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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. I don't have this problem at supermarkets. Shoplifters tend not to queue
  2. Diana Dors? Christ, she's hasn't been alive for fucking decades. What does she care?
  3. Just looked at her. Fine looking woman when young but she ended up looking like Robert Maxwell in a wig
  4. Usually found on middle class men at leisure, who probably wear suits for work but are stumped in what to wear casually. Worse are the ones that team this ridiculous ensemble with brown shoes. Sometimes found sweltering at village fetes.
  5. People who use 'poof' are irons
  6. Red dwarf's for cunts and irons.
  7. I took up water polo but had to give it up on the first day. I think it was my horse shitting in the pool that fucked it up
  8. He's obviously a fucking idiot. And probably most of the twats who study there probably agree with him. "I say Tarquin, where's Dalston, what what"?
  9. Another underated actor bites the dust. Fucking brilliant in The Twisted Nerve.
  10. So how long have you been working for the English Tourist Board?
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