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Posts posted by Ape™️

  1. 8 minutes ago, and said:

    My good friend Kate posted an interesting video the other day.

    To save you time, I'll give you the gist.

    If you leave your humble abode empty, for what your local council deems to be too long a time, you may be served with a 'compulsory purchase order', as happened to the couple she mentions in the video.

    That is, the council will take the property off your hands (presumably for a pittance) and use it for whatever purpose they see fit, possibly housing people who have nowhere else to live.

    I'm most concerned that, as @Decimus has now left these shores, I seem to recall him mentioning that he has kept his house in Norfolk, in case he needs to return.

    Imagine the wonderful surprise he would have if he did return, him being on the east coast, and finding he is inadvertently giving shelter to some poor, neglected and unwanted refugee/illegal immigrant.

    He would be over the fuckin' moon, I'm sure 🤣


    You really are a total prick.

    • Like 4
  2. 10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    The Donald has his own helicopter Ape with perfectly painted blades, so I understand your bitterness and jealousy. 
    And I’m not trying to get you even more wound up but the word on the street is that he’s never been to Tesco’s or eaten value beans either. Sorry.

    Has he? Has he really? Wow! That’s amazing! Imagine that - someone owning a helicopter!

  3. 12 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Talking of little minds , how's Joe Biden?The geriatric old fuck , that old coffin dodger  has fucked up anything he's actually attempted to do .Could you imagine the fury if Trump had pulled out of Afghanistan in such a chaotic way. Trump was more careful pulling out of stormy Daniels than Biden was that shithole , allegedly. 

    What’s Biden got to do with Trump being a corrupt, bullshitting, narcissistic cunt? Answer? Absolutely nothing. 

  4. 36 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Grow up Ape. I’m starting to think you’re not actually as smart as Drew often gives you credit for, and I don’t want to entertain the possibility that maybe you’ve pulled a fast one on me all this time.

    🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷


    21 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    How frightened are they of Trump to be prepared to destroy the centuries old institutions of the country to stop him? I’m sure you’ll get the answer (not really) if you keep on watching BBC or Sky News you mask loving fucking moron. Lolololol.

    So there’s no possibility, in your little mind, that he’s guilty as charged?

  5. 9 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

    I bought a TV at Christmas after 13 years of managing without one. I am fucking too deaf to listen to the sound without turning the sound up so loud that it wakes every cunt in Paignton up, so I turn the sound off and use subtitles .. there is an option to turn subtitles on and off but on some programmes there is this fucking silly annoying sign language cunt that appears on the bottom right hand corner of the screen and no option to get rid of the cunt. What the fuck is with this sign language .. if you are clever enough to understand it you must be clever enough to read the subtitles without all this fucking wavy arms stuff .. Fucking woke cunts.

    Kill yourself. Please, just do it. Find an old deltic-powered loco and throw yourself under the fucking thing.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

    Christ! Did you read that right to the end?

    I lost interest at "we".

    I see you’re not feeling the love for elc either. He is a rather tedious, verbose idiot, isn’t he?

    • Like 3
  7. 18 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    I didn't mind the bloke on the radio .He was quite funny at times especially his Ask Elvis  that was around in the early 2000's I think .He earned a good whack of taxpayers money in his time for talking in to a microphone but at least he made a few people smile and laugh which is a lot more that can be said for the cunts on Radio 2 now .The women presenters are shite , especially the northern bint.She's as entertaining as constipation after a hospital stay .

    So what you’re saying is you think Steve Wright isn’t/wasn’t a cunt? 

  8. 1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

    On a serious note Donkies scare the shot out of me , apart from their ears which are really  soft and furry .They can be evil little fuckers , I was chased by a demented Donkey in Cyprus .It was like the Spielberg film Duel.The fucker wanted me dead .

    Hardly surprising. Seriously though - what the fuck is this nonsense? Are you high?

