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Everything posted by Jiggerycock

  1. Big fan of your work in this respect but aren't we in danger of becoming somewhat narrow-minded here? Why don't we go all Kim Jung-Un on them? Strap them in front of a Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun (truck mounted or not, I'll leave the details to you) and if it jams a few times (face it, these ack-acks were never the most reliable) then so much the better.......make them shit themselves with fear!
  2. He learned more from a three minute record (by Cannibal Corpse), baby than he ever learned in school
  3. Yes if only she'd been sleeping with a high-level BBC executive that she could have reported her concerns to
  4. Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say he will not, one day, become a dragon - so may one just man become an army
  5. Every time you see a rainbow? That's God having gay sex
  6. Well you're probably all correct but understand we're talking about something that's about as important as Bez was to the Happy Mondays and as pointless as Adrian Chiles washing his own cock
  7. It would help if Boris et al gave us a clear picture of what 'winning' looks like? At present it seems like it's 'a cosy glow when Clive Myrie announces the scores on the doors each evening and the death count is in single figures'. Well that's all very nice but as a call to arms it's hardly 'Kick out the Jams, motherfuckers' is it? Seriously, what is needed.....what has always been needed....is someone in power with the balls to say 'This fucker is never going away, vaccination or no vaccination. It'll mutate, becasue that's what viruses do, so what's our collective sweet-spot in the deaths-slash- curtailment of civil liberties- slash - wrecking of the economy Venn Diagram, 'cos once we've agreed on that, we've defined this cunting 'new normal' everyone wanks on about and we can stop pretending to be in control of something that's uncontrolable'.
  8. One of the interesting side effects of Covid is that it has given the world an insight into what doing an immediate handbrake turn on the economies of the western world (as advocted by XR) would lead to. Sure we can skateboard round Paris without getting our lungs tarred black. There are goats now gambolling about in the high street at Aberystwith and plankton is the comeback king of the animal kingdom - so 'Go Mother nature!' Of course, home repossesions, mass unemployment, starvation, the further sidelining of Yemen, drowning migrants in search of an economic Shangri-La that no longer exists (if it ever did anyway) etc,etc,et-bleedin'-cetera is a small price to pay for the gimlet-eyed Scandi-Chuky's vision of Utopia
  9. With a few red lights and a few old beds We make a place to sweat Duh-duh duhhh, duh-duh duh duhhhh, duh-duh duh, DUH DUH
  10. The over-reporting certainly justifies the draconian measures that have been taken to combat it. You don't crash the economy, mortgage the future and trash civil liberties overnight over 'something that smarts a bit but can be fixed with an Asprin'
  11. Huw is going to have steam coming out of his ears tonight. The statistics twonks at Government Central Office have only gone and changed how they count the number of deaddies and downgraded it by nealy 11%, meaning we've barely hit 40,000. Give 'em another week and it'll be 'Coronavirus? What Coronavirus? It's better than Vitamin C for ya - get it down your necks folks!"
  12. That's the way the world should be - not how it is......third rule of advertising that. First is menstual blood is blue. Second is loveable babys advertising nappies must have a sub-Danny Dyer cockney accent ("Mug me off with Lidl own braaaahnd insted ov Pampahs! Oil faaaahkin stripe ya, ya caaaaaant")
  13. Sure - one aspect of this fiasco is highlighting suspect supply chains be they due to distance, cost, quality, or what we might call the morality of the suppliers. You'd like to think that we - the British public and the Government have woken up to this issue and you'd hope the canning of Huwawei in our 5G rollout is a sign of intent..... ....then you look at the number of establishment figures Huwawei have on their borad of directrs in their UK operation, the volume of investment that can be pulled at an instant, from GB infrastructure development projects and the fact that we all really MUST have that next i-Phone (assembled in a Beijing seatchop for a bowl of rice a day) and you realise what sanity is up against. Ever negotiated with the Chinese? They start off with 'How much do you want to pay?', and, in a land where human lives are cheap and plentiful and the glory of the state trumps personal liberties', they work backwards from there.
  14. I think most Westerm Economies (and certainly most of Africas) are heavily dependent on Chinese investment. It would take governments of principle and with long-term strategic objectives, to willingly turn this away, especially with what's coming down the road at us re recession / depression. ......and as we all know, government's with those attributes are rarer than rocking horse shit.
