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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 41 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    That's a fantastic podcast, Hokey. I watched it all a few months back, and have to agree that Tyson's professional career was carefully stage managed by Cus D'amato. When he came up against decent opposition he came unstuck. Tommy Hearnes was a machine who fought his way through the ranks, definitely one of my favourite boxers... 

    With the greatest respect, this is bollocks. Tyson’s career was never ‘stage managed’ by Cus who simply did not operate like that. He continued to destroy everyone put in front (and way above) him and if anything it was difficult to get an opponent to fight him. He went into a decline after D’Amato, his mentor and father figure died in ‘85 but he was still a monster and became the youngest heavyweight champion in history despite this. He fought all of the best contenders and as I’ve said before, no-one could live with the younger focused Tyson. Michael Spinks, unbeaten, never dropped in his career was bulldozed in 90 seconds including the count. Tyson lunatic lifestyle was what did for him, he was riddled with stds and had been pissed up the night before he fought Douglas in Tokyo and was never the same again. Had D’Amato lived and Don Cunt King had never come along, Tyson would have held onto the title much longer than he did.

    His scraps with Ruddock are worth a watch for sheer brutality. Good shout on Tommy Hearns though...now...fuck off.

  2. 5 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    1 Jack Johnson

    2 Sugar Ray Robinson

    3 Hagler v Hearns. It only lasted 3 rounds but it was the most brutal 3 rounds I've ever seen.

    I get what you’re saying, but it’s hard to evaluate Johnson.

  3. 1 hour ago, Decimus said:

    Indeed, a lot of people forget what a phenomenal boxer he was, due to him being the black version of Prince George from Blackadder.

    That era was fantastic, it was when I first got into boxing as a kid, the old man and I wouldn't bother with any of the heavyweight stuff, we'd focus on all the middleweight bouts. Loved Benn as well, but going against what you'd probably expect, I fucking hated Steve Collins.

    My old man was a boxing coach. Middleweights and down were the fighters he admired. The middleweight division was always considered the Blue Riband back in the day. No fuckin way Leonard beat Hagler incidentally.

  4. 5 hours ago, Decimus said:

    I don't know if you're a boxing man, Hokes, but I've got two questions for you if you are:

    1: Who was the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time?

    2: Who was the best pound-for-pound boxer of all time?

    3: What was the best fight you've ever seen?

    Questions are open to anyone else who has in interest in the sport.

    1. Ali (remarkable when you consider the years when he was at his absolute peak, he was kept inactive.)

    2. Ray Robinson.

    3. Ali v Frazier 1.

    Good posts Deco.

  5. 1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    My method is better; shove everything up a big skirt or dress and walk out at the same time as a black person. See who the security guards think who set the alarm off? 

    Gypsy or darkie. A conundrum for any fair minded pic n mix security ape.

  6. On 17/11/2020 at 17:49, Cuntybaws said:

    You can always trust Plod to make the most spectacular stereotypical cunts of themselves when it comes to major crime.

    Policeman facing sack 'for trying to buy Krispy Kremes box for 7p using carrots barcode'

    Jolly Cockney Mickey Flanagan does a whole sketch about his shoplifting techniques which are still ongoing. These include gently placing light items, crisps etc onto the scales so that they don’t register. Thieving cunt. It doesn’t work at M&S, them kikes got tasty scales.

  7. On 01/11/2020 at 21:16, King Billy said:

    My missus brought a lovely potted Gender Dysphoria back from the garden centre today. 

    Mine came home with a heavily soiled Perineum. As long as she’s happy. I’ve been watering it.

    • Like 1
  8. On 16/11/2020 at 22:40, Decimus said:

    Rugby is a game for northerners and public school pederasts.

    Since you are neither, I take it that your interest in it stems from the fact that you were the classic, fat, asthmatic child at school. The sort of pathetic, habitually bullied cunt who claimed that they loved rugby because they were incapable of doing anything on the football field other than toe punting and having a heart attack.

    Football in your own time, rugby union in the school’s time, unless you were a thick Cunt who couldn’t pass the 11+. You’re getting confused with a rugby league up north. Union is spread throughout the island. A hooligan’s game played by gentlemen. Football is a gentleman’s game played by hooligans...and cunts.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I've had several dealings with him in a professional capacity, unfortunately. I can confirm that the man is about as intelligent and intimidating as a slow loris, and this is coming from a complete fucking physical coward.

    I’m not doubting Goobs, however, Hide was very heavy-handed back in the day. Normally, blokes that he hit, stayed hit. He ran into Kltchsko & Bowe at the wrong time & was too small for the giant heavyweights but he was a very good boxer. But a Gobshite.

  10. Herbie Hide cud da been a contender though. He had all of the talent but no boxing intelligence. Tyson derailed himself, post D’Amato. Had he not, I think he’d have wiped the floor with Holyfield & only possibly, Lewis. Michael Spinks was a legend, at his peak and a very quick and clever boxer...he lasted one minute with Tyson. He is a cunt however.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    You won't hear anything while I'm hiding in your wardrobe. If you feel something slip between you and Mrs Cnut later on, don't worry. I'll lick your face so you know it's me.

    Roll me onto my side if I don’t respond. It’s all the heroin I’ve been on, etc.

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