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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil

    Guy Martin

    Anyone called guy HAS to be a cunt
  2. Neil

    Pawn Stars

    Caught 2 minutes of this utter bollocks, never been to America and don't fucking want to,full of cunts, fat cunts and loud cunts,fuck you Columbus, couldn't you just have sailed passed the shithole
  3. Any cunt that eats fish that are still alive deserve all they get, and I mean the two bombs not the 5-2 drubbing
  4. Neil

    The Heatwave

    most people spend 48 weeks of the year moaning their tits off about a miserable,gloomy,damp shithole of a country and then still fucking whinge when we finally get some decent fucking sun.Just waiting for the 'veggies' to start on about "killing the rainforests,melting ice caps blah blah blah",rejoice the fucking sun and heat its fucking brilliant,throw another rainforest on the fire I say,tetchy cunts
  5. nice tits,shame about the bollocks
  6. That's the sound I hear when I fart in the bath
  7. Its time the cunts came home anyway,their houses must be filthy by now
  8. What a fucking waste, tell the cunt to hang on til winter and he can donate himself to the nearest old folks home,keep a few wrinklys warm for hours he will,the cunt preaches compassion for the elderly,perhaps he can take a few of his noncy mates with him
  9. Neil


    oh for fucks sake!,is it possible to unsee something you horrible cunt!
  10. Ironic that they have a semi to look forward to when most of 'em are not interested
  11. "You faakin' talking bout me you cunt?"
  12. Neil


    1 minute 24 seconds of waiting for the lights to get into place and then the self titled best rock star ever opened his fucking big gob...'click' fuck off you cunt
  13. Neil


    Managed 1 minute 25 seconds just to confirm Kanye west is a cunt
  14. Neil

    Auctioneer speak

    Heard this on radio 2 this morning,made me think of you cunts.After listening to this I think i'd rather ram broken bottles into my ears than go through it again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaVTxiPBJgM
  15. Neil


    I see Stephen Hawking has stood Michael Eavis up,something that could never happen in reverse
  16. Neil


    to my shame I have to admit to going out of my way to watch the kiddie fiddling aussie shit cunt as well,The crowd was fucking heaving too,I bet most of them now would like to rape him anally instead of singing along to 'tie me kangaroo down',the horrible beardy weirdy nonce
  17. they have to get their yeast from somewhere
  18. Neil

    Britains Fattest Man

    Can you imagine if you had to sit next to the fat cunt on a plane?(he's on the left by the way,I'm on a diet!)
  19. Neil

    Early risers

    I work for a builder like this,He's never fucking heard of a volume button.Silly o'fucking clock he's like Timmy Mallet on speed,"Goooood morning men,how are we on this glorious day" etc etc all at a pitch that would shatter windows better than a blitz re-enactment.Does my fuckin' nut in,I'd like to ram a 5 metre 4" x 2" generously scattered with rusty nails right up his stench trench,the noisy happy fucking cunt
  20. Neil

    Sol Campbell

    Thick as shit ex footballer wants to be Mayor of London,We,ve already got a shit for brains posh cunt so I dont suppose he could do much worse but what a dilusional fuckwit.If brains were dynamite the cunt wouldnt have enough to blow his hat off.fuck off cunty bollocks and learn how to speak properly.
  21. Arrested by the short arm of the law,apparently he was a porn star,had an arm like a babies cock
  22. Yep,apparently six of 'em weren't happy
  23. They had to taser the nut job that beheaded that poor woman last year 6 times so on a scale of nut jobbery I reckon 1 for being a shit chucking loony tune and 1 for being a short arse with small man syndrome is about right
  24. I'm no Sherlock but I feel Gurt is anything but a new cunt,for someone to come crashing in here so opinionated and rather full of himself seemingly very well 'up' on some long term members strengths/weaknesses I reckon hes a previous cunt in disguise.By the way,anyone heard from Jazz lately?
  25. Neil

    This shit.

    quite literally he'll be singing "see me,feel me,touch me,heal me"
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