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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. Mosque we keep going on about this?
  2. You should wear one Ape, it would protect your head from rotor blades.......lol.....fuck off.
  3. Yes, I sport a Fedora, with some style I may add. My father used to wear one, and showed me how to wear it, maintain it, and doff it to ladies, without pinching it too harshly. Nowadays too many working class oiks buy a cheap one, plonk it on their brainless heads, and think they look good. I always buy mine from a supplier in Cape Town. Can you imagine Bubba in a Panama, he would look like a tortoise in an oversized shell........lol
  4. Yeh, probably like the smell of her minge under your finger nails, you filthy cunt.
  5. Absolute madness, I agree. That said, it is easy to get to the coast for me, what with better roads, far less traffic, and non essential lorries not being allowed on French roads on Sundays. I prefer to sit by my pool though, in the shade, sipping chilled Chardonnay, and chatting to family on Skype. The only thing buzzing over my head is a bumblebee, which is nice. Just another day for me.... Vivre
  6. Witheredscrote

    The French

    I like you even more Spotters
  7. Witheredscrote

    The French

    I've always liked you Spotters
  8. Just not the same without QC, nobody else on here lets you shit in their mouth
  9. You even made a poor copy of that, Camber fucking Sands. 1958 film, my dad was an extra in that, he was a Peruvian goat taunter
  10. I wouldn't go that far, the bloke was an absolute cunt
  11. Did you ever get a satisfactory answer?
  12. Stubby has requested another golden oldie. Note the excellent content, and Ape actually manages to post something interesting. Again it is from the pre Bubba period.
  13. Typical of the fucking Anglais, no originality. They have copied so much from us.
  14. I stopped looking after Henry Cooper said 'Spash it all over, the great smell of Brut, yeh, yeh, yeh'
  15. Les fucking wimp Anglais, it's 37C at home today. I have just had to put on a pullover, and turn up the stat. Sussex is a cunt. Vivre
  16. For fucks sake, unless you are a yank, it is ARSE, you thick ARSEhole.
  17. Please don't quote me in future, we have nothing in common.
  18. So has squirrel shit
  19. Believe me, there were many more great noms before that fateful day of 6th February, 2016. How Admin must rue the day when they granted that Welsh sheep tick membership. ( ticks live in grass and latch on to things you know )
  20. Another classic from Dec's pre ' lets get Ding ' period. 15 posts of sheer delight, ending with a comment from Neil that was tempting fate.
  21. Witheredscrote


    I will ask Bubba to give you one.
  22. Look and learn. This is one of the old classics, when noms were great. Look who contributed to it. R. I. P. Decimus, Bill, Swarm, MikeD, I miss you three. You have left a void.
  23. You are the victim here Punkers. Chin up you Cheshire rascal you. The 96 hours will simply fly by. lol

  24. If 'eavens filmed that in his street you have to pity him. What a shithole.
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