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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I already have. In fact my morning routine is get up, have a shit, report you. I do it in that order because the shit reminds me of the standard of your posts. And if it's a greasy nasty one it reminds me of you
  2. Have you been touched billy or do just touch yourself?
  3. What shit would that be Ricky? Punkapes serial killer references and accusations? Obviously you've chosen to ignore them for the last few months so why mention it now?
  4. You have to admire the military successes of the Wehrmacht, especially early in the war. Granted, their enemy was completely unprepared and complacent, but their tactics, equipment and ambition overwhelmed whole countries. If hitler hadn't been such a fucked up cunt and listened to his generals they could have knocked Russia out of the war and the Cold War who have been USA vs the nazis. That said, I do not admire the 3rd reich in anyway and find it crazy that Russian and Eastern European thugs love this shit when their grandparents were treated as subhumans by the hun
  5. I would never go as far as claiming that the brilliant mrs roops sees me as being above the law, I just haven't crossed the line of decency and gentlemanly conduct, yet. I'm sure she sees me as a simple yokel who posts titty pictures and you as a six fingered swamp dwelling inbred and pretend liberal. p.s. thanks for the like and my approval rating or whatever the fuck it is, going up
  6. You silly little boy, leave it out before I force such a monumental cunting upon you, you'll be pissing your pants with rage and ripping them off to dry your snivelling eyes and nose. Let it be know who cast the first stone. I must have wound you up so much of late you can't drop it! He he he!
  7. Harsh and humourless. Back on to the original nomination of "dopey women" etc, one reason could be they have nice pert arses and are drawing attention them. Really not necessary girls, every man jack, even the sausagers are checking it out, and your tits. however, the main reason is the seeming inability to utilise the front pockets for this reason, like what us blokes do for phones, wallets, car keys, tape measures etc. I suspect if they did this it would make them look fat?
  8. Yes, put your knickers back on a come back with something funny and original, otherwise-fuck off
  9. Stubby Pecker

    Jemma Beale

    So speak our resident Casanovas. Neil you defiantly would shag it and panzy would be back scuttling the tradesmens in no time
  10. All bikes should have brakes front and rear by law. How this cunt didn't know this and have it beaten into him by the poofs that sold it to him is any cunts guess. This twat should be made an example of to deter other bellends from similar cuntish behaviour preferably jail time, cell sharing with a 7ft rasta with a penchant for arse rape.
  11. Yes but your sammy lee nomination was probably posted while he was still playing. How old is CC?
  12. Stubby Pecker

    Skid Marks

    I sat in the pub with a Welshman and asked him how many girlfriends he's had. He started counting them and fell asleep
  13. Stubby Pecker

    Skid Marks

    Here's one just for you, speak in 10, 5 if your quickLol, cretin, oik, fuck off!!
  14. Stubby Pecker


    Cock-of-the-rock What a beauty...
  15. Stubby Pecker

    Skid Marks

    What do the Welsh do for safe sex? Put a red "X" on the rear of the sheep that kick lol lol fuck of cretin!
  16. Stubby Pecker


    Go with nature Neil, it's the only way. Console yourself with this bird
  17. Old boycs is a cunt and so is his old team mate Ian Botham. When not boring cunts to death with his cricket commentries he's never happier then when he's out shooting animals for no reason whatsofuckingever. The thicko was used by pressure group You Forgot About the Birds to convince people that their favourite past time of grouse shooting was actually good for wildlife and doesn't turn the uplands into a place devoid of most other creatures. They're backed by some of the richest people in the country and it's a last gasp attempt to continue this stupid activity before it's outlawed for being pointless, wasteful, against nature and the cause of flooding and ecological devistation.
  18. Harsh but fair. Could make a few quid on tickets if held at wembley and on pay per view
  19. 18 cuntbreeds who's aim in life seems to be purely to behave as cunts and make other people life a misery have been banned from Birmingham to stop them continuing their cuntish behaviour and killing each other. All of a dusky hue, they belong to rival gangs the Johnston crew, and get this, the burger bar boys. Their made up names include Akeen, Tesfa, Reial, Ravelle and so on so forth. These fools offer nothing whatsoever to society and should be immediately woodchipped also with all their know associates, family and illegitimate children, from many mothers. My second option is to give them blunt weapons, put them together and let them sort it out themselves-last man standing gets let off.
  20. The cunt also played a season for Northern Transvaal in the early 70s at the hight of the apartheid era, racking up several of his pressious 1st class hundreds no doubt. Still he's a funny fucker who actually knows a lot about cricket. I hope they stick him next to viv and curtley in the commentary box next test!
  21. What kind words. The CC penal system had obviously had a reforming effect upon you. I do admit my light hearted banter with Eduardo did go too far a few weeks back, but I've learned from the experience and will formally apologise to the flabby cunt in due course. As for our uppity mods, I can't speak highly enough about them. I fully expect to be asked to join them shortly to go with the free pass I have.
  22. Thank you for your informative reply as I've never visited Spain lest the canaries 25 years ago. I ceed to your encyclopaedic knowledge of the homo areas of the costa del scumbag. You're punkape and a claim my 5 pesetas
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