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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. when he was shouting awooga, was he pointing at his own reflection in a shop window?
  2. Eddie

    Aylesbury Sex Ring

    what on earth is wrong with posting a picture of those found guilty?
  3. My nan didn't like 'darkies' except frank Bruno, fucking ridiculous attitude to have, I don't even like that cunt.
  4. Eddie


    Newbury , reading the area should be nuked
  5. Eddie

    BBC News

    rasta mouse is the new trevor Mc
  6. Eddie

    Flock Stars

    just brought up my breakfast
  7. Eddie

    Aylesbury Sex Ring

    where do these cunts get their values?
  8. Eddie

    Flock Stars

    yup, that jug eared cunt richard blackwood was on it having 'his shit checked' , ya get me init. Now he has fallen even lower and is on eastenders
  9. Eddie

    Aylesbury Sex Ring

    those cowardly cunts in the police and social services should be in the cells along with the muslim pedo's.
  10. Eddie

    BBC News

    it's bbc (black broadcasting company) with its bias pro jewish stance, Al Jazeera gives a more balanced view. Obviously people who have not watched al Jazeera will have something to say about that.
  11. Eddie

    Flock Stars

    rebecca loos wanking off a pig on celebrity farm set the bar.
  12. Eddie

    Semicolon Tattoos

    Wouldn't it be a shocker if frank had said tattoo.
  13. he still has a fucking stunner to shag, its a mystery...
  14. fuck that, my muffin had a hacksaw in it
  15. Eddie

    Donald trump

    can we all agree the Welsh are cunts
  16. Eddie

    Donald trump

    Love or hate him, at least he gives an opinion, the others in the race give bog standard on the fence answers aimed at not upsetting any demographic. Like all the others running his is a bigoted, selfish power hungry cunt, but at least he is honest about it.
  17. school boy error that snatch old chap.
  18. laid ?, that boy has had more cocks than a second hand air rifle.
  19. Eddie

    James McClean

    responding to the 'imbecile' quote or is that ok in your book ?
  20. Eddie

    James McClean

    do you think a ww2 solider would appreciate you not standing to the national anthem ?, or was ww2 a war no one had a clue what is was about. If it wasn't for those men you would not be able to carry out your silly boy protests. I do also buy and wear poppies , there is a lot wrong with how our servicemen are treated when released from the services, agreed. Your argument is a simplistic Beyond belief,Moronic cunt.
  21. Eddie

    James McClean

    having respect for your own country may not be popular in the student union, but I for one think our country is one of the greatest in the world and don't at all mind standing up when the national anthem is played.
  22. Eddie

    James McClean

    it's not about being subservient , it's about respect for your own country, fuck off back to the student union.
  23. bang on, house prices are lower around major airports especially if you are directly under the flight path. When these cunts are looking at their bargain house, do they not notice the aircraft overhead every 30 seconds? Or is it only become apparent after you have bought the shit hole ?
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