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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Eddie

    Fred Talbot

    Snow , Fred loves about 4 inches
  2. Q. What's black and plastic and found in the microwave oven Ans. Terry Pratchett's tv remote
  3. Eddie

    Red Nose Day

    Nothing's funnier than lenny Henry they say, well after starring into space for 1 hour I would have to agree
  4. Eddie

    pie and mash

    because he was a cunt
  5. Eddie

    Red Nose Day

    At least Sir Terry Wogan puts in an invoice in for his time on Red Nose Day , the other cunts do it for free , then again who in their right mind would pay Lenny Henry a penny apart from a flea ridden motel chain?
  6. I believe the last time the English went to Wales voluntary was in the blitz , poor evacuees were treated like shit by the Welsh poofters, I would rather kiss an African with a foaming mouth than visit the land of sheep worriers
  7. Eddie

    pie and mash

    Yes , mostly ethic in the east , Doggy geezers , base ball hats and bermondsey whites ( white reebok) , walking with a swagger and a pit bull in the south, well off in the west and hairy leg sandel wearing braided hair lezos wandering around Camden banging a tambourine in the north
  8. The 3 slag isis whores should be done for treason on their sorry return , off with their head , jihad john ?
  9. Eddie

    the bbc

    The new classic car show is OK with jodi kidd , the other oily cunt Co presenter quentin Wilson deserves the isis treatment
  10. Eddie

    the bbc

    Better off being a pedo than slightly right wing at the BBC , and for what it's worth I get a bit grumpy when hungry
  11. Eddie

    the bbc

    Throw the book at clarkson again, this from an institution that protected sir jimmy and all his friends for years and years despite the odd hushed whisper , no suspension for jimmy and his pals, how's about that then
  12. Eddie

    pie and mash

    Yes all Millwall fans love pie and mash and a good cockney knees up (into someone's groin) , but obviously all football suporters are cunts as they all know more about football than any current manager no matter how qualified and instantly know what they should have done.
  13. The mothers will probably end up in the house of Lords
  14. Eddie

    pie and mash

    Song by Millwall supporters to the tune of Robin hood Bobby Moore Bobby moore running from the den Bobby more Bobby Moore he had sex with men Queer as they come Took it up the bum Bobby Moore Bobby Moore is no more
  15. Question: What do you call a dog with a spade? Answer: Dawn french
  16. Who did the traders from the west purchase the slaves from ? Might be worth suing the seller's decendents , oh wait
  17. Parents want a apology from security services for allowing thier daughters to leave uk to join ISIS. These parents will be looking for compensation next. Maybe it is their lack of guidance and basic parenting that deserves an apology, cunts
  18. Eddie

    pie and mash

    Cunts that live in Kent / Essex whom get all nostalgic about growing up in the big smoke living off pie, mash and liquoir. If this the pie and mash crap does not get the desired effect on how london the cunt is the real pro will move it up a gear by smacking their working class lips and mention stewed / jellied eels . Then a heated debate on what shit hole sold the best pies . If it was so good why does every cunt then say ain't had that for years ?
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