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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. I had a Captain Black avatar for a while a few years back, and I think my old gull-wing SPV is still up in the loft somewhere with its radioactive cargo still intact. Re theme tunes, I doubt anything in the genre will ever beat UFO, although Space: 1999 wasn't bad either.
  2. I don't know about being a "fan" exactly, but you've got to know this sort of shit for pub quizzes. I've also just realised you neglected to mention Rhapsody, To misquote Pokemon, "Gotta fuck them all".
  3. Destiny Angel was the desk jockey in charge of the other musically-themed temptresses who actually flew the Interceptors. I've always had a thing for women in charge. http://captainscarlet.wikia.com/wiki/Destiny_Angel
  4. Interstellar travel is a whole different matter. Schoolboy maths is sufficient to derive a proof that the speed of light is an absolute limit, starting from Einstein's initial postulate that it remains a constant to all observers regardless of their motion (that's called "Special Relativity", children.) Fancy schmancy wormholes aside, there are plenty of cheap, easy ways to get a spacecraft close to that limit - Bussard ramjets, light sails, take your pick. Ironically, it's getting the fuckers to slow down again at their destination that's the trickier bit. Even Filipinos won't take that job, though, so I suspect it'll be up to Siri and Cortana to greet our new galactic overlords when they finally get there
  5. Economic viability may arrive sooner than you think. Perhaps when the water wars start or, more likely, when the rare earths needed to keep iPhones churning off the production line have all been mined. In the early days at least it won't be the wealthy who pioneer space flight, it will be the cheap, the desperate, and the expendable. Asteroid mining is a job for your Filipinos and your Tamils, and maybe these days your white South Africans.
  6. The real question is why the BBC deemed this story worth reporting in the first place. I mean, I know the whole organisation is full of poofs and all, but I hope they're not going to start telling us every time some treacle jouster shows up in casualty with a hamster stuck up his arse.
  7. You minx, you know I've got a soft spot for Destiny Angel.
  8. This headline would have been a lot funnier if it read, "Firemen remove man's penis from endangered ring".
  9. One Carl Sagan. There's only one Carl Sagan. One Carl Saaaaa-gan... ♬
  10. I see Ennis-Hill has today announced she's pregnant again. Chedwyn Evans is out of jail. I wonder if these two facts could be in any way related.
  11. Surely it's some other cunt's turn to do the Jade Goody jokes this time. Do I have to do everything around here?
  12. Cuntybaws

    Cockney lingo.

    Serena? Too far?
  13. Cuntybaws

    Cockney lingo.

    Thanks for that image, pal. Now I won't sleep tonight for fear of what dreams may come.
  14. Cuntybaws

    Cockney lingo.

    Fuck, maybe I should have gone for Mandrill and Baboon instead? This casual racism is harder than it looks.
  15. Cuntybaws

    Cockney lingo.

    Simian Ape Monkey Bonobo Orangutan?
  16. F1 would be infinitely improved by some crossover track sections, and perhaps a "Hot Wheels" 360 loop. And a live minefield.
  17. Gerritrightfuckinupyeyanumptyfuckincunt.
  18. I found the perfect training course for you. Healing From Toxic Whiteness Somewhat ironically, it appears to be run by a yellow person. Check your privilege.
  19. Strangely, Scientific American contains top class, up to the minute, hard science, while our New Scientist is a load of populist, dumbed down, repetitive shite. Go figure.
  20. There were other "red triangle" signs put up in the area by a local "artist", including an old woman with a shopping trolley and a fat man, but the only complaint came from the Jewish neighbourhood watch. Needless to say, Diane Abbott and David Lammy were outraged too, the fucking cunts that they are.
  21. Could have been worse, it might have been "earwig". Did you see this on the BBC news site today? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-39275581
  22. I'll get you for that. Fucking earworm.
  23. Who says the Viet Cong contributed nothing to 20th century culture? Punji sticks, baby!
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