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Everything posted by Jiggerycock

  1. Her....Beyonce....sodding Madonna still whoring her saggy old carcass around the place......Lady Gangrene and Christina Aguillera who I caught sight of on the Idiots Lantern the other day and she appears to be morphing into Stiflers mum!
  2. Gone the way of all English leg-spinners I'm afraid - to the Ian Salisbury trauma centre in the sky.
  3. They're centrifuging it. Apparently it's in order to extract some key ingredients that are going into the COVID vaccination You should try it
  4. .......as scrawled on your 'big skool' rough pad in about 1979 (just below 'Crass Rule!' with the 'A' in a circle just to prove you know what you're talking about).
  5. People ACTUALLY get behind / go up against politicians, treating them like rock stars / a cross between Michael Huntley and AIDS of the leg. I truly think this world will only move forward when the general public is allowed to give EVERY politician, of whatever stripe, a clip in the mouth, randomly, a few times a year just to remind the venal little cunts who they work for. Hating a politician for being a politician? Really? You may as well castigate a shark for being a shark.
  6. May the seed of your loins rise firm in the belly of your woman
  7. Well...'Great minds...' and all that but in all honesty it's a bit niche and hard to know what to put into the search function. if it works and you can be arsed waiting for it to go through its digital alzheimers machinations. 'Sides, when I put up a nom about Peter Alliss being blown by every media outlet going, garnering a grand dtotal of 6 replies, only for some other Johnny cum Lately to post the exact same thing two days later and get millions of the fuckers, you can see why I'm feeling a bit nihilistic and 'fuck you all' today!
  8. "Are you going to resign, Prime Minister?" "Is it true you're a predatory paedophile Prime Minister?" "Can you suck your own cock Foreign Secretary?" Screechy, 'look at me' nonsense, that has never elicited any reply other than a Simian grin and possibly a thumbs up, yet persisted with in an attempt to be, I dunno, 'The Voice of Britain' or some over-reaching bollocks. Mind you, it'd be great if just once, one of the Top Brass, shouted something back, eh!? "Kiss my fucking hoop! And whilst you're at it Kuennsberg, help me get the cock ring off - the blood supply to my glans is compromised!" That sort of thing.
  9. ....and fucked -up bits of endangered animals for their medecines, enabling old men to coax one more stiffie out of their shrivelled cocks.
  10. or tongs even and roast him like a marshmellow in the fiery pits of hell!
  11. Exhibit A - Diego Maradona. There is a greater-than-somewhat swathe of the popuation who think he's nothing more than a fucking cheating little cunt, so where were their representations in the rush for the necrophiliac world to stick their toungs up his arse last week? Exhibit B - Peter Alliss 'The Voice of Golf'....'mellifluous tones' .....I believe the word 'Doyen' may have been used. So not a fucking dull old cunt, unable to describe what was going on without recourse to low level sexism and stories about Sir Bufton Tufton and the time he got reamed by a mashie niblick at the 19th hole at Stoke Poges Golf Club back in the pre-Cambrian era No...a doyen then....not a rheumy-eyed old chancer that should have been taken outside and shot long ago. Righty-ho
  12. They quite like you too at least that's what I think they said, what with David Bowies lifeless cock stuck halfway down their throats
  13. Thank God for the droplet of sanity that is CC (and who'd have thought one would ever have seen that sentence committed to pixel?) I doubt very much if the booing was done out of a thoughtful impulse to question the credentials of a bunch of millionaires supporting a declaredly Marxist organisation. Given their track record I think it was yet another display of racism from Millwall fans. Nonetheless, someone or some group has GOT to question the BLM movement and those supporting them, because this will NEVER happen in the mainstram media, that has, predictably, gone woke and rock-solid in coming out against the Millwall fans. Why is there zero debate about the mind-bending dissonance of the likes of highly-paid sportsmen paying homage to an organisation with BLM's stated beleifs? Why was there almost universal silence when Meseut Ozil wore a T-Shirt in support of Uighur Muslims in Chinese concentration camps ( treading on sensitive commercial arrangements between the Premier League and the Chinese Market eh?). Why are supposedly apolitical bodoes such as the Police force taking the knee, sending out the signal some protest groups matter more than others? Taking the knee is a trite gesture of virue signallers with no more emotional investment in the subject of racism than fly to the moon. It's just a shame the only place this is questioned is in our little cul-de-sac of the Intenet
  14. Naw Good music is still out there. You've just got to look harder and take lots of anti-retroviral X-Factor / BGT / Radio 1 drugs, in fact avoid contamination with these petri-dishes at all costs. Bollocks to Christmas with Granny! What I'm looking forward to most is seeing bands with fire in their bellies, that no one's heard of, playing in tiny shitty little clubs at Krakatoa volumes.
