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Unsolicited private medical checks

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest Lady Penelope

Bluecrest tell me that they are disappointed that I did not attend either of their recent (unsolicited) medical exams at a local hotel and are now willing to offer me a third chance at a discounted price.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

These have already been outed in your favorite daily rag, The Daily Mail. A bunch of cunts outing another bunch of cunts - what a fucking paradox.

Did they successfully diagnose that your pelvic floor is now at the lower, sub-basement level?

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 minute ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Did they successfully diagnose that your pelvic floor is now at the lower, sub-basement level?

As said I did not go .. a neighbour did get caught out by them. She thought that they were doing it for the NHS and was surprised at the end of the examination when they asked for £60.

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My favourites were those clowns at Lifescan who would happily charge you £500 for a full body CT, so that those troubled by the vague sense of “something being wrong” could have their whole body irradiated to try and prove a negative. 

Thankfully they were put out of business, which I am sure was an entirely commercial decision, and nothing to do with the fact that several missed cancer patients were teaming up with numerous incidentaloma surgery victims to launch a monster lawsuit.

Some of the healthiest people on our books are those we never see from one year to the next, and who return our annual NHS Healthcheck invites with a scrawled addendum reading “no thanks Doc, I’ll let you know when I am ill”. It’s also notable many of these people are retired healthcare professionals or academics. 

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
3 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Yes Eddie, I’m afraid that rather ironically, that train left the station a while ago. 

Not the up trains on ECML earlier today.

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

A relative of mine has suffered with Tonsillitis for years, even having quinsy, the NHS would not operate so I had to pay; although an African can fly here, give birth with complications and cost the health service 350k. 

There is an instant fix for this problem; bill the airline the pregnant lady came in on. I’d give it a month until every woman flying out of Lagos had to do a Clearblue before she checked in at the airport. 

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
5 minutes ago, Eddie said:

A relative of mine has suffered with Tonsillitis for years, even having quinsy, the NHS would not operate so I had to pay; although an African can fly here, give birth with complications and cost the health service 350k. 

quinsy ME?

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2 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

There is an instant fix for this problem; bill the airline the pregnant lady came in on. I’d give it a month until every woman flying out of Lagos had to do a Clearblue before the checked in at the airport. 

Racist pig....

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2 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Half right.

And obviously I meant Lagos, Portugal. 

I'l bet you are one of those Nazis that would expect to see a entitlement card showing you have contributed to the NHS before receiving treatment, never mind where in the world they come from. The brits that have contributed all their lives but are now a burden on the NHS can fuck off and die quickly. Just because they have cancer and it's terminal, why should money be wasted on prolonging their lives? When Africans can come here and give birth to more ponces.

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
3 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I'l bet you are one of those Nazis that would expect to see a entitlement card showing you have contributed to the NHS before receiving treatment, never mind where in the world they come from. The brits that have contributed all their lives but are now a burden on the NHS can fuck off and die quickly. Just because they have cancer and it's terminal, why should money be wasted on prolonging their lives? When Africans can come here and give birth to more ponces.

Thank you Eddie for using "ponces" in nearly the correct place.

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34 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I'l bet you are one of those Nazis that would expect to see a entitlement card showing you have contributed to the NHS before receiving treatment, never mind where in the world they come from. The brits that have contributed all their lives but are now a burden on the NHS can fuck off and die quickly. Just because they have cancer and it's terminal, why should money be wasted on prolonging their lives? When Africans can come here and give birth to more ponces.

Not really, no.

Professionally I treat whoever is in front of me without fear or favour. 

Checking entitlement is for border guards, minimum wage clipboard wielders with sociology degrees and wannabe hard men who cut-and-paste their world view from Mail online. 

