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Everything posted by and

  1. How many cavers have you had in your 'wookey hole'? Just askin'!
  2. That's not the fighting spirit that won us two world wars, a World Cup, and got us out of the EU...oh dear, I'll get me coat!
  3. You've been there, haven't you? Don't lie.
  4. and

    Dickie Davies

    That was Des, allegedly.
  5. and

    Will Young

    Is that what's classed as foreplay in your community?
  6. I didn't say they were, idiot! I was commenting that nobody would be surprised or give a fuck if they did move to Brussels. You do tend to get easily upset, don't you, is it that time of the month, again?
  7. Chairing the bench, Lucinda Lubbock described the offence as "unpleasant and serious". "We feel that this is a lesson to both of you. As your defence lawyer said, you have been humiliated in the court of social media." Utter bollocks! Social media gave them the platform(no pun intended)they craved, the pervy, exhibitionist cunts.
  8. and

    TROYE SIVAN (who?)

    Is this cunt real? It looks like an airbrushed mannequin, the creation of a lonely, paedo, art director, from a glossy style magazine, the sort that cunts with too much money buy to impress their friends when they leave them lying around their converted loft apartments in the docklands, you know , the abode that Punky would aspire to if his life wasn't a figment of his imagination.
  9. Why doesn't he take the short cut, and blow himself to shite, taking a million other EU apologists with him?
  10. Belgian officials are lobbying for a BBC move to Brussels after Brexit, the director-general has revealed. Lord Hall said he hopes BBC operations can all remain in the UK, and no decision has been made ahead of the Brexit deadline of March 29. Does this surprise you? Does it fuck. The lick-arse, EU apologists cunts should just fuck off to Belgium if it makes them happy, they'll be quite at home with the rest of the world renowned child-chasers. Sir Jimmy would be loving it.
  11. and

    TROYE SIVAN (who?)

    Feel relieved that I moved on from the bestial, but then become disappointed as I reinforce my hatred of all things canine.
  12. My 'key equity release' went down the pan this morning, that curry I had for supper did a right good clearing job!
  13. Down Under bender, TROYE SIVAN, says people need a queer version of Rihanna after explaining he thinks he’d be more successful if he wasn’t ‘in-your-face gay’. Quote 'Part of me wonders sometimes if I would be more commercially successful if I wasn’t gay, or not as in-your-face gay.' Maybe the mincing little cunt hadn't considered that he'd be more commercially successful if it wasn't for the fact that his music is fuckin' shite and didn't just appeal to pre-pubescent girls and batty-boys. And posing for pictures with, what suspiciously looks like, a cock in your mouth isn't going to help matters either.
  14. and

    Will Young

    What, in Gay Times, Bent or one of those other shirt-lifting mags you hide in the pulpit?
  15. and

    Workplace Illness

    You're well named you fuckin' parasite, but beware, you'll catch more than crabs with the company you're keeping. Fuck off!
  16. and

    Workplace Illness

    I blame somebody else because I'm fuckin' perfect, and don't you forget it, cunt.
  17. and

    Workplace Illness

    Know what you mean. The daft cow I have to work with came to work with a cold, said she caught it off her grandchild, now I've got it, germ-ridden, selfish fucking bitch ruined my weekend!
  18. When has that ever stopped a good story and a muchly deserved celebrity kicking?
  19. The caption on the picture reads 'Beth Tweddle had surgery after her injuries'. Why didn't she have surgery before, then she wouldn't be such an ugly fucking cunt?
  20. What Tony Blair lacked in greatness he certainly made up for in self-serving cuntishness!
  21. Excessive stirrers getting on your tits? You've come to the wrong place, matey. Now fuck off!
  22. I think you've just described the 7th hole at Punky's golf club.
  23. and

    BBC Icons

    What about 'Sir' Bobby Moore, overcame testicular cancer to lead England to World Cup victory against a shower of EU cunts.
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