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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. So given the rotten apple Hunter Biden doesn't fall far from the rotten tree Pres Biden can you see any possibility this old caked in corruption war mongering cunt is going to stand again next year? If this is where the flag waving Yankee democracy has got to it's a bloody disgrace and it looks as if he might want a direct intervention in Middle East against Iran to lift his chances, the Falklands Factor.
  2. Will Kevin the Carrot bring back fond memories for our newsreader of yesteryear or will Billy the Beetroot take pride of place?
  3. Dec, you sign on tomorrow don't you? Don't forget or your Universal Credit will be suspended. Also that diet of pills that keeps you alive, didn't the community nurse supply you with a daily pill dispenser to help you keep track? Just saying... please don't take offence. 😑
  4. My view is that a pot hole road surfacing task force could be formed out of all these young strong men, securely supervised, piling up on our shores working for the minimum wage on probation on condition they co-operate with a vetting system that establishes their country of origin, grounds for applying to stay in the UK etc. This might actually change people's minds if they could see positive result of immigration such as going for a drive in the car without having to keep one eye fixed on the road surface to avoid a thousand pound bill for a broken suspension. To be honest I'm fucking sick and tired of the negativity in this debate when there is such a deficit of fucking basic standards in this country created not by outsiders or immigrants but ourselves and our fucking shitty system. It might take a foreigner to come into this country and fucking kick it into shape.
  5. Any chance of getting round to this cunt?
  6. Lord Greensill's family (his old man was an offshore tax adviser they still have a big spread in Provence near Avignon) features in the Paradise Papers and Panama Papers. These people are so well caked it makes you sick just to look at it. Will never vote again.
  7. I like to celebrate New Years Eve by straddling Haig's horse in Whitehall and simulate gay anal sex on the go with the great Marshall made eponymous with needless waste of human life by Stephen Fry's portrayal in Black Adder.
  8. Are you referring to Later with good old Jools the honkey tonk piano man? He does know how to warm them up and serve with all the trimmings. Blackheath cunt.
  9. Do you and Neil Oliver ever have a chat over a beer? How about a pint of Young's Special down the Tolley next week?
  10. It would if you were sent with them, a sort of Con Air The Sequel.
  11. Wale's proudest son. I think the Queen's passing did him in. I must say it got me climbing the wall looking for relief too.
  12. Not if you pass a law withdrawing from the European court of royal rights and put them all on a plane to Rwanda.
  13. I wonder what his financial situation is vis a vis the BBC? Salary, compassionate leave, compulsory medical assessment for fit to return to work, will we the old tv licence payers ever find out?
  14. That's a good point. He's like one of those super bouncy balls that used to fucking bounce a mile high. The guy just can't fucking stop getting in at the top despite his monumental stupidity.
  15. Having inherited the genetic looks of Einstein and the genetic intellect of Marilyn Monroe he agrees with the hereditary principle. Some are born with a silver spoon in their mouth Pen was delivered with a black sausage up his arse.
  16. I'll mark your return by cocking my leg up and urinating on it.
  17. But the Old Bill aren't biased are they?........ Like fuck they are. If we got stopped with £5k rolled up in our pocket and the same fucking excuse they'd march you straight down to the station and confiscate it. You know I'm fucking sick and tired of being lied at and treated like a mental retard or a Mr Who Fucking Gives A Damn in my so-called country I'm supposed to have some alleigence to. I think the whole country is very close to a giant street rebellion. As for climbing on war statues, who gives a fuck when they treat forces veterans like shit and expect a country that's supposed to have a pride in its maritime past to pay for the basic emergency service of the RNLI out of charity donations. It's a fucking disgrace. Get rid of the Royal family nationalise their assets (see where their real loyalty resides like the Greek royals they'll run away abroad) and pay for national air ambulance and lifeboat services out of that plus a few other things. Anne can take her fucking horses to Switzerland and fuck them over there with a meat pie stuck up her arse.
  18. I must say you've come back a bit sulky not like the old PF we all used to respect and look up to.
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