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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Eddie

    Robin Hood

    He did steal from the rich and give to the poor, unlike the Tories who have got it arse about face
  2. Remember a lot of politicians started off as Lawyers, realised they could be even bigger cunts in government.
  3. Eddie


    With all houses now fitted with smoke alarms , and chips pans a thing of the past, home fires are so rare they actually make the news. The modern fire brigade attend road traffic accidents and get people out of lifts , any few and far between fires that are attended result in a risk assessment , followed by the fire brigade joining the crowds to watch the building burn down. They then strike on the only day of the year we might actually need them (Nov 5) , the public have wised up to these layabouts, fucking hero's , fucking cunts more like.
  4. Eddie


    They would like you to believe they are hero's , tell that to the family who lost a husband in a 3 feet deep lake as firemen looked on and would not help because of heath and safety, or the firefighters who refused to enter a Tube tunnel to rescue survivors of the July 7 bombings despite being shown it was safe. We have a part time 'hero' at work, turns up after a good night's sleep at the firehouse, in all the years he has worked with us you could count on one hand the incidents he has been called out to. These con men are just waiting out for a big fat pension , hero's ? , lazy work shy slobs more like.
  5. These parasites are advertising constantly looking to snare a clumsy halfwit that has slipped on a wet floor or fell off a ladder. What ever happened to personal responsibility? These days if you are a complete moron and hurt yourself through lack of care or planning someone else is to blame. No wonder our insurance premiums are rising, ban these no win no fee cunts.
  6. The circles you move in at the working mens clubs do indeed have ladies nights. The pat butcher type women who turn up do indeed like an earing, also a kebab and a piss in the alley after closing time.
  7. Nigel doing well again tonight, despite the cock botherer not letting him finish a answer before asking another question.
  8. Mike tyson has a prominent tattoo, looks a proper cunt, but I ain't going to tell him.
  9. Still , preferable over being told you haven't got cancer only to find out 6 months later that you do and it's too late to do anything about it
  10. All this American shit still beats the Jamaican yardie slang the white middle class youth have adopted, ya get me blood, init
  11. Eddie

    Obese bastards

    So blacks and jews are not as proficient at being accepted by society as gays, what do you think is the cause of that?, can't be the racist mob behind this lack of tolerance, the racists hate the queens as much as you.
  12. Chinese food is not supposed to be a gourmet treat, it's shit fried crap to soak up beer and whiskey when your fed up with the usual standard curry. Takeaway anything is not Michelin star grade material, however does the job before the pass out stage in the back of a taxi.
  13. ​can we not swap a few soppy sods from slough etc, for some poor sods from the boats, one lots lived it and cant wait to risk their lives to leave, the other cunts have a romantic idea about it and want to go, fair swap.
  14. ​Keith, watching you eat is like a washing machine with the door open, sort yourself out
  15. Eddie

    Obese bastards

    Żzzzzzz , fuck off
  16. A gypsy told me I was going to do great things. I was going to make all kinds of money, turns out she was a lying cunt
  17. Eddie


    I would have thought cyril smith was the more likely dad of our good friend keith
  18. Eddie


    ​Keith is in a constant state of stress, waiting for the knock on the door.
  19. Eddie


    Weak and lazy individuals have replaced hiding behind back aches to hiding behind stress as an excuse for long term sickness. The benefits blob 'white Dee' could not work due to depression, didn't stop the fat cunt managing to appear on every tv show and be interviewed by every magazine for months. Obviously this depression on occurs when real work is mentioned. Its about time we stopped benefits for the stressed, they are all lazy cunts.
  20. All this talk of wiping your arse with your nan will set keith off
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