  15. Got to wean ourselves off our love of cheap tat. Snowball's chance in hell of that happening, with a recession here.
  16. I can't honestly say I give any of what i write her much thought, firstly because it's lightweight froth, second because when the red mist descends, thinking gets in the way of the bile. But it's one of life's rare tiny victories to find you've tapped into something other misanthropes herein can look at and go 'Hell yeah!' before adding their twist to it (or giving it an even better kicking). Firing up the laptop and seeing you cunts have commented, quoted and generally been inspired by a nom of mine, well it fair makes the cum fly .....and then do a U-turn and fly right back up the japeye when you realise it's the same tedious bollocks, page after fucking page, posting after fucking posting, year in, year out. Hats off to you though. I mean how you can keep churning out molten horseshit on a riff that was past it's sell-by date before it was born, would put even Michael Buble to shame. 'Thread Derailment' doesn't even begin to cover it
  17. You're all hip to the Zeitgeist or if not, capable of executing a Google search so you should be all over this 'Nigger' is a sound-wave or a collection of pixels, or ink or paint. On its own, it is nothing. Put in context, it can be everything. But merely to ban the use of the word or to replece it with the stupidity of the phrase 'The N-Word' like we are all five years old, is to demean, dumb down and patronise us and I don't care who is doing the banning - black, white yellow, puce - because whoever it is is assaulting language itself....the means by which we communicate.....and I'm sorry, no one has the right to do that. Being offended is a human condition but it does not confer power on the offended party, nor does it give them any special victim status. "I was offended by that remark!" "So what?" (Steve Hughes - Aussie comedian) You can't legislate away offensiveness no more than you can stupidity or bad manners. You can't censor people for merely using a word - you would, off the top of my head, be de-platforming Elvis Costello, Stiff Little Fingers and The Dead Kennedys, for starters. You HAVE to invoke context. ....and you certainly shouldn't entertain any entreaties by parties offended by a word, to ban, censor or change, no matter how much they special plead their victim-status I suppose 'Please be cool' isn't really the answer - although it should be - since we are incapable of thinking for ourselves and need higher powers (government, media, slebs, Twitter) to codify the minutiae of our entire lives and then patrol this for our own well-being. We all know when someone is being aggressive with their use of language and at that point, yes, I have a problem with the user..
  18. Oh for sure. To carry on the Olympics analogy, you can go 'yeah but take away the drugs cheats and the home advantage and factor in per head of population, take away the number you first thought of, add some cheese, pop under the grill and cook until Domesday and WE ARE ACTUALLY THE BEST IN THE WORLD!' Do all that and you still can't get away from the fact that Clive Myrie is sitting there ready to go off like a Sherbert fountain, the moment the autocue clicks round to the magic figure.
  19. I mean, Huw Edwards is practically tumescent as the 'results' inch nearer the magic figure. Plucky old Britannia eh? Okay so the Olympics have been cancelled so we can't kick world butt like we've donr there recently. The cricket? Not doing too bad but no bugger can watch it or is interested bar me and Applescruff.... But Covid deaths? We fucking rule when it comes to tallying up the deaddies! And the BBC (especially those cunts) are preparing an all-platforms, day-of-reckoning when the magic day arrives. Okay so the microscopic spikey viral shites have adamantly refused to run amok, teasing us with daily deaths in single figures (however, as Huw and his gang of ghouls repeatedly point out, the number of reported deaths are lower at weekends) but, oh God the anticipation....it's like the wank of a lifetime! The spread is October 5th -7th. You buying or selling?
  20. Have a 'like' you 'outside the box' thinking, brutal cunt!
  21. Do you think the little cunts will get their skulls cracked in prison or be feted as heroes for killing a policeman?
  22. Hell is other people Okay, call in Destiny Angel and the Spectrum team on an urgent 'Thread Derailment' mission, so..... 'If you can't say something nice about someone - spread malicious roumours and sign them up to the sex-offender's register behind their backs'
  23. II always think 'King Wank A-Lot' when his name is mentioned on the TV, which was funny when he became Monarch in the 1970's when I was at school - less so when I'm in my dotage and deliver said rib-tickling play on words to my doctor during a consultation in 2020.
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