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White Cunt

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Everything posted by White Cunt

  1. Climate change or no climate change, the savages are polluting and pillaging on the scale never witnessed before. I wouldn’t give a shit if they extinguished their own parasitic existence, but the menace has effect worldwide.
  2. Here is video about chinks' growing coal consumption. And of course, every idiot politician is believing in China's dedication to "reducing" co2 and pollution. What a con. I don't know what you think, but in keeping with traditions of being incredibly thick and incompetent, the green tech of China is shit and located in the wrong locations - a typical slope botched job, chairman Mao would be proud. Why the fuck are we still in business with those cunts?
  3. Don’t forget to go the whole space suit and helmet thing with warning lights and speakers - so fashionable now in slope land. Just park yourself behind them and the money will literally be dropped to the ground. .
  4. Something tells me that the one after will be a slope, gender less thingy, fully disabled and unemployed. Not forgetting an extensive criminal record and very green leanings, of course.
  5. You mean bin liners? The cunt with be in eternal decay from now on. The dishevelled wanker had a reason to get out of bed every morning, not that it made any difference to anyone. Mind you, some desperate social climber will bed this mess, when Prudent Carrie leaves for pastures new.
  6. When I look around, I do feel like being in a B movie, with hypnotised hunched zombies on autopilot everywhere. And then you get the pouters, usually women or poofters, often narrating their schizophrenic productions, strutting, recording and sharing their navel-starring documentaries with a million like minded flakes.
  7. Looking at those wankers doing so much damage to the country with every passing year, I do feel like a good slashing and blowing up could sort things out at bit. I’m sure I’m not alone in my thinking as many people hate those revolting predators with passion. I want them dead.
  8. White Cunt

    SAS killers

    What's going on, Neil?
  9. Sorry R, but since when is ANY politician or royal interested in the welfare of the people they are fleecing so skillfully? All of them will give you the least and take the most; a careful observation of the populace' breaking point takes most of their daily brain activity. That's how is works.
  10. I have noticed their happy notion of tax cuts. I suppose those with small businesses that actually turn profit, will be able to compensate for the crapolla NHS and buy some decent private care as a form of compensation. The most hit, however, will be the lower income, yet still tax paying employees - they will get the slashed public health services which they fund - and can not even partially offset. The wankers tinkering with a lower VAT is equally stupid - I personally find it the fairest tax for all, as most essential stuff has zero or low VAT in the UK - a better situation for the lower/medium income parts of society (fairer than in EU), while luxury stuff purchased by the rich, carries the most. Sunak had his chance and the wanker blew it with the stereotypical peanut brain super greed. As an ex banker, he knows various tax loopholes and had directed his wife's money accordingly. Not only is the twat short on height but also on fucking brain capacity.
  11. At least the portaloos get carted off, bleached and we get a fresh lot again. These political skid marks are more toxic for the nation/s than total consumption of alcohol and fags.
  12. IVF is pretty much in the rear view mirror, and no pleading will change anything. With NHSx cutting forty percent from costs, it’s pretty much electronic from now on. From what I read, budgets will be much tighter throughout and a lot of people hoping to get even life saving treatments will not get them, and going private will be their only option. For those who can afford it, having a private GP to call upon for examinations will be the best thing. Things are changing.
  13. Great to watch some justice done to the cunts who dropped the country in the shit with excessive debt. May it serve future leaders a good lesson on how the heads will roll when they fuck things up. The idea of going full organic food production overnight has not helped the matters. They are facing massive shortages in farming output and the mobs are getting very peckish now.
  14. Old wanker must keep slope sponsors happy. And I very much doubt there will be any justice done in that respect. The commies have wormed their way into US business and politics big way. They are seriously fucked.
  15. Lap it all up - the yeasted, frost-bitten piss is just right for continental palate. Bon jour! https://www.foodandwine.com/news/france-wine-vineyards-frost-damage-2021
  16. Have you noticed the layers of fillers and Grecian 2000 smattering on old Tom? The cunt’s head is beginning to look like a soufflé in a wig.
  17. Withers, you utter cunt. Your EDF is being nationalised as we speak. You may think it’s a great idea, but I shit you not - that electricity is going to the highest bidder - meaning us. Not that your liberally perfumed mannequins will tell you this to your faces. Some deep assurances that it was done for France’s energy security lie will be parroted by the main stream media. Time to turn those excessive migrant lard into candles.
  18. There are more angles to this bleached wanker: Born Charlotte Offlow Fawcett in Oxford, Charlotte Johnson Wahl (mother of Boris J) was the daughter of Frances (née Lowe) and James Fawcett.[5] She was the granddaughter of Americans Elias Avery Lowe, a palaeographer of Lithuanian Jewish descent,[6]
  19. I don’t know about that steam cleaning, R. The tinted occupants would not be familiar with sanitary tech. Along your train of thought, I dare to forecast crude scraping with rusty blades - courtesy of a Ukrainian cash gang. The walls will be plastered with embossed Wickes’ “Anaglypta” in streaky, burgundy gloss. I hear golden toilets are back in vogue.
  20. That Carrie value wallpaper will mop up the curry stink and preserve it for future lodgers.
  21. He needs a source for plagiarism. Feel free to supply the material.
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