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    ELC, can you please get over this indignant, over-sensitive shit? 
     This is ‘Cunts Corner’. When someone has a pop at you, calls you a wanker.. whatever, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just how we amuse ourselves in a world where that kind of amusement has been deemed unacceptable. 
     Now call me a nonce, suggest something disgusting about my family and chill the fuck out. You donkey raping shit-eater.


    • Like 3
  10. 7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    I’m only trying to educate about the trick that’s been played on you and millions of other saps Ape. I’m sorry if I’ve panicked you, so please believe me when I say I like you and genuinely hope that you’re one of the lucky 70%. The odds are stacked in your favour, (even taking into account the massive unexplained rise in myocarditis too since the wonderjab).

    There must be other forums more suited to your world view. Why not fuck off to one of them?

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    I can’t deny that’s one of the things which fortunately we don’t have in common, and thanks for pointing it out. So to return the favour here’s another, which I’m very confident (as a non vaxxed ‘pureblood) differentiates between you and I.large.IMG_3201.jpeg.3cd08e9a7b3a51e91b8a5b87e5032053.jpegYou probably aren’t aware of them yet (mainly because you’re still alive and blissfully unaware of what may be happening inside your body), but numerous undertakers are reporting and have been reporting for at least two years now, that embalmers all over the world have been flushing them out of the vascular system of up to 30% of the bodies they’ve worked on since early 2021. Up from zero% though before then, exactly the timeline of the ‘safe and effective’ experimental gene therapies, sorry vaccines roll out 🤔. The scientific/medical community, sorry financially compromised, corrupt, genocidal criminals (the very same ones who in an act of mass cowardice knowingly kept quiet and put their job security before the safety of their patients) are now totally ignoring these ever growing number of what are a previously unknown type of clots being found. Well they would wouldn’t they, rather similar to the huge increase in ‘excess deaths’ worldwide since the roll out of the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental medical interventions. 
    And only last week we have our very own ‘oompaloompa’ unelected billionaire PM in the House of Commons, answering a question from Andrew Bridgen MP (one of the tiny minority of decent and honest human beings who possess a backbone in that sewer). “I can assure the house that the Covid vaccines are ‘totally safe’.” Well he couldn’t say ‘effective’ anymore because that would be too much now even for the hundreds of stooges on both sides of the chamber to swallow. 💉


    A few comments about Trump and you churn out this monolithic slab of bollocks about Covid vaccines. You’re obsessed. What’s this nonsense got to do with your pinup boy anyway? 

  12. 13 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    I’m not saying what you posted isn’t true at all. I’m simply pointing out to you that the story is a ‘nothing burger’ as anyone with a brain would surely have known before signing off with Aaaaaahahahahahaha!

    Just saying.

    🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷

    You call it a “nothing burger” (crass American speak) but my tiny little brain calls it yet more evidence of what a corrupt, morally derelict moron Trump is. How someone like him was ever elected president is fucking astounding. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Washington DC court Ape. It would actually have been News if they’d ruled the other way, but then I wouldn’t expect  you to understand that as you’ve probably been out grazing in the hills all afternoon  and then watched the BBC (fake) News through your shepherds kitchen window while you were being sheared. ‘BAAA BAAA BAAA!’

    Why do you always feel the need to come out with this horse shit whenever I make a comment about your orange-skinned idol? Are you saying that what I posted isn’t true?

  14. 14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    As usual you’ve fucking nailed it Ape. In the unlikely event that Donald J Trump reads this profound utterance of yours, he will no doubt think to himself ‘If only I hadn’t wasted my life becoming a billionaire, playboy and 45th president of the USA (most powerful human being on the planet) and instead knuckled down, worked harder in the shed painting more toy helicopter propellors, and ate loads more Tesco Value Beanz, I could have made something of myself’.



    He’s definitely a candidate for stupidest cunt on the planet. You’ve really got the hots for the orange baboon! Do you “whack off” over photos and videos of him, climaxing as his absurd strip of hair blows up to reveal his balding head?

    lol Lol LOL

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