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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Not even sheep? Buggering fuck, but you've joined the wrong site!
  2. He looks like the sort of cunt who would put a meerkat up his fat arse for fun. That might explain the current absence of Baby Oleg.
  3. You're painting yourself into a corner here, Neil. No pun intended.
  4. Fucking John Lewis - that's the power of advertising for you!
  5. How fucking shit must living in Bradford or Luton be to make a sun-blasted foxhole in the desert look good by comparison?
  6. I'll see your buck-toothed throng, and raise you - this cunt!
  7. Clocked this one registering yesterday. The phrase "Fuck off, Wad!" came to mind for some reason.
  8. Cuntybaws


    "Your old mum is coming through now... she says you're a cunt." "YES, THAT'S HER!"
  9. Cuntybaws

    chis moyles

    If I was allowed to rip the arms off one DJ and use them to beat another DJ to death, I wouldn't lose any sleep over which was which. That said, there is an even worse Moyles pairing, and that's him and Stacy fucking Solomon co-hosting "Love Machine". Not that I ever watched that particular talent vacuum.
  10. You called that number, didn't you?
  11. They can stick their pink pound right up their fucking arses!
  12. 01242 221491 - this will get you home from anywhere.
  13. Cuntybaws

    chis moyles

    This cunt is a quite spectacular distance up his own arse.
  14. Well, this went downhill fast! Has anyone seen the Octomom porn video?
  15. I laugh when these "jihadists" get killed. It's just a shame it doesn't happen more often.
  16. If I lived in South London I'd probably go a bit mental too and kill a few thousand of the annoying cunts myself. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't stoop to homosexuality, though. Or eels. Not both at the same time, anyway...
  17. Fuck's sake Decs, forget about the post quality and focus on the important stuff. Like, where the fuck is his avatar? And is that the worst and most inconsistent capitalisation you've ever seen in a username? Ignore Bill, he's just a fucking arriviste himself. And as for Decimus, how any cunt from Norfolk has the nerve to be condescending to any other cunt is beyond science.
  18. Cuntybaws

    Inane Laughers

    Does this include people who add "lol" to the end of every sentence?
  19. After several bad experiences with the cheaper end of the range in my youth (if you've never tried Skoff Vodka, you're one lucky cunt!) I'd been a long-time vodka decliner. However, after several recent trips to Poland I'm well and truly converted. Some are so smooth you'd swear they had no alcohol in them at all, if it wasn't for the incriminating photographs the next day. Dirt fucking cheap too - the zloty exchange rate just keeps getting better.
  20. The new rock & roll? Have any of these cunts turned up dead at the bottom of swimming pools with syringes in their arms and live fish jammed up their arses? No, I fucking thought not. Lightweights.
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