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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Great response. Really well though out and considered.
  2. Just because there was a referendum (thanks for pointing that out you prick) doesn't mean I have to agree with, or like the result. It also does not mean for one minute it was the right result.
  3. So because you see it as OK then so should everyone else? I wrongly see it as a disaster? How do you know for sure it isn't a disaster? You, and everyone else who voted to leave have no fucking idea what the future holds. Fucking imbecile.
  4. Being called a fucking pathetic joke by a total idiot like you has more than a hint of irony.
  5. I was using the Mirror as a stereotypical wankers paper. With regards your reasons for voting out Eddie, It comes as no real surprise.
  6. No, I don't like the fucking result, and in time neither will you.
  7. I don't doubt there were a good number of people who voted Brexit for sound, considered economic and social reasons. However, if you think that all 17 million fall into this category then you are deluded. The balance was tipped in favour of leaving by Mirror reading thickies, all fired up about jobs, emigration etc just like Harry Enfields Frank character.
  8. I can read what's written without the need for bold capitals, you fucking prat.
  9. Ape™️

    Obama in Greece

    By cheese, I assume you mean shit?
  10. Careful Punky or you'll get Stickered. Although I fucking despise you, I'd prefer it if you weren't banned, as unbelievably, there are far more irritating turds on here than you these days.
  11. I'm glad you had the courage not to deny being a Mail reader. Good for you. Hopefully they'll soon start kicking out all the darkies and the other cunts taking our jobs eh?
  12. You seem to have failed to read my post correctly, you dopey cunt. The (very obvious I think) infernal was that you believed this money would go to the NHS. I never thought it would for one second, just as I think Brexit will make no difference to your other Daily Mail reasons for leaving.
  13. Yeah, and to get another £350M a week back into the NHS too I suspect. Naive, thick, stereotypical wanker.
  14. It appears that Roadkill and Eric have entered into some kind of spack pact. Extraordinary.
  15. She's a fucking disgrace Withers, as are you.
  16. Why would the manufacturers waste time making a gun spacker friendly?
  17. Your parents must be so proud.
  18. Is Decs in the cooler at the moment?
  19. I wish you and IKTC would join forces and fuck off. Pair of fucking spackers.
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