  15. Take it you've never heard 'Little James'. That was one of his - embarrassing doesn't even begin to describe it. Should stick to heads down thrash like 'Four Letter Word' or 'Hedshrinker'. Proper songs!
  16. You have a point and though advertising 'creatives' are the sort of folks usually found under a stone in a pond, you have to have some sympathy for them when confronted with a brief for an arsewipe client - that is, a client who manufactures arsewipes. You thought the 'do you scruch or do you fold?' contrived bollocks about how you use your bogroll was bad enough (what about the demographic that uses a blowtorch to remove their tagnuts, that's what I want to know!?), but where does one go from there? I mean, is the world ready for the raw honesty of a close up of a big sweaty, hairy 'King of Rock n' Roll' chuff, dangleberies a go-go and the tagline 'Andrex - for ace klinker removal. Buy some now!' ....or must we forever remain in denial in the world of elfin woodland creatures, pastel shades and twee reminders about 'for all your everyday needs'?
  17. No a) Wrong number of holes b) Just been busted for nose candy and banned for 6 months
  18. The person just been nominated as the next candidate for Sports Personality of the Year - as predicted by me 2 hours before it happened. Damn I'm good! Kiss my face!! Just wish my punting showed as much foresight.
  19. They'll shoehorn Hollie Doyle in there for equality sake, pus it's been a bit of a thin year what with no Olympics and lockdown making everything fade into one dull blur
  20. Oh God yeah I'd already forgotten about Maradonna and his hagiography that is going to hang over this twitching corpse like a damp shroud. I've never heard anyone, bar Peter Shilton, go 'he may have been a decent footballer but he'll basically remembered as a world-class cheat, ripped to the tits both on and off the field for most of his career'. I doubtvery much the BBC will dare tell it like it is in a couple of weeks time
  21. I could always live with the dichotomy of this having 'Personality' in the title (Steve Davis??? The fucking chalk has more personality!). I could even understand the politics involved and was glad the fishing dullards never got to glop off over Bob Nudd's attempts to win the thing after gerrymandering the vote back in the '90's Up to about 15 years ago, it'd always be an opportunity to review the best sporting events of the past year, pretty much unedited. So you got to see, say, Kriss Akabusi just killing Antonio Pettigrew in the final leg of the 4x400 relay at the World Athletics championships in 1991 and you'd go 'fuck yeah!' and get a momentary righteous glow of national pride. You'd get a montage of sporting cock ups, Red Rum dropping his guts all over the studio floor and that was it - 2 hours of nostalgia and real entertainment. I dunno when the editorial panel decided that wasn't good enough and we should have fast-cut edits, whirls, close ups of a goalpost, Eddie Butler channeling Laurence Olivier, Gary Lineker channeling Ricky Gervaise ('cept without the laughs), a fucking huge crowd and a show with more bombast and duration than Emperor Bokassa's coronation - with about as much interest for a British audience. I hope the entire cast get fucked to death by pigs
  22. It's not got any better Robbie Savage - the 'go to' twat de nos jours - drawing the balls (stop sniggering)! Some Scottish mincer delivering a tad-too-long factoid about each team, thus lengthening an already uneccesarily lengthy process into a teeth-itchingly grating one. .......and the ghost of Ted Croker looked on......and was sore ditressed.
  23. So this is your idea of a 'substantial meal' eh? How do you deal with the calorie overload and onset of type 2 diabetes when you have a real blow-out and order a pickled gherkin with it?
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