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Boot Sale cunts


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Drove past one yesterday at the local rugby club,never seen so many high end 4x4/top range Suv's in one place.This proves that these cunts with money get fucking greedier the more money that they have.The place was probably full of fucking old tat that most people would fucking dump anyway.I bet they didn't pay what was asked for when buying either,I overheard one a few years back when someone said "you've got this marked up at 25,would you take 15?"....he was talking PENCE for fuck sake!.

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3 hours ago, Neil said:

Drove past one yesterday at the local rugby club,never seen so many high end 4x4/top range Suv's in one place.This proves that these cunts with money get fucking greedier the more money that they have.The place was probably full of fucking old tat that most people would fucking dump anyway.I bet they didn't pay what was asked for when buying either,I overheard one a few years back when someone said "you've got this marked up at 25,would you take 15?"....he was talking PENCE for fuck sake!.

What did ya get for the dismembered hoe in your boot?


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