I don’t treat many immigrants any more, but I will say that from memory I found the average Pole or Afghan infinitely more polite, respectful and grateful for the treatment they had than the typical entitled loudmouth Brit, many of whom have “contributed” enough to cover about two aspirin and a 40 minute lie down in a hospital trolley. Many of whom bleat to me that they “couldn’t understand that Paki doctor you sent me to”, completely deaf to my reply through gritted teeth that the Indian Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery they saw for 30 minutes had dictated a detailed treatment plan and emailed it to me before their ignorant arse made it back to the Astra in the hospital car park they object to paying £3 in. 

As for “just because they have cancer and it’s terminal”, that’s not really a Friday night half bottle of Merlot subject. These days I suggest these unfortunate people move to France and farm Geese. 

There’s a lot of anger in you Eddie. When did you last check your blood pressure?

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3 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


There’s a lot of anger in you Eddie. When did you last check your blood pressure?

It's mainly due to the Gin, although every illegal you treat takes out of the pot for legitimate tax payers who deserve treatment in a timely fashion. 

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3 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

Bluecrest tell me that they are disappointed that I did not attend either of their recent (unsolicited) medical exams at a local hotel and are now willing to offer me a third chance at a discounted price.

I'll stick a teaspoon up your fanny for a tenner. Not one of my teaspoons though. Bring your own.

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

It's mainly due to the Gin, although every illegal you treat takes out of the pot for legitimate tax payers who deserve treatment in a timely fashion. 

More holes in this argument than your liver by the sound of it Eddie. 

So Taxpayers go to the top of the list for treatment, do they?

How many children pay tax?

How many pensioners currently pay significant tax?

What about those for whom their lifelong genetic illness has rendered them unable to work and pay tax? 

The mentally ill can presumably just be left to die, I suppose?

Just as long as some Stella-swigging gobshite paying PAYE on his £190 a week warehouse job can start laying the law down about when he gets his ingrown toenail removed, then slag off the highly skilled staff who will pander to his entitlement, that’s just fine and dandy. 

An “illegal” who hacks his thumb off cabbage-cutting because our local low skilled classes can’t be arsed to get up before Loose Women is in my view every bit as deserving of treatment as Vicky the town bike who’s Fallopians look like they are coated in Nacho cheese but who demands NHS IVF cos she’s paid her stamp on the 10 hours a week till job at Tesco for five years. 

The world is not black and white, Eddie. Hate to break it to you. 

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4 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

More holes in this argument than your liver by the sound of it Eddie. 

So Taxpayers go to the top of the list for treatment, do they?

How many children pay tax?

How many pensioners currently pay significant tax?

What about those for whom their lifelong genetic illness has rendered them unable to work and pay tax? 

The mentally ill can presumably just be left to die, I suppose?

Just as long as some Stella-swigging gobshite paying PAYE on his £190 a week warehouse job can start laying the law down about when he gets his ingrown toenail removed, then slag off the highly skilled staff who will pander to his entitlement, that’s just fine and dandy. 

An “illegal” who hacks his thumb off cabbage-cutting because our local low skilled classes can’t be arsed to get up before Loose Women is in my view every bit as deserving of treatment as Vicky the town bike who’s Fallopians look like they are coated in Nacho cheese but who demands NHS IVF cos she’s paid her stamp on the 10 hours a week till job at Tesco for five years. 

The world is not black and white, Eddie. Hate to break it to you. 

It's not the world health service, it's the NHS, who would you treat first? 

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On 09/02/2018 at 11:38 PM, Last Cunt Standing said:

Oh for fucks sake. 

Do you know how boring it is to hear this bollocks a dozen times a day?

Misplaced entitlement is really ugly in the flesh. 

Tell that to the poor sap who is refused cancer treatment, yet the .....................with aids who has just arrived receives the 12k per annum treatment...I

Edited by cuntspotter
Carelessness...... Eddie, stop getting excited.
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On 09/02/2018 at 11:42 PM, Eddie said:

Tell that to the poor sap who is refused cancer treatment, yet the...............with aids who has just arrived receives the 12k per annum treatment...

This Paul Dacre wet dream is entirely removed from reality. 

I suggest you expand your reading list a little. 

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