we have been forced to endure. The white people who spew rascist rascist are nothing more than closet rascists riding on the cock of liberalism. Every person I know is rascist  just most of these people keep their feelings hidden.

Faisal Islam eats pork lol.

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Guest DingTheRioja
3 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Yeah, well if Monika and Jerzy are deported under Farage's Reich, who'll do the skivvying and build their loft extension for less than the minimum wage then?

....and don't talk to me about Piers and Jocasta's gap year Interailing round Europe being totally ruined now!

We have a fucking large dole queue who can do some actual work for their fucking handouts.  If say, every building firm over 4 employees, got a free doley cunt to make the tea, drive the van, make the tea, sweep up, make the tea, etc, they could probably cut their prices by 15-20%

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Just now, Extremecunt said:

If rascism is to blame for brexit and trump the mainstream media played a major part in this. The western world has been transformed into a disgusting cesspit of foreign invaders especially Islamic filth in the past 20-30 years. The liberal media is guilty and responsible for creating a rascist mindset in european, american people. With all the  propoganda we have been forced to endure. The white people who spew rascist rascist are nothing more than closet rascists riding on the cock of liberalism. Every person I know is rascist  just most of these people keep their feelings hidden.

Faisal Islam eats pork lol.

Not really racism. Islam isn't a race. I have Sikhs, Hindus, and even a few Bhuddists living in my area and they're all nice, polite people. As far as I can tell they're all the same fucking colour. They're just not intolerant pricks who constantly try to play the victim.

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Guest Extremecunt
1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

Not really racism. Islam isn't a race. I have Sikhs, Hindus, and even a few Bhuddists living in my area and they're all nice, polite people. As far as I can tell they're all the same fucking colour. They're just not intolerant pricks who constantly try to play the victim.

Don't trust the Muslim cunts, they would slit your throat given half the chance. I don't hate any faith, I just don't want it shoved down my throat.

Andi peters is a cunt.

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Just now, DingTheRioja said:

We have a fucking large dole queue who can do some actual work for their fucking handouts.  If say, every building firm over 4 employees, got a free doley cunt to make the tea, drive the van, make the tea, sweep up, make the tea, etc, they could probably cut their prices by 15-20%

And it would count as work experience for the youngins! Ding for PM.

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Guest Bill Stickers
6 minutes ago, Extremecunt said:

Don't trust the Muslim cunts, they would slit your throat given half the chance. I don't hate any faith, I just don't want it shoved down my throat.

Andi peters is a cunt.

I didn't realise Tommy Robinson had a younger brother with Down's syndrome. Are you annoyed he defected? 

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Guest Extremecunt
1 minute ago, Bill Stickers said:

I didn't realise Tommy Robinson had a younger brother with Down's syndrome. Are you annoyed he defected? 

Most definitely. I was annoyed he didn't let me know that he defecated on your face.

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Just now, Extremecunt said:

Don't trust the Muslim cunts, they would slit your throat given half the chance. I don't hate any faith, I just don't want it shoved down my throat.

Andi peters is a cunt.

I tend to stay away from anyone who actively practices any religion. I'm bi but that's as good as limp wristed faggot in some peoples religious books. All of them, in fact :P

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Guest Extremecunt
5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I tend to stay away from anyone who actively practices any religion. I'm bi but that's as good as limp wristed faggot in some peoples religious books. All of them, in fact :P

Its OK I understand, I'm bilingual lol. Is it OK if I use the term faggot to describe bill? As I use it quite often lol. No offence


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Just now, Extremecunt said:

Its OK I understand, I'm bilingual lol. Is it OK if I use the term faggot to describe bill? As I use it quite often lol. No offence


Why are you asking me? I don't have a special Ass Patrol license or anything and I get just as much fun calling people pufters and faggots as everyone else does.

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Guest Extremecunt
Just now, Roadkill said:

Why are you asking me? I don't have a special Ass Patrol license or anything and I get just as much fun calling people pufters and faggots as everyone else does.

Because your half faggot aren't you lol. Just joking

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