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Everything posted by Goober

  1. I didn't mind them. Certainly a cut above the rest of the shite on Radio 1 at that time and since.
  2. Mark and Lard did a mildly amusing Cheesily Cheerful Chart Challenge about this, but that was well over a decade ago. The dirty, goat fucking pervert was a chef.
  3. Genius. Maybe I was wrong, maybe you should put a tin foil hat on to keep out those rays that have rotted your brain. I hope it's not too late.
  4. I've never asked for that. More lame invented rubbish. I suspect you'll make something else up soon, so I'll do you a favour, don't bother. You're pathetic.
  5. Just swallowing propaganda headlines that fit one's beliefs and repeating them without thought does tend to make one confused, Billy.
  6. Again, why comment on something that isn't true? In this media driven age it simply fans the flames whether something is true or not. Of course they'd ask for the hard drive, it's then easy to prove it's fake, so no surprise is not been handed over, even though it could be easily copied. I don't think Biden would be a great president, but flipping heck, Billy, try to look behind the headlines and balance the facts. Seems like you've been well and truly tucked up though.
  7. Oh, I forgot you had the pulse of the entire membership. Idiot. A change of handle is not a reinvention, but you're too dim to understand that, cleary. It's just more fantasist BS from the site's resident dribbling spastic and second best troll. You're not even particularly good at trolling any more, Frank. How was your cooler time?
  8. That's just to hold his incontinence nappy up.
  9. I've said before that I don't entirely agree with the disproportionate measures or how they are being implemented based on the reality of the situation. Politicians are all self interested and largely do things to benefit themselves and their reelection chances. Having said that, a modicum of scare tactics is not always a bad thing to encourage people to behave responsibly. In that instance I was just addressing a borderline crazy conspiracy theory and the way people are getting so nuts over wearing masks when it's not a big fucking deal to wear one.
  10. This is not how 'science' works, KB. There is only one absolute science and that's maths, meaning that when something is proven it's proven for all time and is indisputable. Otherwise it's about balances of probability and statistical 'proof' of a theory. All journals can and do retract articles when further research disproves that which was previously considered fact. Furthermore, the review process usually only involves two or three peers who are only human and mistakes are made in understanding the test methods, study design and statistical analyses. This happens even more frequently when people are scrambling for solutions, as is the case now. The mask debate is nonsensical. It's simple common sense that a face covering will limit the spread of disease that is passed on principally through coughed droplets and aerosol. I'm not sure that anyone has been stupid enough to claim that mask wearing is 100% effective. The only true way to test the efficacy would be to take two 'controlled' populations with a similar incidence of the disease, tell one not to wear masks and the other to wear them and see what happens. Never going to happen though, is it. Stating that people are still catching the disease when everyone is wearing a mask, although true, does not in any way prove that wearing them does not reduce spread. This is a fallacy of the inverse argument. Facts stated in scientific papers, as they are currently understood, need to be referenced to support inferences made from them. There is an exception to this, which is that one would not need to reference the statement "liquid water is wet" because it's a universally accepted truth. Similarly, it's blindingly obvious that wearing a face covering, must to at least some extent, prevent the dispersement of liquid droplets from the mouth. The wearing of the wrong type of mask, using it in an inappropriate manner or reusing masks too many times is another matter altogether. Mask use is there to slightly reduce the r rate, not to prevent all transmission, because that's impossible now. Better just to use some common sense and wear one because it's hardly a major bloody inconvenience. It pains me to agree with Roops, but she has this one nailed down.
  11. I never suggested that doctor did things of that sort, but who knows? We'll need an opinion from our resident Catholic homosexualist on that. Many German's do sound rather effeminate though.
  12. Yeah. Some German doctors haven't had the best reputations either. Just saying.
  13. Denying it just fans the flames, and the message is fake so it doesn't really matter what it says. Anyway, last I knew Hunter wasn't running for president and the Trumps can hardly point fingers when addressing potentially profiting from a family member being in a position of power. Most of what you've written there is more right wing misinformation. Biden used his power to influence that because it was US and European policy to oust a corrupt official, not a personal effort to protect a family member. I'm a right wing voter, always have been, always will be, so my preference would be for a Republican president, but not Trump. He's been a disaster for the US both domestically and internationally. I'm definitely not pro Democrat or Biden, but I'll call out the outright lies being pumped out by both sides.
  14. Agreed, which is precisely why Twatter and Faecesbook take action to limit the spread of such shite, whereas the right leaning New York Post that published this non story doesn't need to. I don't understand why people don't see that these sites feed off controversy and that it would actually be in their interest to leave stuff like this in place. However, when something is clearly false they have no choice but to act and then the loonies on all side start screaming censorship. It works both ways. I guess some people just aren't prepared to look for the truth beyond their own narrow beliefs anymore.
  15. Oh, you mean the GOP's October surprise, which has been universally derided as unverifiable (being generous) and a complete fabrication, if being truthful. The one 'smoking gun' email, which pretty much amounted to fuck all of interest, is clearly fake. My politics lie only slightly left of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, but I've no hesitation in saying that Trump and his enablers in the right wing media (Fox, Breitbart et al.) are a joke. Take off the tin foil hat. BTW, it's Biden.
  16. I trust you on this, have no doubt. The only glorious 12th he celebrates is the 12th inch of chocolate coloured wang as it penetrates his colon.
  17. I'll take your word for it. Not much grouse shooting to be had in my barely above sea level vicinity. I've always preferred the noble pursuit of wildfowling. Far more challenging and rewarding.
  18. Didn't a certain subset of Asians declare war on soap? It's not done them any favours.
  19. Nobody here believes the bullshit he serves up. However, one's preference for how well hung game is is entirely individual, I for one don't like birds too gamey. Punkers clearly prefers well hung though, particularly black men.
  20. Thankfully, I can't. It looks like it's been parboiled.
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