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Everything posted by and

  1. What's wrong with shirt lifter, bender or cock jockey ?
  2. The personification of 'student' !
  3. It's difficult to cram eighteen bodies in a chest freezer, he should've sold the entrails to McDonalds, nobody would've noticed a few bits of gristle in a Big Mac.
  4. So, this numb Aussie cunt, Rish Raniga, went into a McDonalds in Sydney and ordered a veggie burger. He was miffed to find it only contained a slice of cheese and a gherkin. WTF did he expect? If you go into McDonalds, you get animal entrails served in shite, they're world renowned for it, they've been making a profit at it for years. If you want 'Veggie', go to a fuckin' supermarket and buy a carrot, don't just shove it up your arse, and don't expect an organisation responsible for the slaughter of tens of millions of wildlife to accommodate your girly, culinary, peccadillos. Jeffrey Dahmer was a cunt.
  5. Won't be any 'fruity notes' from your arse, just the overpowering tang of sailors cock. Stick to Vimto and meths, I do.
  6. 1. They're Jehovah's Witness's 2. They're Aussies What did you expect? Either, or, they're cunts ! (Neighours ain't been the same since it moved to Channel 5, apart from still being full of cunts)
  7. It's time to put an end to all this arsing about !
  8. I don't doubt that it is. My point was, that it's a something for nothing culture, the left-wing business is a dig at the cunts who want an 'open door' policy for immigration when there are no resources to accommodate them, and the feckless cunts who can't keep their legs crossed or their knickers on and then expect everybody else to pay for the upkeep of ten kids by twelve different 'fathers' (obviously they neither know nor care who dipped their wick while they were laying there after a night on the spliff /Special Brew) and they desperately need a new council home with five bedrooms, they can all engage a shower of ambulance chasers to sue the government/council authorities for a massive pay-out. Cunts
  9. I ain't feeling too chipper myself, must be all these years of being English, living in Britain, having to listen to all this whiny, left-wing, bullshit about it always being somebody else's fault because my life is a complete cunt. I demand compensation.
  10. and

    Obidzans Bobonazarovs

    It's to do with artificial insemination, you collect jizz from several different donors, mix 'em together, fill the crack, nine moths later... hey presto, a bit of each, contained in a whole.
  11. Look, it's just a fucking fashion statement, like the David Beckham thong, it'll be gone this time next year (I hope) I blame those shite music cunts Mumford & Sons, faux folkies, fucking awful songs, but the girlies like them, women always have shit taste in music, and men, and fashion.
  12. and

    The blame game

    My point still stands, a rabbit in a tropical forest is still a Jungle Bunny.
  13. and

    The blame game

    No, it's Cuntwatch for spring, or early summer.
  14. 'Gibbo' should've realised, you don't bite the hand that feeds you. The Jews of Hollywood made him what he is today, a very rich, short-arsed, talentless cunt, with a silly accent.
  15. 'evolving' into what? Have you seen cunts corner recently?
  16. Fuck, did those two cunts have a trick, I must've missed that film.
  17. and

    The blame game

    WTF are you on about, if a rabbit lives in a tropical forest that makes it a 'jungle bunny' in my book. Leopards and jungle bunny
  18. I quite agree, we shouldn't speculate until the truth about his criminal record and connections to the Hackney Crack Cartel have been fully revealed. Then I expect a full and frank apology for the mayhem caused by those protesters (I ain't holding my breath)
  19. and

    The blame game

    FFS how is one life guard going to save seven stupid bastards intent on swimming the channel, anybody with an ounce of sense would've got the Eurostar or whatever the fuck they're calling it these days, the cheap cunts.
  20. and

    The blame game

    Then again, it could turn out to be one of those athletes that win medals at the Olympics and go on to make a shit-load of cash from endorsing various dodgy products that sell to the gullible plebs.
  21. As opposed to the usual bin-bag, thrown in the local canal, after dark, and the latest x-factor ringtone dirge as a lament. I still fuckin' hate dogs!
  22. and

    Wedding beggars

    I don't understand these kind of people, if I want a piss-up I just go to the pub, or the supermarket, why go to the trouble and expense of arranging a wedding, funeral, birthday, Xmas or new years eve party? I blame social media, fucking needy, attention seeking, cunts.
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