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Peter Tatchell gays for Gaza

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

Tatchell and his rainbow warriors are marching in sympathy for Hamas led Gaza . Mr Tatchell's  quite considerable conscience  has obviously been pricked. Its  has been pricked many times over the past few decades  I'm sure .I'm quite certain the progressive  country's in the middle East would welcome Tatchell and his non binary cohorts pink pound  .Holidays in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Yemen , Saudi, Kuwait and Dubai I'm sure would be a wonderful experience and an opportunity to soak up the local cultures and become immersed in that famous radical Islam "bon de vivre".I would advise not to choose high buildings to admire  the typical Arabian vista  from.They might fall off. For all of Mr.Tatchell's I'm sure genuine concern for the human brotherhood it's rather ironic the only country he would be safe to wave his colourfull little flag around in is actually Israel.Thats how fucked up this world and its human inhabitants have become . 

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11 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Tatchell and his rainbow warriors are marching in sympathy for Hamas led Gaza . Mr Tatchell's  quite considerable conscience  has obviously been pricked. Its  has been pricked many times over the past few decades  I'm sure .I'm quite certain the progressive  country's in the middle East would welcome Tatchell and his non binary cohorts pink pound  .Holidays in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Yemen , Saudi, Kuwait and Dubai I'm sure would be a wonderful experience and an opportunity to soak up the local cultures and become immersed in that famous radical Islam "bon de vivre".I would advise not to choose high buildings to admire  the typical Arabian vista  from.They might fall off. For all of Mr.Tatchell's I'm sure genuine concern for the human brotherhood it's rather ironic the only country he would be safe to wave his colourfull little flag around in is actually Israel.Thats how fucked up this world and its human inhabitants have become . 

That's the trouble with single issue campaigning and movements in general which I steer clear of. The only real issue it seems to me is total revolution. The whole system needs to be smashed and a dictatorship of the proletariat established moving towards a degree of economic liberalism in evolutionary small steps. Hence that's why I'm a Maoist. It seems to me it's the best most durable firm of socialist state yet. Yugoslavia was better in many ways but the West just saw rich pickings and undermined it. They hate anything that offers an alternative to the Yankee air conditioned nightmare. 

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