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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. They're not keen on buying from us, they're keen on selling to us. What exactly do you think we have got to offer? We don't produce anything tangible that the Japanese, Chileans, Vietnamese, Canadians or whoever else is in that little club wants to buy. I'd rather buy from our neighbours than whore ourselves out to the rest of the world and pay a premium on shipping costs. If entering into a tin pot trade deal with less than a dozen countries on the other side of the world is the answer to all our problems, then I'd be surprised. But anyone who voted Leave is desperate for a glimmer of good news to come out of this debacle, so if it keeps you warm at night to fantasise that joining the TPP would be some sort of God send, then go ahead. Personally, I'm not particularly excited about the potential opportunities that opening up the dynamic and booming markets of Peru and Chile will provide, but whatever floats your boat.
  2. Have you heard the latest, Panzy? Apparently, Liam Fox says that Britain is going to be O.K. which I'm sure you agree is a huge relief. The masterplan is ingenious in its simplicity. Athough we are leaving the world's biggest trading bloc, Fox says we can join the TPP to flog a load of shit that nobody wants. Who needs the economic benefits of Europe when you can swap some old fucking tat on the other side of the world with the Vietnamese and the Sultan of Brunei. Jesus fucking wept.
  3. I used to remember that feeling of excitement when Proper would dust off the Frank ID during one of The Corner's particularly shit periods of self-congratulatory back slapping. I'd see your name in the online user list, and know that within two days the world would be put to rights. Fast forward to October 2018, and your reappearance has utterly failed to make any sort of impact on reversing the terminal decline of The Corner. I'm sad to say, that from once being the cure, you're now one of the symptoms. That's all I've got to say about it really.
  4. I was hoping that it had fallen into the sea that day earlier this year. I'm sure that 'Eavens felt the same re his Pedigree Chum flavoured hard drive.
  5. Hold your fucking horses, son. In mine and Wikipedia's definition of East Anglia, Essex doesn't feature. We've got enough problems with Yarmouth and Ipswich.
  6. Decimus

    Pudsey Bear

    All that flapping around, and you don't actually ever mention how much the toll is...
  7. Neil, whilst you are undoubtedly an absolute fucking idiot, this is a marvellous idea. Forget about a petition, what we need is for you to mount a dirty protest. You can kill two birds with one stone, pop down to BBC HQ and hurtle your flabby naked carcass at the doors demanding change. Whilst you're there, report to the director general for questioning about your activities during the 70's.
  8. This actually sounds quite sinister, P. Nocti, make sure you poof-proof your house tonight before going to bed.
  9. Clique be damned, this is spot on. I bet the stingy slag still tries to wave his NUT card at illiterate Nando's employees, the vile Van Wilder cunt.
  10. You've only got yourself to blame. A weekend of crouching and fondling rocks coupled with a morning session of being bent over by the other Mr. Pecker was always bound to play havoc with your back at your age. My advice would be to put your feet up, chill out, and then kill yourself.
  11. You're basically playing Flidspack by proxy. I hope that you're suitably ashamed of yourself.
  12. I've got no time for the Yanks, they're a nation of fucking idiots, only in America would someone like Trump get elected to the highest office in the land. However, you need look no further than this country if you want tp find the biggest fucking trouble makers in modern history. With the imperial penchant for divide and conquer, all you need to do is look at the world's biggest trouble hotspots for five seconds to see our hand behind it. The troubles in Ireland, Israel/Palestine, Indian-Pakistani rivalry, The Cyprus problem, Apartheid in South Africa, numerous tin pot African despots. The one common thread behind all of this is British colonial mismagement through a policy of divide and conquer. We have got a lot to answer for.
  13. I've knocked you off of the top of the leaderboard. Frankly, I'm amazed that you ever got there, you are completely fucking shit and I'm hereby reporting you for suspected manipulation. Hopefully Roops will remove the rest of your "like" tally. Lol.
  14. This is the least surprising revelation I've come across in a considerably long time. Not Beckham getting off a speeding offence, but that you read The Sun. You utterly thick fucking cunt.
  15. Decimus


    The worst type. An angry prod trying to be more jock than liver disease. The Orange Order marching cunt makes me sick.
  16. I'd expect this sort of outrageous betrayal from Bawsey, but I thought we had something special.
  17. You fucking poof. I don't drink Old Rosie unless it's mixed with a hefty portion of Adnam's 6.3% Broadside ale. Lightweight faggots in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  18. I'm not sure what planet you are on Stubby, but it isn't Earth. The vast majority of people in this country are grounded and sensible, and don't have their noses buried in "A Dummies guide to Maintaining Hedgerow Habitats". The only people who fixate on the environment to a point where they give it the sort of pre-eminence in current affairs that you do, are those too rich to have to worry about little things such as the economy, or those who obtained a BTECH qualification in a third rate science at a polytechnic (you). People want alternative ways of dealing with the big issues from Her Majesty's official party of the opposition. They want a coherent economic strategy, an increase in living standards, higher wages and cheaper houses, more police on the street and more hospitals being built. What they don't want to hear is how a bunch of useless tossers with irrelevant qualifications such as yourself, will be paid with public funds to wank off newts and whisper to owls, when the money could be better spent elsewhere. You dirty, stinking hippy cunt.
  19. The only thing that this dirty French cunt stuffs up any birds arse is his cheesy little Camembert stinking maggot.
  20. Comrade Corbyn has taken time out from his busy schedule appearing as a Nazi Albert Steptoe impersonator to put forth his vision for a future Britain under his benevolent dictatorship. Despite the myriad of problems facing our country, this fucking Catweazle cunt seems to be fixating on creating jobs in the green energy sector that nobody has asked for or cares about. Apparently, Labour will create 400,000 new jobs to form his vision of a UK that resembles the armpit of Swampy, although he hasn't stated where he will find 400,000 eco warriors with the experience or credentials to do these jobs. Unless there are a few hundred thousand hippys just waiting around for the promised Politburo to come, perhaps he is thinking of shipping a load of immigrants over to try and irrevocably change the demographic of the UK and create a legion of voters loyal to the Labour party. It's not like they've pulled that shit before, is it? I assume that a large number of these eco-friendly jobs will include tree surgeons adept at nurturing and growing money trees, because even at a low estimate of £20,000, the annual wage bill for this new legion of conscientious soap dodgers would be astronomical. Oh, and apparently he will nationalise everything and we'll all be happy again, or some such shit. What an utter, utter cunt.
  21. Never has the phrase "As funny as cancer" been more apt. What a boring fucking cunt.
  22. Ridiculous isn't it. If they wanted more than a few hundred thousand Rwandan immigrants in return, they could have at least sent someone with natural ryhthm to strut their stuff. Chuka Umunna springs to mind.
  23. Decimus


    At 25p a pop, yellow polyester ties don't come cheap at The British Heart Foundation.
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